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Gaga needs a hit now


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7 hours ago, JoshieS said:

you know what?
to all these fans who thinks she needs charts and hits.....     .... i will just keep listening to ARTPOP, because she's already told all of her fans before, music not the bling. she doesn't need to be on top to know she's worth it cuz she's strong enough to know the truth.

yeah and Im a huge ARTPOP stan. What now?

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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I was thinking about this the other day, I posted something along the lines of this topic in another thread. It was important to get a hit this album, not for the glory and to show off, but simply so she had something new to take to the SB. 

I wish she had stuck with A-YO as the second single. It might not of gone to number one but it had the potential to be a moderate hit, it has the upbeat anthmic feel to it that would of been the perfect for the SB. Honestly, I really don't want her to perfom MR at the SB. It's just not the show for a song like that, literally everyone would much prefer an upbeat song from her catalogue instead. 

Off Topic re SB- 

Im all up for her following her passions and doing what she wants, its actually been refreshing seeing her being bare boned, but I just hope she follows protocol once this era and performs as Lady Gaga, not Joanne. 

It's just such a piviotol moment in her career, her chance to show the entire world why we've been so enthralled by her for all these years. It's the one occasion where she can basically run wild and do what ever she wants, that's what people want when they imagine her doing the SB. 



Not the bore worms!
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At least one top 10 hit.  She can do it if she plays her cards right.  I doubt she doesn't care about a single's success.  I don't think that's her main focus but it's clear she's super happy and hyped when a song starts to do well.  

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I've said it since the end AP days, I still believe this is the case: she needs a hit not only to re-establish herself, but also to keep her going. MR is not out and neither is Ayo cause she doesn't feel like they'll chart high/be successful. If you think she isn't affected by charts you truly are delulu - BTW singles stopped as soon as MTN flopped, she basically cancelled AP because of Applause underperforming for a superstar of her level (didn't even reach 2, it failed to surpass songs that were already out) but we chose to blame Troy, and now all clues point to her paying dust to Joanne as well because P.I. flopped so hard, and MR is not catching up to its former chart success. And the painful Ayo scrap.

In the end charts do affect her, as you see we don't even get visuals when she isn't charting on them. Not that it bothers me that much for MR's video mind you, would/will probably be a snooze fiesta, but I'm pressed about Venus/Dwuw/Ayo.

it wasn't laaaahv
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13 hours ago, Born To Slay said:

8 years and her last hit was 5 years in, she's had 2 hits since 2011. She really needs hits asap for her career to continue being taken seriously by the gp.

Artists have continued having careers long, long, long after the GP has stopped giving sh!ts about them.

Career is something you love doing. you would still perform your career if you weren't getting paid.

Gaga has stated music is her career. I doubt she'd actually give it up just because her album flopped.

Please move on. People exist outside the spectrum of the general population. Gaga would still continue her music if all she was left was indie releases on bandcamp.

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Truth be told, at ths rate she will trully be over, ths cant happn. As much as im all for artistuc freedom, she needs to realise tht she needs to hv a career at the end of the day. She needs to bend to the public and give them wtever washed down songs they need, strike a balance. Tbh im slowly losing intrest. I feel as an an artist gv urself wt u want but also gv the fans wt they want once in a while, or else u lose ur career. Come at me if u want. Idgaf. Thanksies:giggle:

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GloZell Green

Our hopes are on Diamond Heart and Dancin' In Circles tbh. I don't think John Wayne would do well

Lady Gaga | Shakira
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Dark Anatomy

I've never cared about hits, but it really hurts me to see these incredible songs not recieve the attention they deserve. Perfect Illusion was amazing, and Million Reason is great. I have a bit of fleeting hope that Dancin' In Circles or A-Yo could really save the era. But girl has to crack down a bit. 

She's got artistry and integrity for days, but she's only hurting HERSELF and her career if she doesn't put in the effort to grab another hit. 

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I think the Edge of Glory is a perfect song for a stadium. I have actually heard it in basketball halftimes.

I am certain that TEOG will be featured. No idea how the rest of her show will be tho..

Perform Living
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We need to wake up the sleeper hit that is "Just Another Day". Damn all my friends who hear it get hooked instantly. They're not even Gaga fans.

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