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Tyler the Creator: "I don't like black dudes I only like white guys"


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pink sushi

I don't understand why people have such an issue with someone who says they aren't attracted to people of a certain race?! People can't help who they are attracted to!!! :wtf: It doesn't make a person racist to say they wouldn't date someone of a certain race because of a lack of attraction. I don't see this as any different than a gay man stating that he wouldn't date a woman. This doesn't make him sexist. He still values and respects women and sees them as equals and probably has female friends, but would just not want to date one because of lack of sexual attraction.

As long as you still respect a race and view them as your equal, you are not racist. 

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8 minutes ago, GAGA1972 said:

Ok, fine. But most people aren't going to go to therapy to help them being attracted to black people. Are you saying they should be expected to? spend years of therapy and thousands of dollars of money, when they might end up with a white guy anyway? Rewiring the brain is a long, tricky process. 

This isn't "to be attracted to black people". 


This is to attend to incorrect morality. 


I expect nothing of humans but to unlock potential and see brighter pictures, rather than get in bed with *insert strictly-allowed-race* and never tend to these faults. 


I can't make anyone do anything. But, I will say what IS right and what IS wrong.


And who says those who have this way of thinking would need to go to therapy? Therapy isn't always a promising treatment. We can open our own eyes if we really wanted to.


Walk outside the door (metaphorically) and you can have your eyes opened to a lot of things. 


But, as you stated; we only want to nut.


I guess that's all there is to it. 


“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.” ― Jean Dubuffet
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2 minutes ago, pink sushi said:

I don't understand why people have such an issue with someone who says they aren't attracted to people of a certain race?! People can't help who they are attracted to!!! :wtf: It doesn't make a person racist to say they wouldn't date someone of a certain race because of a lack of attraction. I don't see this as any different than a gay man stating that he wouldn't date a woman. This doesn't make him sexist. He still values and respects women and sees them as equals and probably has female friends, but would just not want to date one because of lack of sexual attraction.

As long as you still respect a race and view them as your equal, you are not racist. 

What do you think of this graph sis. ethnic-preferences2_custom-2bcc84fb38b5a

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2 minutes ago, Kermit said:

This isn't "to be attracted to black people". 


This is to attend to incorrect morality. 


I expect nothing of humans but to unlock potential and see brighter pictures, rather than get in bed with *insert strictly-allowed-race* and never tend to these faults. 


I can't make anyone do anything. But, I will say what IS right and what IS wrong.


And who says those who have this way of thinking would need to go to therapy? Therapy isn't always a promising treatment. We can open our own eyes if we really wanted to.


Walk outside the door (metaphorically) and you can have your eyes opened to a lot of things. 


But, as you stated; we only want to nut.


I guess that's all there is to it. 


I won't continue this conversation further, as I feel you are ignoring what I'm saying and just typing in your fantasy for world peace while ignoring facts. 

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2 minutes ago, GAGA1972 said:

I won't continue this conversation further, as I feel you are ignoring what I'm saying and just typing in your fantasy for world peace while ignoring facts. 


“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.” ― Jean Dubuffet
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Ugh. Probably the type to go on Grindr and put "no watermelon, no curry, no chicken chow mein".

Call it preference all you want, it's still racist.

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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Be Free
Just now, MJHolland said:

im not attracted to women but that doesn't make me sexist 

It's not the same.


At all.

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Just now, JoAnn Fabrics said:

It's not the same.


At all.

you don't chose what you're attracted to 

he can't chose to be attracted to a skin tone 

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Skin tone has nothing to do with attractiveness in my opinion. For me it's all about facial features, and those are way too broad and diverse to categorize by race. 

It's a shame we have to have this discussion every week :( I don't think people who are 'only attracted' to certain races are racist per se, but I feel like it's possible they haven't opened their mind to other options. 

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38 minutes ago, GAGA1972 said:

When did I say that? I am in an interracial relationship with a black man. I value love over my ****. But some people don't want that and they want sex and there's nothing wrong with that. And if you can honestly change your sexual atttaction, I would go to the news, because congratulations, your penis defies logic and the laws of sexuality. You could become famous. 

