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Madonna is not a big influence on Gaga


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52 minutes ago, Didymus said:

Enigma didn't even acknowledge her as a big inspiration. Just as one among many, while Gaga has consistently presented her as part of the few biggest possible ones even when she wasn't asked about her at all. I just tagged you because I showed you proof of Madonna supporting her after she became famous (you linked her rise to fame to Madonna being a "****" to her, which clearly isn't the case judging from Gaga's fond memories of working with her for SNL among other things). I don't want to discuss anything else 'cause it shouldn't even be discussed in the first place. Madonna's behavior towards Gaga is off-topic here, except when it's used to explain why Gaga suddenly stopped acknowledging Madge as a big influence which, guess what, makes her a backtracking liar.

Oh, you're back :oprah:

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1 hour ago, A Gaga Lad said:

Gaga HAS cited Madonna. It's there in the Fame. Gaga and Madonna also share a passion for the LGBT. They both branched out in acting--has Bowie done that significantly? No. Is Madonna the only singer to branch out in acting as well? Also no. But clearly, there are similarities with Madonna not present in her other influences.

yyou reach so hard for similarity here really that u are cringewhorty :ladyhaha:

For god sake do you really belive that Gaga asked herself " So if Madonna acted I should start acting too cause that's my way following my Madge Mom " 

Just stop :bye:

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1 hour ago, Didymus said:

"I would like to thank Andy Warhol, David Bowie, Prince, Madonna, and Chanel." - 2008 (The Fame liner notes)

"Grace Jones, David Bowie, Madonna." - 2008 (when asked: "Who would you say are your influences?")

"The artists that for me have been the most influential, I mean like Madonna, David Bowie.. I mean, of course I love them for their music, and not to sound vain or shallow, but I'm almost more appreciative of their work because of their visuals. I mean, it completely changes the way that you listen to the music." - 2009

"Vincent Herbert, who signed me, got us the Record Plant [studio], I felt like I was, you know, Madonna in 1985." - 2009

"You guys don't understand, I'm going to be like Madonna." - 2009

"I'm a huge fan [of Madonna], as you already know." - 2009

"What's a party without a Madonnathon? I don't know. [...] You don't get any better than Madonna." - 2009

"Madonna is a wonderful, wonderful person. And she is so full of the most wonderful freedom and spirit, and she's so kind, and working with her has always been very exciting and very fun. And we have shared some wonderful honest moments together. She comes to my shows, I ask her questions, she's given me advice." - 2010 @Unwavering

"I think Madonna's great. She's been a wonderful friend and very kind and supportive, and amazing, and she's such an incredible woman." - 2010 @Unwavering

"I want [my outfit] to be like an ode to Madonna." - 2009 (talking about a conically shaped bra, which has been a recurring element in her outfits since 2009)

"I admire Madonna and the way she reinvents herself and kick ass, I want to do that and be even bigger." - 2010

"I don’t want to sound presumptuous, but I’ve made it my goal to revolutionize pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago." - 2010

"I was thinking about Madonna, she was a big inspiration and I was thinking about Prince when I was writing [Born This Way]." - 2011

"You know, there is really no one that is a more adoring and loving Madonna fan than me. I am the hugest fan personally and professionally." - 2011

"I love Madonna. Of course I do. She's so brave. She was so brave. And I, every day, when I'm working think about bravery. [...] She's really so talented and such an inspiration and I only hope I can be half as inspiring as she's been." - 2011

"I genuinely love [Madonna] so much. I think she is so amazing. She could never be replicated and, yes, I’m Italian, I’m from New York, and not for nothing, it’s not my fault that I kind of look like her, right? So, look, if anything, it’s more annoying to me that people would insinuate that I don’t like to be compared to her… She’s wonderful and inspiring and liberating, and she’s certainly inspired my (‘Born This Way’) album, as did David Bowie, as did Prince, as did Michael Jackson, as did Grace Jones, and I would never take that away." - 2011

She was always included (except past the "reductive" mess) as part of her biggest influences. Give it the **** up and get your embarrassing ass off this forum, all you have to contribute is cynicism, lies, and bull sh-t about other artists, as well as aggrandized fantasies about Gaga that are only mentioned to bring down her competition.

Consider me back on this forum whenever I get the chance to clock Enigma, though the real ****ing enigma is why this member - who legit does nothing else but make these threads over and over and over and over and over and over and mother****ing over again - is still here when so many other great members have died under the mods' scythe for far lesser reasons.

Muhahha what a warming fuzzy way to come back, scalp ha ass:hug:ain't nobody got the time for this. Thanks for the receipts

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5 minutes ago, ZombieMirror said:

did madonna invented that haircut ? :laughga:

I have to agree here. It's shallow to state that a video is copied from Madonna when there are certain elements that fit in a certain setting.

For example, I want to write a piano song in a certain scale for the right hand. Why would I be considered a copycat if I wanted to use a certain sequence of chords on the right hand that coincidentally is similar to another song that has an entirely different right hand sequence.

Edit: For what's worth, the 'Madonna camp' has some sound arguments that are dismissed by 'Gaga camp' and I don't like those kind of people. I ask everyone to keep a civilized and sound conversation.. It's not fair to present an argument and expect the other party to read when you're going to dismiss their argument through cheap insults. It hurts your credibility people.

