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Lady Gaga tweeting Piers Morgan

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23 minutes ago, Andy21 said:

I swear i spend half my likes on your comments :nails:

you're so agreeable :cryga:


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I feel like he doesn't deserve this interview, like she could go on another show to talk about this. Especially if he plans on taunting her to try to get a reaction.

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serving truth with every tweet


Walk down the runway but don't puke, it's okay. You just had 10 donuts today. Without frosting.
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17 minutes ago, modern ecstasy said:

I feel like he doesn't deserve this interview, like she could go on another show to talk about this. Especially if he plans on taunting her to try to get a reaction.

I would love her to do an interview with someone else about this issue and publicly talk a about how his comments contribute to the silence from SA survivors. 

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Gaga Monster

I am disgusted at Piers Morgan, how could anyone tweet that. Trash.

His "Can you handle me?" tweet to Gaga is so cringey

GGD Presidential Elections
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I'm really actually excited for this, i want gaga to educate this buffoon, its ridiculous to claim that ptsd is a military only issue, mental disease does not discriminate based on the job you have, having said that i also understand why there is a heavy percentage of soldiers with ptsd, piers morgan needs a class on trauma and gagz is gon teach this monkey


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I'm hoping that he didn't realise the predator-like wording of "can you handle me?" and instead just meant it as a immature comeback like "come at me, bro."

I really hope this interview happens, as tense as it would be. Piers is a right piece of work, though, talking about all this just before Christmas, the happiest time of the year. Nothing says "seasons greetings" like a denial of your rape claim. Reminds me of when Azealia Banks tweeted a descendant of the DeWolf family (former slave owners) on Christmas Eve, saying that he should have his assets seized and his house burned down because of the family he was born into. And a Merry frickin' Christmas to you too. Some people really pick their times and have no sense of decency.

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I really can't stand his attitude. I'm hoping severely that he is at least respectful and doesn't try some messy, trashy bullsh*t with her if the interview does in fact happen

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Glad she's calling him out on his s.hit. Maybe instead of critizing her and Madonna publicly to get attention, he could have ask to speak with them and got their stories.

You can tell she's annoyed and she has every right to be, but she handled it with class and politeness.

"My people
 need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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F*cking disgusting, Morgan. I swear, this is a mental health problem. If this was autism, schizophrenia, bipolar, or any other mental disorder, he wouldn't question it. 

I'm not trying to downgrade those mental disorders, but Gaga's right in saying that PTSD doesn't get attention other than from soldiers. Granted, soldiers with PTSD are serious cases, and I pray that they get the help they need, however, it's not just soldiers. 

She was f*cking raped and sexually assaulted. Her career also fed into this, have some respect, Morgan. Absolutely disgusting that he would shame Gaga on this issue. 

She better educate him and just spit it in his face! God, it's just so disrespectful and ignorant of him to do/say that. 

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Once again, straight white elderly males misunderstanding anything that doesn't fit into their worldview. I am so done and I admire Gaga so much for addressing him directly. Serve him some much-needed education.

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Rudz Xinc

If this turn out to be a bad idea, and he pushes her button

She might return to her egg and stay hibernating


and we're doomed

Look at those clowns
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