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New Pokèmon Main Sereies Game for Switch


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"During the Nintendo Spotlight @ E3 2017, The Pokémon Company CEO, Tsunekazu Ishihara confirmed that Game Freak had begun development on the first Pokémon title for the Nintendo Switch device. No details were made about the game other than it being a core Pokémon RPG and details coming in more than a year."




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Awakened M

I nearly had a seizure when I heard this!!!! :giveup:The Switch is coming for blood.:giveup:

I'm not getting any sleep tonight because I woke up to a beautiful life. I'm awake.
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They had to announce this due to a bad reputation while the resent nintendo direct....

I expect Diamond and pearl remake (2018). And I hope for new Mega evl.

And in 2019 (late) a brand new game!

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If they do this well it'll be such a huge system seller :air: Pokemon fans are some of the most dedicated :giveup: 

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I just hope it's in the true fashion of the handheld RPGs and not like Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness....... 

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