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree (even though this is fact, not opinion, but whatever) because clearly we cannot comprehend what the other is saying. As I said, if you truly believe that you can rewire what arouses you, you need to publish a scientific article because it defies biology. It's the same reason conversion camps don't work. 

You are right :hug:

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Be Free
4 minutes ago, Creativek said:

Skin tone has nothing to do with attractiveness in my opinion. For me it's all about facial features, and those are way too broad and diverse to categorize by race. 

It's a shame we have to have this discussion every week :( I don't think people who are 'only attracted' to certain races are racist per se, but I feel like it's possible they haven't opened their mind to other options. 

This is exactly how I feel. It's okay to be more or less attracted to certain features on people (as long as it doesn't turn into fetishization), but it's never okay to write of an entire group of people.

And people need to look at why they may feel this way about different races. I believe attraction is based on environmental  and cultural aspects. In western culture, having Caucasian-like features is the default  standard of beauty because our media typically showcases it. 

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11 minutes ago, Dominic Marc said:

I see it as more of an exposure issue. Celebrities are predominately white and the media is full of attractive white men/women. It would only seem innevitable that subconiously you 'prefer' that which you are more exposed to. 

I don't think it is fair to vilify people though because of said 'preferences' which happens a lot. It's an unconcious act, a lack of awareness and exposure. Throwing the word 'racist' at someone who genuinely believes  it is entirely personal preference dimishes the argument and prevents discourse. There should be more of an open dialogue on all sides. 

This isnt to say people don't have preferences. Of course they do but they can also be cultural too. It's fine to 'prefer' a race but it's impossible to categorically deny an entire race. 

But hey, im just a white gay boy mod on GGD so what do i know :shrug:

This is actually pretty spot on sis. It's a part of the grand scheme of socialization that's been tainted by media which endorses a world view of cis-heteronormativity, white superiority, and patriarchy :shrug: I know that sounds like flamebaity feminist SJW bs, but its really just a way of saying that what we see on media portrays certain groups of people as being more attractive, powerful, successful, and important - sometimes its not even "more" attractive, its the only option. If we are socialized to try to fit into a certain standard, and this is what we see; we are going to subconsciously gravitate towards this ideal if there are not forces meant to counterbalance it after years and years of constant exposure to it from basically the minute we are born :saladga: This is why representation is so damn important :giveup: 

But, I disagree with your second point... kind of. I don't think pointing out that something is racist is villifying the person inherently. ALL people pretty much contribute to racism as a system, so we all do racist acts. It doesnt make any individual "a racist", which I think is what is misunderstood. To me, a racist is someone that blatantly commits racist acts and says racist things, with a refusal to acknowledge their racism in light of substantial evidence to the contrary.


So yeah, a lot of this website :usrs: 

We can and should critique the act - so to me conscious/subconscious acts or beliefs are not somehow less effective or damaging. If we know the intent is not to be exclusionary or whatever than we can be gentle in critique, but it doesn't make it not racist basically :shrug:

We need to stop conflating "You did something racist!" with "You hate ___ group of people, you're a monster" :gum: We should encourage retrospection, give people perspective and facts and information for them to base their beliefs on (instead of subconscious biases, assumptions, and ignorance about things)... basically, educate people.

That's what I see going on here. I don't see people calling Tyler an evil bigot, a disgrace to his "kind" or anything like that. I see people not knowing how attraction works, not understanding racial or power dynamics, how socialization works, not knowing what things are nature, what are nurture - or both. I see projection of internal biases onto other people, excuses for racism, etc.

And I see some people trying to educate them, albeit unsuccessfully.


I know I sound very matter-of-fact rn, but like its not like I'm pulling this out of my ass :rip: Studies on attraction aren't new, studies on media influence and socialization aren't new, studies on internalized racism-homophobia-misogyny aren't new, systems of oppression aren't new. This is all publicly available, well sourced stuff you can easily look up. Some of it also just logically deducible :gum: 


私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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