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7 minutes ago, Fish said:

Lol you're being dishonest now you're hiding behind the word "behaviours" lmao you literally not only said that anyone thinking that there is an original LG5 is dumb, but also that this whole fanbase is dumb and stupid. That is simply not criticism directed at certain "behaviours".  It weas directed at people. 

Of course you did not name anyone and did not directed the comments at me directly, that doesn't make them more acceptable. Your comments were directed at a lot of people, including me. I found your comments insulting to the whole fanbase and I even don't think there is such a thing as an original LG5, although I sometimes use the "queen of" formula (very few times actually) 

Anyway, you've been called out by me and others and now you're trying to subtly backtrack with bullshit words like "behaviours" when in fact you just came to spit your venom (which is unfortunate because I feel like you do have a point).


Sure, Jan.

Im not backtracking. I'll take your criticism because I'm in no position to decide how it affected you. I can tell you that I honestly didn't anticipate anybody being so personally offended when I said believing there was a trashed LG5 is dumb. I assumed you could connect my insult with that "behaviour" and not with yourself as a person or literally the entire fan base.

God have mercy. I don't think I'd have any energy to remain a fan if GGD represented the whole fanbase. Gaga would obviously be kind of screwed too. 


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3 minutes ago, SpaceAce said:

Sure, Jan.

Im not backtracking. I'll take your criticism because I'm in no position to decide how it affected you. I can tell you that I honestly didn't anticipate anybody being so personally offended when I said believing there was a trashed LG5 is dumb. I assumed you could connect my insult with that "behaviour" and not with yourself as a person or literally the entire fan base.

God have mercy. I don't think I'd have any energy to remain a fan if GGD represented the whole fanbase. Gaga would obviously be kind of screwed too. 


Maybe you should consider leaving for a bit. Or better: try to take your very negative criticism and turn it into more constructive criticism (negative is not in itself bad but without some nuances and constructive parts, then it falls short of usefulness)   Just a friendly tip. 

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34 minutes ago, Fish said:

Maybe you should consider leaving for a bit. Or better: try to take your very negative criticism and turn it into more constructive criticism (negative is not in itself bad but without some nuances and constructive parts, then it falls short of usefulness)   Just a friendly tip. 

I know the difference between constructive criticism and negative criticism. And its arrogant of you to suggest I "leave" (didn't know I was in some exclusive club?) when this site functions as the most used and up to date site for for fans. I can moderate for myself how much stupidity I can handle over how much news I want. I guess I'll try not to use "dumb" to describe anybody's behaviour anymore. Especially now that I know that negativity is only acceptable when it's directed at a public figure and not a group of anonymous users. All good tips though, thank you.

Friendly tip for you: if you're going to lecture someone on negativity and constructive criticism, try not talk down to them in the process. It sort of hurls you off your high horse.

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2 hours ago, SpaceAce said:

Just saying my peace. Nobody has to take it personally and I haven't named anyone. There's no conversation about things that matter on here. Just very weird jokes that aren't funny and undeserved insults and judgements directed at Gaga. How about just talking about the work? About the music? Joking with some originality and not running every meme and popular phrase to a premature death? That would be fun.

And dont try comparing this behaviour with my criticisms of it. I'm allowed to be exhausted by the culture here and how it spreads and negatively affects people's opinions of an artist I enjoy and her work. But I'll try to keep my "venomous" opinion to myself whenever I come here to catch up on any news. Obviously people are sensitive about harsh criticisms when receiving them but not so much when actively sharing them about about an artist and letting anyone who knows how to google the word "gaga" consume and legitimize it. 

Priorities, people. We need to sort them out.

If this site has become so unbearable for you then why are you here?

I 100% agree with your arguments / points but for you to call people "dumb" & "annoying little shits"  among other insults you've spewed out in this thread is wrong. You need to be called out on it and you need to apologies immediately. Otherwise I and other members will have to contact moderators such as @Haroon & @PartySick to deal with you appropriately.

NO ONE IS ALOUD TO CALL OTHERS "DUMB" "SHITS". No matter how right you may be or feel you may be. Pull it together.

Through out this entire thread members have been responding and debating you respectfully and yet you keep responding in an abrasive manner. It is easy to get heated in topics like these, I get it, but please refrain from using curse words. There is a way to get your point across without using them. (p.s check out the rules and regulations section on GGD. It could help you immensely.)

Link: http://gagadaily.com/guidelines

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43 minutes ago, Albertodift said:


If you think a member is breaking the rules, just report their post(s) and we'll take it up with that member if we think their behavior or posting habits warrants intervention. There's no need to make this kind of stuff public or slightly derail threads by trying to correct their behavior yourself :poot:

Just a friendly tip ;)


Sorry, I had to :derpga:


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2 minutes ago, PartySick said:

If you think a member is breaking the rules, just report their post(s) and we'll take it up with that member if we think their behavior or posting habits warrants intervention. There's no need to make this kind of stuff public or slightly derail threads by trying to correct their behavior yourself :poot:

Just a friendly tip ;)

Sorry, I had to :derpga:


It's fine lol and I agree. It's better in a private way I suppose. 

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I was wondering why Gaga hadn't worked with him, if she was afraid of sounding like a trend hopper for working with him after his recent success.. even though they're old friends. It's cool to know they actually did. 

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"and then we ended up oppening for her, when she WAS the biggest star in the world"


That was a great interview, I didn't know that he had worked in that many-famous songs :golfclap:

I always liked SPW, its a shame that the industry was so hard at them :|

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6 hours ago, Azor Ahai said:

Joanne B sides for summer 2017 pls Gaga.

hell to the yes....


she was going for it, I can't :giveup:

another shot before we kiss the other side
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yes and

I'M REALLY ANGRY AND SAD :giveup: because probably Gaga scrapped the best album in her career:saladga:
I hope that LG6 will be released faster than we think, but ARTPOP act 2 wasn't released and never will, so probably original LG5 has this destiny too. raw

Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? No
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Given that Joanne sounds nothing like "Uptown Funk" and "Sorry" ,I doubt the original LG5 would match your imaginations.:madge:
Besides, she always scraps tons of songs before releasing an album, there's no point in overreacting.
Maybe you're mad not because you don't like the songs of Joanne but because she can't have a hit, and bashing the decision she have made is much easier. 
or maybe you all just stuck in 2008~2011 and refuse to move on and admit even if she releases another TFM, she still wouldn't be as successful as  she used to be.

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If Gaga and Justin got back together to write some music I feel like it would be some sort of ode to glam pop-rock, being that they are old friends from New York.

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