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Madonna: MJ is gone, but I'm still standing


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Not her biggest fan, BUT.. some of y'all are delusional if you think for once she doesn't have the same impact on the music industry as Prince or Bowie. She is THE pop star that every female pop start has borrowed from. She broke a lot of barriers for females in the industry. She has also sold more records than ANY other female artist, Ever. And someone suggested she was over? WTF, what rock are you hiding under? Her tours are still more successful than most of our faves. Some of y'all need to sit down, and look at reality. 

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Updated the thread now there's the full speech but the part about MJ and all the other legends was not included for some reason

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23 hours ago, insight said:

The Speech (the doormat and MJ/Bowie/Whitney/Prince bits were cut out)


updated it, there's a HD video on the thread

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Madonna is definitely a legend and I appreciate everything she's done, but there's something about being humble that she lacks which will always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

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Madonna is such a laughable, dour clown nowadays. Camille Paglia described her perfectly:

"..it is truly tragic to see Madonna descend into embarrassing displays of maudlin self-pity and irrational accusations against others. She is turning into a horrifying combination of delusional, vampiric Norma Desmond and bitter Joan Crawford on the bottle."


"It is absolutely ridiculous for Madonna to now claim that she longed to ally with other women at the start of her career but was rebuffed from doing so. The media, in the U.S. and abroad, constantly asked Madonna about me or tried to bring us together, and she always refused. "

"The number one issue in Madonna’s current path of self-destruction is her embarrassing inability to deal with aging. She has failed to study the example of her great role model, Marlene Dietrich, who retained her class and style to the end. Madonna keeps chasing after youth, humiliating herself with vulgar displays, like the horrendously trashy, buttock-baring outfit she wore to the Metropolitan Museum of Art Gala in May."


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The nerve of her trying to act like she never had any female allies in the business when all she did was trash every one of them. 

"I'd rather kill myself than be Mariah Carey."

Condescending to Whitney, Janet and Gaga in very public ways for years. What a fraud.

Not to mention her fans spamming Gaga all last year saying winning WOTY wasn't an achievement and didn't matter. LOL

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