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iHeartRadio demands Gaga relase DIC as next single!


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delte this i hart rado

Walk down the runway but don't puke, it's okay. You just had 10 donuts today. Without frosting.
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11 minutes ago, Kimihiro said:

Why are people so concerned about its sexual undertones? We had Anaconda, S&M and Drunk in Love become hits. 

And G.U.Y.

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38 minutes ago, iWontBeTonight said:

Gaga worked for years to rebuild her image and to be taken seriously an artist. DIC will flop and would greatly contradict everything she worked for. A-YO or John Wayne please

If it was so bad for her reputation she wouldn't have put it on the album, anyone can relate to that song except kids basically 

Then there's Ariana the teen idol singing about riding diks w Nicki Minaj while riding like possessed a gym bicycle and it gets the hundred million views and the radio spins soooo

Julia Volkova #1 stan
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7 minutes ago, Kimihiro said:

Why are people so concerned about its sexual undertones? We had Anaconda, S&M and Drunk in Love become hits. 

They're urban songs. Explicit sexuality is far more accepted in this field. Urban radio will even play explict versions. This is partly why such risky urban material does so well in the charts. There's a culture of welcoming an explicit nature in the songs and support of it on their specialised radio. It's quite unfair really because no other mainstream genre has this culture and support. Even pop music, which is mostly all about sex, is rarely supported on pop radio if it's too risque. I've heard about singles being changed, lyrics being changed to be more public friendly and to be mindful of young fans. Whenever anyone makes the argument about "This, this and this became a hit, so why can't DIC?" they always list urban songs or urban pop at least, so their point just doesn't hold. Name me some pop songs that are as explicit as the ones you mentioned that became big hits in recent years.

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Bloody hooker

Some of y'all not wanting Slayin' in Circles as a single :nails: :bye:

Thisï»ż mutual gaze was a “longing to touch” or a "pre-coitus" stare.ï»ż
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lol @ y'all arguing about A-YO and DIC when I stand here wa-aiting for Diamond Heart :crossed: 

Too many people here with moral superiority complex.
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Bad Monster Kid

The same account that over hyped Perfect illusion before its release? No thanks. 

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42 minutes ago, Miky said:

lol @ y'all arguing about A-YO and DIC when I stand here wa-aiting for Diamond Heart :crossed: 

You're going to keep standing there waiting until you look this old: photo-thumb-21160.jpg

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2 hours ago, iWontBeTonight said:

Gaga worked for years to rebuild her image and to be taken seriously an artist. DIC will flop and would greatly contradict everything she worked for. A-YO or John Wayne please

You act as if "Mirror on the ceiling" has no sexual connotation at all. AYO is basically a song about sex.

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MR is just getting started?


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AYO would def not do well... it's a very generic country song, nothing original! plus its already been promoted and still didn't rise in the charts #DICnextsingle

Stop the music, Start the drama.
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That J
3 hours ago, thierryrreiht said:

"This is a little early as "Million Reasons" is only getting started"


I feel like we've been stuck in a corn field for 52 years.  Lol

The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw
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3 hours ago, TheKillerQueen said:

That would be such a massive flop. DIC isn't single worthy. 


Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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