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Jay Z admits to cheating on Bey


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22 hours ago, Harry said:

You're talking nonsense and your long standing bias against Beyonce is so notoriously prominent whenever you speak about her that I can't believe you expect me to take you seriously.

These are all baseless and subjective statements that you're making. Gaga doesn't "force her stories on the public"? Gaga talks about her personal life all the time - note I'm not saying this is a bad thing. But she gives away more about her personal life on social media & in interviews than Beyonce does. Beyonce doesn't even do press. All artists write about their personal experiences and have themselves at the center of their work. That's the nature of being an artist. It's stories about them, or at least from their perspective.

Once again we find ourselves in this position where you're dictating what a strong woman is or not. How can you sit there and comfortably call yourself a feminist when you're saying that Beyonce is weak for making personal decisions about her life, family and marriage? That is not an easy situation to be in. It's certainly not a situation you or I have ever been in, so how can you judge it? You're so close minded, and actually no one gives a damn whether you believe it or not.

No she's not immune to criticism but that doesn't mean that your criticisms aren't totally stupid and hypocritical. And they are. As always.

Omg and now you're going to come in with this ridiculous and absurdly ageist nonsense that she's lying about her age??? This is too ridiculous for words.

I don't have a bias against Beyonce. I'm just critical of her music and personality. I'm not critical of her because I feel like it, I have reasons. You don't seem to know how bias works. If I just went around saying "I hate Beyonce" with no reasons, then yes, that's bias. But if you have reasons, you and are always fair, then you're not bias. You never refer to the times when I've complimented Beyonce's voice and songs. You just focus on the bad parts because that's what you want to see.

How is it baseless? Beyonce's tactics to keep the public talking about her and buying her music are obvious to everyone, even her own fans say it. There's a difference between merely talking about your private life and forcing it on people. Beyonce wants massive media attention with her personal songs, hence why she makes people listen to the entire album. Gaga just puts her album out and it's up to you if you want to buy it or even listen to the whole thing. She doesn't put scandal about her family's life into her lyrics, she doesn't keep you guessing, she just tells it like it is. I wouldn't be surprised if Beyonce had been intending to do an album like Lemonade when she released in 2013, by giving us the first glimpse into a scorned wife dialogue with Jealously. Little did we know that was just the overture. Looking back on it now, I wonder if she was reserving the true anger for an album at a later date? For years, Beyonce was singing songs about break ups despite being happily in love and never faltering from that. Like a lot of artists, she made break up songs because they were profitable and relatable to her fans. So, why, after all this time, should I automatically believe an album about infidelity? Why would someone like Jay, or anyone for that matter, allow their wife to release an album where they slandered them and hung them out to dry? By all accounts, Jay knew about the album and was involved in it too.

Beyonce is rich as hell. Her money makes it easy for her to leave a cheating spouse. Unless there's violence involved, the #1 reason women don't leave a partner is because they don't have financial options. If you're already living in a council house on the minimum wage and can barely get by as part of a 2 parent family, how are you going to cope as a single mother? The whole idea is too daunting for most mothers to even contemplate, so they stand by their man out of financial convenience and to keep their child's home life stable. But if money were no object, they'd be out of there in a heartbeat. That's why celebrity marriages can be over so fast. You have all the money to afford the best lawyers, ensure you keep all the possessions you want, ensure that you get a great house of your own, ensure your children don't have to go without and as a bonus, you can afford countless therapy sessions, retail therapy and holidays to numb the pain. Money changes everything when it comes to being strong enough to walk away. If you have Beyonce's bank account, you don't have to put up with cheating spouses. You have options. This isn't so much a feminist take on things as a simple theory that could apply to anyone. And I don't get a damn whether you believe it or not either, but you're the one asking questions to this forum and I'm merely answering them.

You can dissect my theories all you want but calling them stupid and hypocritical is way out of line. I make a conscious effort not to be hypocritical when doing this stuff and I've made it clear by now that I've got a very short fuse when people insult my intelligence.

Well, about the age thing, I'll admit for some odd reason, last night, I wrote 6 years apart when I should have said 9, upside down numbers and all. But I think that only extends my point even further. Call the other ideas ridiculous all you want, but Gabrielle Union said she and Beyonce were friends as teenagers. She is 44. Beyonce is 35. She couldn't even have made a mistake there be a year or two. When someone is 9 years younger than you, you won't accidentally say that you were once teenagers together. If their ages are indeed correct, when Beyonce was 13, Gabrielle was 22. You can't even stretch the definition of teenager on that one. You can't say "Yes, 18 is an adult, but it still involves the word 'teen,' so it covers the term 'teenager.'" This is a 9 year gap. That is not to be sneezed at. I can't think of any reason why Gabrielle would claim that she's older than she is, so Beyonce must be the one claiming to be younger. It also makes sense why she's with Jay, who's 11 years older than her and had children with him. I know there's bigger age gaps than that, but come on. Once again, this isn't about being ageist. Lying about age happens in celebrity circles and celebrities have been exposed for it and had their ages officially changed. I'm just putting forward a case that might have slipped through the cracks.