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1 hour ago, A Gaga Lad said:

why do actors want to act? why do teachers want to teach? why do people take up the professions they want to take? because somebody influenced them

Am I claiming it's Madonna alone? No. But this sure debunks the claims here being thrown around that aside from some songs and imagery, there is nothing else in common with them.

because they had the opportunity ,God , are you praing to Madonna ? :what:

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1 minute ago, ZombieMirror said:

Just stop

I actually did until you quoted me again

2 minutes ago, ZombieMirror said:

yyou reach so hard for similarity here really that u are cringewhorty :ladyhaha:

Both of them are singer-songwriters turned artists. This is objective fact. Not a reach.

2 minutes ago, ZombieMirror said:

For god sake do you really belive that Gaga asked herself " So if Madonna acted I should start acting too cause that's my way following my Madge Mom " 

You said that. Not me. Read clearly that I said their similarities don't stop within music. Not that Madonna is the sole and only influence on her and her acting.

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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1 hour ago, Didymus said:

is still here when so many other great members have died under the mods' scythe for far lesser reasons.


⚜ Roll Deep ⚜
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18 minutes ago, Scarlet said:

if you also read below, i said i chose the wrong wordchoice and forgot to proofread what i said

also, didn't i tell you that im done arguing?

you don't seem to get the picture do you 

well words are strong weapons so choose them wisely next time :bye:

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Just now, ZombieMirror said:

well words are strong weapons so choose them wisely next time :bye:

see that gif you posted? that word is pretty strong when i don't want to talk to you anymore

don't quote me again

⚜ Roll Deep ⚜
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5 minutes ago, A Gaga Lad said:

Not that Madonna is the sole and only influence on her and her acting.

To be able to make that comparison you have to provide proof. You have to ask yourself: does she take roles similar to what Madonna used to take? Does she act similar to her in any way? Maybe some memorable tics in their acting? Comparing people based on industry choices as a whole doesn't make sense. It's like saying that a 30 y/o opera singer who wanted to get into acting is copying Gaga just because Gaga also got into acting at the age of 30, them having absolutely nothing in common.

And you have to note that once you reach a certain level of fame and professional age within the music industry, doors start opening to you. It's just a coincidence that's all I'm saying.

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She kinda built the mess of the comparisons and it ended after the "Reductive" and this one was a stfu from Madonna to her.. it's like she asked for them....

Sometimes it felt like her first word was "Madonna"..

Come on and wrap that blade of grass around my hairy ass
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1 hour ago, Didymus said:

Enigma didn't even acknowledge her as a big inspiration. Just as one among many, while Gaga has consistently presented her as part of the few biggest possible ones even when she wasn't asked about her at all. I just tagged you because I showed you proof of Madonna supporting her after she became famous (you linked her rise to fame to Madonna being a "****" to her, which clearly isn't the case judging from Gaga's fond memories of working with her for SNL among other things). I don't want to discuss anything else 'cause it shouldn't even be discussed in the first place. Madonna's behavior towards Gaga is off-topic here, except when it's used to explain why Gaga suddenly stopped acknowledging Madge as a big influence which, guess what, makes her a backtracking liar.

Really so now Gaga can't do anything with her career to escape from Madge are you saying ?:oprah:


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20 minutes ago, Unwavering said:

She would be a liar if she said Madonna isn't a big influence on her. Stopping praising her doesn't make her a liar.. denial would, but that's not the case. The fact is that Madonna has been a major influence on her and it only saddened Gaga when Madonna ridiculed her... It would break me if Gaga said something remotely bad about me, given how much she influenced me. I guess she feels the same way. Madonna could have gone through hundreds of different ways to let Gaga know that she thinks she's copying her, but he went with a way that hurt Gaga and that lost me my respect for Madonna. It's only reasonable I defend Gaga when those topics arise, in a civilized manner that is.

well now she isn't ,Gaga is tring as much as possible to avoide any Madge related thing even to play her albums cause she's just sick of it . I feel like it't the most offensive thing to say now to Gaga that she is like Madonna .:bye:

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3 minutes ago, Unwavering said:

To be able to make that comparison you have to provide proof. You have to ask yourself: does she take roles similar to what Madonna used to take? Does she act similar to her in any way? Maybe some memorable tics in their acting? Comparing people based on industry choices as a whole doesn't make sense.

First, that comment was solely directed to the claim that nothing else is similar about them. That they are both actresses is an actual similarity I simply stated. I never challenged that they have extremely similar roles.

Then again, if you really want to bring this up, Madonna's earliest role (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Certain_Sacrifice) involves a character whose sexuality is diverse/fluid, much like that of the Countess. Oh and guess what, it also involved horror/supernatural themes.

I'm also going to leave this here.


Am I claiming Gaga specifically chose these roles based on Madge? No. NO. N O

But clearly, they are much more similar than detractors like you would like to admit.

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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18 minutes ago, A Gaga Lad said:

I actually did until you quoted me again

Both of them are singer-songwriters turned artists. This is objective fact. Not a reach.

You said that. Not me. Read clearly that I said their similarities don't stop within music. Not that Madonna is the sole and only influence on her and her acting.


this is a fact too :hor:(top 40 best-musicians-turned-actors)


you are really delusional if you think that Gaga got into acting cause Madonna did 

Did Gaga born Italian cause Madonna did ?:oprah:

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