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Lady Gaga Era Collision Mashup - part 2

holy scheisse

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holy scheisse

Hey y'all. So I'm still working on a series of mashups of Gaga songs and I just finished part 2! 

Part 2 is a Mashup of

Beautiful dirty rich

So happy I could die

Sexxx dreams 

& Black Jesus amen fashion 


Lmk how y'all think of it? I got a lot of good advice when I posted part 1 before, i got a lot of helpful feedback 


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So Happy I Could Die and Sexxx Dreams go so well together :udidnt: 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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I LOVE IT. Was completely slayed with BJAF came in omg


Monster Ball 2010, Monster Ball 2011, Born This Way Ball 2013, artRAVE 2014, Joanne World Tour 2017 (Both Nights in Toronto)
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