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16 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I don't have a bias against Beyonce. I'm just critical of her music and personality. I'm not critical of her because I feel like it, I have reasons. You don't seem to know how bias works. If I just went around saying "I hate Beyonce" with no reasons, then yes, that's bias. But if you have reasons, you and are always fair, then you're not bias. You never refer to the times when I've complimented Beyonce's voice and songs. You just focus on the bad parts because that's what you want to see.

How is it baseless? Beyonce's tactics to keep the public talking about her and buying her music are obvious to everyone, even her own fans say it. There's a difference between merely talking about your private life and forcing it on people. Beyonce wants massive media attention with her personal songs, hence why she makes people listen to the entire album. Gaga just puts her album out and it's up to you if you want to buy it or even listen to the whole thing. She doesn't put scandal about her family's life into her lyrics, she doesn't keep you guessing, she just tells it like it is. I wouldn't be surprised if Beyonce had been intending to do an album like Lemonade when she released in 2013, by giving us the first glimpse into a scorned wife dialogue with Jealously. Little did we know that was just the overture. Looking back on it now, I wonder if she was reserving the true anger for an album at a later date? For years, Beyonce was singing songs about break ups despite being happily in love and never faltering from that. Like a lot of artists, she made break up songs because they were profitable and relatable to her fans. So, why, after all this time, should I automatically believe an album about infidelity? Why would someone like Jay, or anyone for that matter, allow their wife to release an album where they slandered them and hung them out to dry? By all accounts, Jay knew about the album and was involved in it too.

Beyonce is rich as hell. Her money makes it easy for her to leave a cheating spouse. Unless there's violence involved, the #1 reason women don't leave a partner is because they don't have financial options. If you're already living in a council house on the minimum wage and can barely get by as part of a 2 parent family, how are you going to cope as a single mother? The whole idea is too daunting for most mothers to even contemplate, so they stand by their man out of financial convenience and to keep their child's home life stable. But if money were no object, they'd be out of there in a heartbeat. That's why celebrity marriages can be over so fast. You have all the money to afford the best lawyers, ensure you keep all the possessions you want, ensure that you get a great house of your own, ensure your children don't have to go without and as a bonus, you can afford countless therapy sessions, retail therapy and holidays to numb the pain. Money changes everything when it comes to being strong enough to walk away. If you have Beyonce's bank account, you don't have to put up with cheating spouses. You have options. This isn't so much a feminist take on things as a simple theory that could apply to anyone. And I don't get a damn whether you believe it or not either, but you're the one asking questions to this forum and I'm merely answering them.

You can dissect my theories all you want but calling them stupid and hypocritical is way out of line. I make a conscious effort not to be hypocritical when doing this stuff and I've made it clear by now that I've got a very short fuse when people insult my intelligence.

Well, about the age thing, I'll admit for some odd reason, last night, I wrote 6 years apart when I should have said 9, upside down numbers and all. But I think that only extends my point even further. Call the other ideas ridiculous all you want, but Gabrielle Union said she and Beyonce were friends as teenagers. She is 44. Beyonce is 35. She couldn't even have made a mistake there be a year or two. When someone is 9 years younger than you, you won't accidentally say that you were once teenagers together. If their ages are indeed correct, when Beyonce was 13, Gabrielle was 22. You can't even stretch the definition of teenager on that one. You can't say "Yes, 18 is an adult, but it still involves the word 'teen,' so it covers the term 'teenager.'" This is a 9 year gap. That is not to be sneezed at. I can't think of any reason why Gabrielle would claim that she's older than she is, so Beyonce must be the one claiming to be younger. It also makes sense why she's with Jay, who's 11 years older than her and had children with him. I know there's bigger age gaps than that, but come on. Once again, this isn't about being ageist. Lying about age happens in celebrity circles and celebrities have been exposed for it and had their ages officially changed. I'm just putting forward a case that might have slipped through the cracks.


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3 minutes ago, Harry said:


AYT? I looked up net slang and it means "are you there?" So what do you mean by that? Whatever, I spent a long time typing that. The least you could do is reply properly.

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On 30/6/2017 at 3:08 PM, Skai Jackson said:

So you agreed to the person's post, yet contradicted it at the same time? Your scenario implies that you want to write songs about your marriage with the guy and what's the difference between what Beyoncé and Jay-Z are doing? 

I don't have a problem with what ever anybody wants to sing about, the thing is, if someone cheats on me I wouldn't stay with them (just like Mary j Blige did), even though they were rich af. What's the point of talking about infidelity, when you are still in that marriage? Just to make money and turn your whole relationship into a bussiness... But that's only my opinion, ofc. :unicorn:

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