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GaGa With Dina And Pepper (2008)

Joshua James

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These pictures do so much for me :emo: she really believed she was famous.

The ****ing Shanaynay lookalike in the right photo-bombing though... :smh:

Edit: quadruple post :smh: this ****ing server.

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These pictures do so much for me :emo: she really believed she was famous.

I think that's what got her where she is

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Free Monster


yay! I'm not the only person who always looks like they have the biggest face in all of the pictures!!! omg!!! :party:

What happened to them btw? I loved how they always went wherever she went

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yay! I'm not the only person who always looks like they have the biggest face in all of the pictures!!! omg!!! :party:

What happened to them btw? I loved how they always went wherever she went

I don't know, but remember Dina (or pepper but I think it was dina) was in the MTN video?

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Both of them do

Was there more emphasis on Dina? I feel like Pepper was barely there at all :toofunny:

3 points in and ready for more
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Thanks to LadyGaGa.RU


I found Ke$ha! :awesome:

:troll: Jk, I love Ke$ha :P

*I base this information on absolutely nothing*
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