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Gaga's Dive Bar Show Postponed


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1 minute ago, Domino said:

Not being dramatic stating an observation

She's literally about to go on a world tour next month with a possibility of performing/releasing new music. If Gaga didn't care she would just cancel the tour and retire. And tbh I'd be very close to doing that if I were her considering the assumptions made about the postponing of the Dive Bar stop. No one here knows why the stop was rescheduled for a new date. So I think we just need to move on. She just got done filming a movie, probably had loads of work with the music as well as recording TC and Find Yourself. She also had Coachella to deal with during that time. Only now was Gaga able to start rehearsals for the tour. 

There's a strong possibility that she and her team just realized that too much strain on scheduling is bad for production. To say that Gaga doesn't want to do music anymore is a slap to her face considering she has given so much this year. 

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I won't be surprised if the entire Dive Bar show gets cancelled in the end.

I absolutely love Gaga but the girl needs to sort out her priorities. We're talking about someone who

-Left an entire album to dust to shoot a movie.

-Has the time to be a Starbucks barista + involvement in BTWF + hiking in hells but has no time to shoot a music video/promotion for TC that will guarantee its success.

-Has the time to perform in an Armenian wedding but has completely no time to juggle between JWT rehearsal and Dive Bar show.

And her team is not managing. A bunch of Yes men who thought "oh, you're not done with JWT rehearsal but want to do a Dive Bar show a few weeks before that? That's a great idea!"


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Robo Ga

Never expected to walk into this thread and see these meltdowns :giveup:

I'm disappointed and would like if Gaga could at least tweet the fans personally to tell us why,

but it is just a dive bar performance so it's not a huuuge deal (compared to other cancellations we've had to deal with over the years)

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2 minutes ago, gagagoogoose said:

I won't be surprised if the entire Dive Bar show gets cancelled in the end.

I absolutely love Gaga but the girl needs to sort out her priorities. We're talking about someone who

-Left an entire album to dust to shoot a movie.

-Has the time to be a Starbucks barista + involvement in BTWF + hiking in hells but has no time to shoot a music video/promotion for TC that will guarantee its success.

-Has the time to perform in an Armenian wedding but has completely no time to juggle between JWT rehearsal and Dive Bar show.

And her team is not managing. A bunch of Yes men who thought "oh, you're not done with JWT rehearsal but want to do a Dive Bar show a few weeks before that? That's a great idea!"



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        I think something happened behind the curtain .......maybe she wants to put out a new song but it's not ready yet.......or she's still in pain with her hips so she needs to postpone the dive bar tour...etc
or maybe there's something wrong about the tour and she is trying to fix it, I don't know
but she could arrange a performance singing at a wedding.....there's no way she can't show up in a bar

I can't at people saying she's lazy and irresponsible, it's not like she has nothing in hand
she has like 489456497 projects working on at a time.you all demand so much from her but there's only this much she can deliver. give her a rest shall we?:toofunny::toofunny::toofunny:

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It's not like that many fans were bothered about an acoustic set at a dive bar!  No glitz and glamour.

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1 hour ago, gagagoogoose said:

I won't be surprised if the entire Dive Bar show gets cancelled in the end.


I don't think they should cancel the dates for her, they should just replace her by someone else if she can't find time for it

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1 hour ago, ZacharyMark said:

She's literally about to go on a world tour next month with a possibility of performing/releasing new music. If Gaga didn't care she would just cancel the tour and retire. And tbh I'd be very close to doing that if I were her considering the assumptions made about the postponing of the Dive Bar stop. No one here knows why the stop was rescheduled for a new date. So I think we just need to move on. She just got done filming a movie, probably had loads of work with the music as well as recording TC and Find Yourself. She also had Coachella to deal with during that time. Only now was Gaga able to start rehearsals for the tour. 

There's a strong possibility that she and her team just realized that too much strain on scheduling is bad for production. To say that Gaga doesn't want to do music anymore is a slap to her face considering she has given so much this year. 

Came here to type this. Could not have said it better myself. :tony:

Additionally, Gaga hates disappointing her fans! There must have been a good reason to cancel or postpone this show. To be honest, I would rather have her cancel then to slap some messy thing together to be streamed all over Facebook. Then everyone would be complaining the next day about how she should have rehearsed better and how unprepared she was. For all we know, she is sick or something and it has nothing to do with rehearsals. 

I am disappointed like everyone else, I even thought that i may have my first meltdown, but there are bigger problems in the world than a Dive Bar Show. There are bigger concerts coming up too! Lets be excited for the tour. 

I do wish that we were getting some new music though. :giveup:



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I'm kinda sad reading to this "news". She's having a tour in Aug 1. So that basically means she has 8 hours for rehearsals a day

and she'd rehearsals from Monday to Saturday which means 6 days

means 8 x 6 = 48 hours x 3 weeks till the tour coming means = 144 hours. She can't spare 2 hours for a Bar show? Which mostly acoustic?

If this means she can have more time in a studio or something. I'll be here for it. 

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2 hours ago, gagagoogoose said:

I won't be surprised if the entire Dive Bar show gets cancelled in the end.

I absolutely love Gaga but the girl needs to sort out her priorities. We're talking about someone who

-Left an entire album to dust to shoot a movie.

-Has the time to be a Starbucks barista + involvement in BTWF + hiking in hells but has no time to shoot a music video/promotion for TC that will guarantee its success.

-Has the time to perform in an Armenian wedding but has completely no time to juggle between JWT rehearsal and Dive Bar show.

And her team is not managing. A bunch of Yes men who thought "oh, you're not done with JWT rehearsal but want to do a Dive Bar show a few weeks before that? That's a great idea!"


Her team is a mess, wish she had the team she started out with.

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I'm a newbie (to GGD) and have only been lurking and will prob get flamed for this. First and last post all in one haha.

Im not one of those fans who loves everything an artist does all the time.

That said I cant believe the Gaga bashing going on in this thread.

Who needs haters with fans like some on here.

If nothing else, Did anybody stop to think about what doing the tour is going to be like without Sonja this time ?! 

The thought of that would have me procrastinating and finding other stuff to do as well.

Based on her instagram she's only just started to deal with all of that and the first tour can't be easy.

Maybe im just a heart on my sleeve kind of girl....but can we cut her some slack if for no other reason.

Vent over.




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