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Chart Discussion: Joanne / Million Reasons


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9 minutes ago, KingOfSpain said:

Lorde is really heading to that #1 on iTunes

Poor Katheryn Hudson 

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Spotify Update

Lady Gaga - Million Reasons 71,717,769 (+655.948)

The only prisons that exist are ones we put each other in..
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Not here for PH vs Spain, my homeland and a country I adore culturally

I'm just happy MR is selling well and taking off on radio

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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1 minute ago, Bakki Del Rey said:

Spotify Update

Lady Gaga - Million Reasons 71,717,769 (+655.948)

slay tbh.

buy stupid love on itunes
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John Slayne
21 minutes ago, KingOfSpain said:

Las ramblas, I'll meet you
We'll dance around la Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)
Drinking Sangría
Mi niña, te amo mi cariño (Barcelona)
Mamasita rica
Sí, te adoro, señorita (Barcelona)
Los otros, viva la vida
Come on, let's be free in Barcelona
Las ramblas, I'll meet you
Come on and dance with me in Barcelona
Drinking Sangría
I just want to be in Barcelona
Mamasita, rica

this is so bad oh my god :air:

OT: MR avoiding the red updates like


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1 minute ago, Artur said:

Does performing at Coachella have an impact in sales?

Id hope so. But also MR was added in a Spotify playlist for Coachella 2017 so if any we'd at least get more streaming visibility

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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4 minutes ago, Artur said:

Does performing at Coachella have an impact in sales?

No, it's more of a "recognition" u get from that, like the GP talks about u a lot radios play you etc but usually it doesnt spike much sales i heard. but who knows with queen of sales lady gaga

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7 minutes ago, Artur said:

Does performing at Coachella have an impact in sales?

Not a signifcant one i guess. But I have the feeling that Coachella has a big influence on KIIS finally playing MR. So she does not need the money for Payola. She can use it for Spotify. So smart our girl. :diane::ladyhaha:

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