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23 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I wasn't trying to prod, other people were prodding me. Yes, I understand why cancellations may be necessary, I'm just trying to offer up another way of looking at things. I'm not saying my view is unquestionably correct, it's just another way of looking at things. It frustrates me how merely trying to stimulate conversation these days and discuss multiple solutions to problems is seen as insensitive or disrespectful. I don't live in an echo chamber, I encourage new ways of thinking, for this is the only way we can move forward.

You're not stimulating a conversation though, to me you're being disrespectful frankly and then getting bugged out by people calling you on it. It'd be different if you said "this is what I meant" and just stood by it but instead you've turned this into an apparent attack on you. No one really cares who it is behind the post, if you rub members the wrong way in a topic, they'll call you on it.

20 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I can guarantee that wouldn't happen. How would it work? The mods can't police members like that, they can't look through every thread for people who liked something negative. You can't put such a rule into place in reality. Plus, everyone would hate it and it would start arguments over free speech and suchlike (and if they find out I started it, well, that's some hate I can do without). The most you could do is offer a guideline, but as I've said before, this just doesn't translate very well. Some people think because it's the internet, anything goes. I say different. It's not just about observing the rules laid down by a forum, it's about having your own policies as well. Just because you give out dozens of likes a day without considering the meaning behind it doesn't mean we all do that. I forget the like button's there, honestly, but some people really use it in a way that has an agenda.

I think this is more paranoia than anything. Me and @Whispering used to clash (probably will again in the future too) and have been pretty rude to each other in the past but if I agree with him I'll like his post. It isn't personal. We don't know each other and it's just a forum.

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3 hours ago, Benji said:

You're not stimulating a conversation though, to me you're being disrespectful frankly and then getting bugged out by people calling you on it. It'd be different if you said "this is what I meant" and just stood by it but instead you've turned this into an apparent attack on you. No one really cares who it is behind the post, if you rub members the wrong way in a topic, they'll call you on it.

I think this is more paranoia than anything. Me and @Whispering used to clash (probably will again in the future too) and have been pretty rude to each other in the past but if I agree with him I'll like his post. It isn't personal. We don't know each other and it's just a forum.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but am being called disrespectful. I just posted yesterday on that thread about Ariana wanting to arrange a benefit concert and supporting her on it. I also defended her against the stuff Piers Morgan was saying about how she should be expected to do all those tour dates. My opinion has changed as time has gone on, but people are still quoting me on something I said before these new developments occurred.

Maybe it is paranoia...considering I do suffer from paranoia and anxiety and mild depression and this is partly the reason why people liking negative things about me gets me down so much. Maybe you shouldn't be so dismissive of genuine problems people have. Paranoia is a genuine condition that affects a lot of people, it isn't just something that can be used as an insult or to be dismissive of a person's feelings. Sure, someone can be paranoid in one particular instance and then move on from it but for others, it's a mental condition that they have to battle through every day. Personally, if someone told me they were going through these problems, I'd make an effort to avoid being supportive of any kind of hate directed at them as they probably feel down on their luck enough as it is. "We don't know each other and it's just a forum" is all very well to say when you're in a stable mental state and have a big deal of support around you. But for someone like me, who basically doesn't have anyone to turn to in life who can understand my problems, the people I talk to online make up most of my daily interactions, so what they say has serious weight to me, positive or negative. This forum is part of my escape from my problems and keeps me at peace, even when I'm debating something. As long as everyone's being respectful to me, it's all good. But when someone is offending me and accusing me of thing that aren't me, it turns it all upside down. As you can see, @Whispering continues to like your negative responses to me, blatantly disregarding my requests to my face. I don't know if anything I say will get through to them. There's no denying now that they're deliberating doing this to get at me, knowing I will see it when I read people's responses to me and that's not even the paranoia talking, that's just common sense. I know their game.

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1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but am being called disrespectful. I just posted yesterday on that thread about Ariana wanting to arrange a benefit concert and supporting her on it. I also defended her against the stuff Piers Morgan was saying about how she should be expected to do all those tour dates. My opinion has changed as time has gone on, but people are still quoting me on something I said before these new developments occurred.

Maybe it is paranoia...considering I do suffer from paranoia and anxiety and mild depression and this is partly the reason why people liking negative things about me gets me down so much. Maybe you shouldn't be so dismissive of genuine problems people have. Paranoia is a genuine condition that affects a lot of people, it isn't just something that can be used as an insult or to be dismissive of a person's feelings. Sure, someone can be paranoid in one particular instance and then move on from it but for others, it's a mental condition that they have to battle through every day. Personally, if someone told me they were going through these problems, I'd make an effort to avoid being supportive of any kind of hate directed at them as they probably feel down on their luck enough as it is. "We don't know each other and it's just a forum" is all very well to say when you're in a stable mental state and have a big deal of support around you. But for someone like me, who basically doesn't have anyone to turn to in life who can understand my problems, the people I talk to online make up most of my daily interactions, so what they say has serious weight to me, positive or negative. This forum is part of my escape from my problems and keeps me at peace, even when I'm debating something. As long as everyone's being respectful to me, it's all good. But when someone is offending me and accusing me of thing that aren't me, it turns it all upside down. As you can see, @Whispering continues to like your negative responses to me, blatantly disregarding my requests to my face. I don't know if anything I say will get through to them. There's no denying now that they're deliberating doing this to get at me, knowing I will see it when I read people's responses to me and that's not even the paranoia talking, that's just common sense. I know their game.

I'm not insulting you? Calling your stance on something disturbing, disrespectful and saying you sound paranoid over something happening in this thread isn't an attack on your character.

I won't bother to debate with you on this topic further because I can see what direction it's going in and this is not a conversation I wish to have with you since it won't go anywhere.

I apologise if my posts have made you feel a certain way because I don't want to or meant to upset you but I stand by them and the context in which they were posted.

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