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Unusual Pictures (Pt. 2)

Mugler Hooker

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Pussy Wagon

So I found this, I've never seen it before.. If it's real, she looks gorgeous!


Taylor Kinney took this picture :D it's from when she was in Sydney not long ago. And I'm not sure if this is a real coloured picture because I also thought that the original was black and white. Lol if he took more; LADY GAGA X TAYLOR KINNEY

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My Little Phoney

is this real? i found on little monster XP


that's real, it's backstage at Mugler :)

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Gaga with fans backstage:


Full and detagged by me :)

Britney Spears with fans backstage:


Enough said :coffee: :nails:

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la fama


Lol, Tobey is freaking hilarious xD

Note to those who don't know: "@MandaSwaggie" is a parody account made by the monster @tobeymonster

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I feel like we need a "usual pictures" thread -- something for pictures that aren't unusual, but don't really need their own threads. Like, say, if I wanted to post this (which I do):


You could see that any night at the BTWB obviously, so it's not unusual. I'd settle for like a "Tour Pics" thread, but we don't even have that, do we?

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