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Gaga popularity at an All-Time high

Mitch XCX

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Mitch XCX

On Google Trends, "Lady Gaga" has never been so popular than right now other than March 2010 :rockstar:


(and not to pit female artists against each other cos I love them both, but seeing as everyone loves to act like Gaga is over and Beyonce is Queen, Bey has never had a peak this big)

Bey is Red, Gaga is Blue.


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2 minutes ago, Stefani Kinney said:

On Google Trends, "Lady Gaga" has never been so popular than right now other than March 2010 :rockstar:


finally, I've been checking her since 2013. Her last search trend was still during ARTPOP release. Even the iconic February ones weren't doing so much

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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I kind of need this popularity to be sustained for a few weeks though, at least. Only that will tell us she's as popular as she was in 2009/2010/2011.

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