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I don't get the Honeymoon hate on here


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1 hour ago, Joe N said:

Her most uninspired album, starting with the title track that just drags on for 6 minutes without going anywhere. One half of the album is composed of tuneless songs that barely have anything that could be considered production or melody, the other half just sounds like one song in 5 different variations.

The lyrics mostly talk about stuff she's sang about on her previous albums. Nothing new really. It's just such a wallflower next to her three other albums. Overall, I think this album was simply a contract filler and her lack of passion for it (shown by the fact that she only shot 1 1/2 proper videos for it, the rest was stuff she initially filmed for Ultraviolence) proves it. She only sang two or three songs from it live. She's never done anything aside from those anywhere. 


Honeymoon is a hard album to recreate live, and she knows that its not a crowd pleaser, so why sing it live? Its not like she was touring the record either. If i remember correctly, she said in some interview that Honeymoon was more made for her, like its her taste and what she would want to listen to, she really made it with little regard to what fans would want sonically, which I think is fine.... 

"Tuneless songs that barely have production/melody" is a reach tho sis :gum: Maybe the songs aren't "catchy" but the melodies are distinct and the production, while simple, has a lot of little nuances in it actually :shrug: Lyrically, there are actually a lot of different topics she hadn't discussed in UV/BtD. Music to Watch Boys to, GKIT, Terrence Loves You,  High by the beach, Art Deco, The Blackest Day and Swan Song to me are all pretty different. Are some of them about love? Yes, but without all of the tropes and phrases she was obsessed with in Pre-BTD all the way to Ultraviolence, and often from more unique perspectives than "My daddy loves me, cause I'm bad, im ****ing crazy and he loves drugs." I'm not gonna break every song down from you, but :emma:

I do think she moved on from the era pretty quick though, because again it seemed like this was just a passion project for her to put out regardless of the reception; which is unfortunate because the aesthetic of the record was my favorite of any era :giveup: 

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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I adore Honeymoon! But I think Lust for Life will honestly be so much better! Because it seems its going to have similar vibes to Honeymoon but happier and more lively if that makes sense. 

But Honeymoon is an amazing album and I don't get how it could be her worse :reductive: especially considering Ultraviolence's existence... 

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Can y'all fcking stop with this hate threads? It's not hate, just a different opinion, omfg :saladga:

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Ultraviolence was 100% my favorite album for years. I hated Honeymoon when it came out, but then it immediately grew to be one of my favorite albums of all time. I can't listen to Ultraviolence anymore. For some reason it lost its magic. I don't know if I overplayed it, or if I was simply in a different phase of my life. Honeymoon sits more easily with me, with the title track being one of my favorite songs of all time. 

"Who are we, if not slaves to this torment?"
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Eh, it's alright. Some of the songs are great (High, Freak, Art Deco, Salvatore, 24) but a lot of it just drags.

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I was never interested in Lana's work because I found it boring and just stopped listening to Born To Die (Album) back in 2012-13 when everyone and their mom on GagaDaily were talking about her. That was until I listened to High By The Beach around the time the album was released and I actually liked it. The instrumental and just the vibe really made me like it. I gave the album a listen and also loved Salvatore and Art Deco.

There's always going to be a "I love/hate this album" thing with every artist. It's been like that since forever and it's okay, people are allowed to have their opinion and we should respect that they feel about certain songs or albums. I've seen it with Gaga and it will always be like that.

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Paradise was the last thing she put out that I enjoyed. I listed to the albums that came after and literally it all sounds like one giant sad song. 

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