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Why didn't Gaga support Bernie Sanders

Tokyo Rose

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Because Bernie isn't a woman :noparty:

Jk. Don't come for me. Probably because she's friends with Hillary or whatever

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3 hours ago, Whispering said:

Which is a sexist theory coming from a group of gay men on a pop forum. Once again, Hillary was Gaga's Senator during a life-altering tragedy in her city...one that Hillary was vey much involved in. Gaga was familiar with Hillary and was a supporter of the Clintons, before she ever ran for President.

Ignoring all of this and jumping to "they both have vaginas" is downright disrespectful and sexist. 

I totally agree. Not only was Hillary the familiar household name to the country, but she was Senator for Gaga's homestate. She'd also interacted with Hillary before this election- remember when she performed for Bill, for example?

I'm sure she was excited to potentially see a woman in office, but people saying that's THE reason she endorsed Hillary are being ridiculous. 

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high heeled fem
On 11/22/2016 at 7:02 AM, Zelda said:

I ask myself the same question :saladga: 

yup just another ****ing betrayal from her..:nails:

shes not as "punk" and just like "you and me" as she claims these days! shes not the same btw era lady! hence all the trips to the face magic surgeon 

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On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Kayla said:

I totally agree. Not only was Hillary the familiar household name to the country, but she was Senator for Gaga's homestate. She'd also interacted with Hillary before this election- remember when she performed for Bill, for example?

And almost performed Goverment Hooker


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I'm surprised she didn't endorse Bernie since she seemed to be more aligned with him politically but she was paid to perform for the Clintons and knows them from that so I'm not surprised. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

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6 hours ago, Benji said:

I'm surprised she didn't endorse Bernie since she seemed to be more aligned with him politically but she was paid to perform for the Clintons and knows them from that so I'm not surprised. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

I agree that I thought that she was politically more aligned with Sanders (at least that's what I thought, initially).

That said, several people here have brought up great points in that Clinton was probably a seminal figure during Gaga's upbringing.

I also once thought that Gaga was playing an individual political strategist- as in, who was more likely to get the democratic nomination, and how she could push it in that direction.

Because I honestly still don't see her (or the "her" that I know) disagreeing with Sanders all that much.

3 points in and ready for more
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TayIor Swift

Because she's a smart woman and she knew alt-right nazis were on the rise.

We did not need more divisiveness. If the Bernie supporters stopped bitching about Hillary and just voted democrat, we wouldn't have Trump now. 

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Cuz Bernie did not offer her money? at this point is very VERY OBVIOUS, that all those pop stars, including Ca$honcé and GaGa were sold to Hillary's campaign

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On 11/21/2016 at 3:00 PM, Bio said:

She endorsed Hillary from the beginning.

This and maybe she thought he was a hypocrite. :classy:

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27 minutes ago, Leonardo Fox said:

Cuz Bernie did not offer her money? at this point is very VERY OBVIOUS, that all those pop stars, including Ca$honcé and GaGa were sold to Hillary's campaign


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Tokyo Rose
1 hour ago, TayIor Swift said:

Because she's a smart woman and she knew alt-right nazis were on the rise.

We did not need more divisiveness. If the Bernie supporters stopped bitching about Hillary and just voted democrat, we wouldn't have Trump now. 

Interesting 'logic'

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On 11/21/2016 at 7:52 PM, PartySick said:

Isn't she personal friends with the Clintons? I feel like that'd be awkward to not support your friend when they're running for president :poot:

I'm sure she didn't dislike Bernie, she just resonated with Hillary more and was probably pretty stoked at the idea of the first woman president.

Do you really think discriminating against bernie because he is a man is fair? Who she votes for and suggests others vote for should have nothing to do with their reproductive organs, but rather their capicty to do the job. 

Let's admit her supporting Hillary is dodgy. There were many other candidates who seem to mirror more closely the ideology she says she has. Hillary flip flopped on gay marriage for gods sake. Other candidates didn't need to be sure public opinion had changed before supporting marriage equality. 

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