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I don't care about him or what he said but ppl argue that his followers are kids and teens. But to me that goes back to the idea that public figures shouldn't set the example for kids, their parents should. If your child hasn't been taught that discrimination is bad and is old enough to go on YouTube alone, then the parents should teach their kids values, not some YouTuber. 

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Media maybe going a little far, but I also don't really have any sympathy for him :madge: 

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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4 hours ago, River said:

Logic of GGD users:

Death to Jews - joke

Death to white/black/christians/muslim - not a joke.

Just be honest for a second and admit that if it was death to another group of people you would react differently..

Lately Hitler, Holocaust and antisemitic jokes became normal, you see them everywhere, nobody gives a **** about what happened.. just go to 9GAG and see for yourself, every second meme is admiring Hitler, laughing about the holocaust and so on..

So just stop with the "joke" excuse, it's not a joke! and you can't say that he's intelligent guy but at the same time to say that he did a stupid "joke" and didn't understand how bad it is.. maybe he's not antisemitic but he's not very intelligent like people says here..

This is in no way true. Jokes about every race and religion have been made for years now. The sign of the times that nothing is safe from humor, sometimes it's insensitive, but to say it's targeted at only one group of people is ridiculous. Christians, African Americans, Muslims, Caucasians, all of these groups are commonly joked about, in equal regard in the comedy I see so often.

I am agnostic, or as close as one can get to being an atheist without actually being one, and so I tend to have a distaste for religion BUT does that mean I think jokes about religions prove that I am right and that these people should be persecuted or treated badly? No, I use common sense and contextual intelligence, to see that jokes about religious people or atheist people, or any kind of people, coming from a comedian who isn't part of a pro-supremacy base, is a joke, that some may find funny, and others may not. But it's still a joke, and when we attack something that wasn't meant from a place of hate, we begin to draw away eyes from places where those eyes need to look, where real hate lies and needs to be watched closely.

in essence, be intelligent, use common sense, and realize that not everything in the universe is as simple as we wish it were.

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6 hours ago, Gypsygaga1 said:

I hate racist people, I really do. But that was a joke. A f*cking joke. I understand that many people might feel offended by that, but come on, at least be honest. I saw a lot of people that dragged him on twitter for saying that, even though their own tweets are hella homophobic and racist


I literally saw some random guy on Instagram drag PewDiePie to the depths of hell while one of his posts on Insta of Njoud and her brother (a Kuwaiti Youtuber) read the caption "**** sand n*ggers"  :saladga:

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8 hours ago, Phoenix said:

Maybe he should stop seeking for attention, he is #1 on yt

That should be enough for him


All for publicity
Destruction going viral


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Jan Wayne

Let's be real, he did not apologize until those CHECKS weren't being cut. It's funny how when he first responded to the media he said that his jokes weren't offensive and that people are to sensitive and he found nothing wrong with his jokes. Now that his CHECKS are being affected. He wants to cry and say he "realizes"  that his jokes are offensive and he never meant them from them to be.BOY BYE. Those white tears aren't working on me. I'm glad his **** got canceled and he lost MILLIONS of dollars. Maybe he'll learn his lesson to get those BEEF SUCKERS SHUT.


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Jan Wayne

Also, making racist jokes or jokes about the holocaust are NOT funny. There are people who are still alive from the holocaust and their are people out there who still want to kill Jews. Those people are drawn to this humor and he's basically normalizing these jokes for his audience and thinking there's nothing wrong with it. Let's not forget how he was being backed by a white nationalist site because of his jokes. As long as you have mohter****ers wanting to kill Jews In REAL life. These types of jokes will never be normalized.

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Jan Wayne
13 hours ago, PartySick said:

Why is this such a big deal? :duck:

The media reports on a YouTuber that takes nothing seriously making some cringe inducing jokes? They do know there are actual issues in the world, right? Priorities, people :smh: Let Pewds have his fun. Aside from making some kids think certain things are ok (they'll learn soon enough), his content is literally harmless.

Didn't you say in the other thread you were a POC? YIKES.tumblr_nlp1c0t9ba1tpje2go1_400.gif

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Jan Wayne
11 hours ago, Rescued said:

He's not American, he can use "the N word". That stupid idea of censoring words is an American sickness that shouldn't be spread elsewhere.

Girl you can kiss the blackets part of my ass! He is a rich, privileged white man from a country that doesn't have any black people. Who told h he can saw the N word? He would get hurt out here 

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8 minutes ago, Jan Wayne said:

Didn't you say in the other thread you were a POC? YIKES.

No? I said I'm mixed race. Half white, half hispanic (Puerto Rican). I'm also a realist :laughga: I know some silly/stupid jokes by a comedian/internet entertainer are a non-issue in the grand scheme of things. There's more important things to be upset about :duck:

Imo, the only people who are privileged are the ones that actually care enough/have enough time to become outraged about something as trivial as this. As I said before, there are things that actually need our attention and this isn't one of them.

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Mary Jane Wayne

He does not deserved to be treated like that. Yeah the jokes were distasteful but they werent coming from hatred. He just made some dumb decision that's it. Im disgusted by how the media took everything out of context and portrayed him literally as devil itself. It must feel really horrible to see people calling you a nazi and people celebrating the so called "end of his career". You can say his heart is in the right place but he needs to more careful next time. 

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1 hour ago, Jan Wayne said:

Girl you can kiss the blackets part of my ass! He is a rich, privileged white man from a country that doesn't have any black people. Who told h he can saw the N word? He would get hurt out here 

Such racism ffs :saladga: And by the way, since when do we need permission to use words? Permission from who? you? I'm all for debating and arguing but you consistently come up with the most asinine arguments. You're literally a waste of my time, I want you to know that.

Oh, I'm just visiting-
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Princess Stache

So yall will say this isn't offensive but James Charles making an ebola joke in which he DID NOT ever say "all Africans have ebola" is offensive?

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