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I better get cracking on my Adele votes then! :sweat:

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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You HAVE To win a trip to the show after all that. :lmao:

It would be SO weird if I did but it only took me a few days to get up to that. If I keep going at this rate, by the time voting closes, maybe I will win :P

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Britney is getting so many votes for Femme Fatale as I see on Twitter. ****.

Edit: You can tweet this to vote easier: Lady Gaga #femaleartist #popartist The Edge of Glory #song Judas #musicvideo Born This Way #album #PeoplesChoice

Edited by Nikko
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i dont want her to loose everything like amas. will she attend?

Remember that you are unique. Like everyone else.
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Lion Heart

keep voting you guys :snowman:

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