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Madonna is so legendary


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xoxo Craig
5 minutes ago, SlayGagaloo said:

Like this is so embarrassing, why would you post something like this? :air:

Madonna's career lasted around three decades with actual hits from her own albums 

Gaga ""might"" be relevant because of the Halftime Show and her multiple Award Shows appearances, but her music is doing bad commercially 


People dont even know who Madonna is so yeah, Madonna is totaly relevant today:awkney:

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xoxo Craig
1 minute ago, MaryJaneHolland said:


Times have changed. Its more difficult to score a number 1 hit than it was when Madonna was still popular. You cant compare the times like you did.:awkney:

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Edge Of Venus
46 minutes ago, theahsfan said:

Tours are certainly good for remembering the old times:sure:

However they hardly prove if an artist is still relevant 

Not trying to shade Gaga, but isn't the tour the only receipt left for Gaga's current success? She hasn't had a smash hit for ages, her album sales is decent in the US, radio still reluctant to play her, and her streaming is pretty bad compared to her peers. The biggest commercial success she's had in recent years is how well JWT sold and fans have been using this to prove to haters that Gaga is still a force. You can't just shrug off the importance of touring as if it's not a factor. Not all old acts can still sell out arenas.... e.g. Mariah, Janet etc.


and also Gaga's career definitely lasted more than 3 years, and Madonna's career certainly isn't over or irrelevant. Some of you are clearly hater trolls and some are delusional monsters. Will Gaga ever match Madonna's legacy and longevity of success? very unlikely, but she has carved out her own lane and I think she's here to stay for a while. She's gaining a very solid HAC base so I think she's set for at least another 5 years if she targets a more mature audience.


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wow at those who are dragging Gaga for Madonna

I get that she's a legend but you don't have to bring Gaga into this.

Kindly go back to MadonnaDaily, if there is one:fthis:

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Madonna is a legend and that's undeniable, she's had a HUGE impact on pop culture.

However, I don't get why some of you need to put Gaga down in order to praise Madonna. Like, they're both amazing women with a lot of similarities but so different at the same time. Stop comparing them because it's useless.

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47 minutes ago, MaryJaneHolland said:

I feel bad for doing this :diane: but some of yall need to take off your stan goggles :awkney::awkney:


Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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25 minutes ago, Craig Barnes said:

People dont even know who Madonna is so yeah, Madonna is totaly relevant today:awkney:

Nnnnnn :air: That's true if you live under a rock in Oblivia 

On planet Earth on the other hand she's the most successful Female artist of all time 


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xoxo Craig
1 minute ago, SlayGagaloo said:

Nnnnnn :air: That's true if you live under a rock in Oblivia 

On planet Earth on the other hand she's the most successful Female artist of all time 



These people would rather have Taylor Swift than Madonna:awkney:

And some of my friends dont know who she is

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Came to say that you are absolutely right. Let those 2/3 ignorant teenagers think what they want. Let's all make a rabbit session and watch some tours together.:tony:

30 + years of success > 2010's teenagers ignorance

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2 hours ago, SlayGagaloo said:

Gaga too.

What's your point? :huh:

They're irrelevant in two levels, M is completely, L is slightly 

and L is an artist, M is an attention seeker

I mean the present L and M

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Sam Dey


(too bad she's gone a lil bit off ttrack now but she's still very iconic)

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