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This is pathetic and toxic

Morphine Prince

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Tbh they should be banning all these people coming out of the woodworks to bash her but some of the little flopsters are also mods and they are living for the people dragging Perfect Illusion so.

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6 hours ago, TheCountess said:

Honestly I don't know why I keep coming here. I wanted to share the excitement of the new era but I guess that's not gonna happen with all the negativity.

I don't even think I'm gonna stick around for the rest of the era, because I just know that people will just continue sh*tting on Gaga unless she gives them what they want, a radio-friendly hit that the GP will like. 

The negativity has gone too far this time, and I refuse to let this place ruin my experience of new Gaga music. 

I went on hiatus for months. Mostly lurking. I also came to share the excitement of a new era. Five days was enough for me. Back to lurking. I probably won't come by to share the excitement for the new album, singles, and video with fans. I'll listen to the new music and share my thoughts on Twitter or Facebook and that's all. 😉

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Thank you!   :applause:

Sadly, we have a group of newbie/concern trolls (that would already be banned on any other fan forum)...and the same group of "fans" that have been constantly and consistently negative for years now. It's beyond annoying and exhausting and at some point, enough is enough! 

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7 hours ago, Morphine Prince said:

When I joined this site in 2012 I did so because I wanted to experience Gaga's career with like-minded people. During the ARTPOP wait it was crazy and hilarious (and even scary at times lmao), during ARTPOP came the negativity but somehow it was still bearable. C2C did well so there wasn't much of an issue. 2015-2016 had some negativity (as always) but you know, it was fine. 

The past 3 days on this site have been like nothing I've seen before. At times it seems like the negativity and obsession over achieving commercial success pushes out the excitement of new music. People who enjoy the song are leaving the site :smh:

Instead of people who don't like something leaving or simply riding along we've gotten so much unneeded negativity. 

I don't comprehend why super fans like us behave this way. There is no joy in being a fan on this site any longer it seems. I bet some of you worry more about chart performance and sales than her actual team

Of course we all want her to be successful but the desperation and obsession has become TOO MUCH. 

"Is it a hit?" "Will it flop?" "I hate PI" "She should've kept her old sound" "Will it debut at #1?" "Will it sell more than Meghan?" "It's flopping in the USA!" 

Just enjoy the music and be happy. Good Lord. 

And yes this is another useless thread but maybe it will push down some of the other threads that are plaguing us at the moment 

Exactly everybody just needs to put their big boy/girl panties on 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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@Morphine Prince I joined in 2012 and agree completely! 

The negativity during 2013 was almost unbearable and I stopped visiting for awhile late 2013/early 2014. But the negativity in the last few days has been like nothing I've ever seen before

I don't understand what people get from it, when I don't like something the last thing I do is obsess about it like people do on here. 

To anyone who wants to enjoy this era, when Gaga releases something new, don't visit while it's happening/being released. It looks like the same level of negativity during the ARTPOP era is going to happen this era too :/ 

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1 hour ago, Ronk said:

I joined the site in March 2013.  That month I started two topics, one a video I produced, and the other a list of links to Gaga's interviews.  While those topics were well received, the general negativity of the site got to me and I DMed a mod that I was going to leave due to all the hate and negativity.  I was going to remove my topics, I was going to take my marbles and go home.  The mod convinced me that it was just a vocal few that were negative. So I am still here, but I do continue to get upset.  But since 2015 I no longer drag haters.  By everything she says and does, Gaga had finally hit me over the head with her message enough times that I finally got it.  Kindness, tolerance, and positivity are not just words to be discussed, they must be practiced at all times ... all times, even in the face of hate and negativity.  Gaga is not about words, she is about actions.   So I no longer lash out and insult people I feel may be haters and trolls. 

I will say this about the past two days.  Gaga lifts people up, she doesn't drag them down.  She believes that every person deserves love and kindness, and every person holds greatness within them.  I hope her fans will now lift her up.  She deserves that.  She deserves the chance that maybe her song will grow on the public.  She deserves time and support.

You are one of my favorite people here! I'm so glad you stayed! :hug:

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I feel like this always happens when Gaga changes. She has been evolving a lot with her acting career and style ever since the end of ARTPOP. I've seen threads bashing her for changing for years now, it's just that surprise - Gaga isn't fake and does not put on a persona just for an album release. She's really just herself all the time and this is how she is expressing herself. Now that we're in the album cycle and it's confirmed for real - some people can't handle it. I'm not really surprised. 

That said, I freaking love this era so far. It's like a big middle finger to the world like I've always wanted from her. lol. 

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I'm in total agreement with you. I quit after the BTWBall got cancelled. Too much pettiness, and the drama and competition really turns me off. Focusing on that stuff really diminishes the music and the artist and its so against everything Stefani Germanotta has ever advocated for. I rejoined for the first time in over three years for this single and some of these people make me want to leave again. 

I learned a long time ago that commercial success or popularity does not mean something is good or that an artist is talented. Of course I would love to have her merits recognized by the general public but that sort of thing doesn't change whether I like it or not. Most of the music I listen to would NEVER be on the radio, some too old for these times, some too experimental. I listen to all sorts of genres, rock, jazz, alternative, psychedelic, big band, electronic, classical, folk, and I try to stay open minded. P.I. has definitely got some cross genre vibes, so I get that some straight up pop music fans might not like it. I'm a huge Tame Impala fan, a fan of electronic music, rock and roll, and Lady Gaga. I'm excited to see her perform it and to hear it in the context of the album. 

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3 hours ago, Born To Slay said:

We need to stop acting as if these numbers are nothing to be worried about. 91k for a first week is horrific. 

Now here's the thing, there's a lot riding on this. This is likely Gaga's last chance for a hit era. If this flops, Gaga is likely to lose big budget music videos, the ability to tour arenas and her commercial career will likely end like Xtina's. Unable to tour and getting no money for fun stuff like promo. 

So if fans are scared, let them be, we likely should be. And we better pray Gaga's team has something up there sleeves.

It's stupid to panic after 2 days, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it anyway so the only thing people accomplish is to bring down the mood of those who enjoy what Gaga is doing.  Some of the complainers actually want that though, it's their way of trolling and saying "I told you so" as if somehow they can convince Interscope to "get Gaga in line" or something.

If you all want to be "realistic" and panic do it in the chart threads where the rest of us can just ignore the BS.


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Yeah it's a shame there are so many people concerned with charts and other such nonsense. It's been like that since Born This Way though. We've had doomsday predictions since, what, 2011? Unfortunately it feels like as long as Gaga is a mainstream artist, those fans will be around.

I get what you mean though. It's exhausting and kind of makes me feel sick tbh. It will die down eventually though, it's the initial rush after the first single. Everyone wants to express their opinion and those who don't like it are often the ones that want to complain the most.

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Neight Shayde

still close to leaving the forum for good.

it's turning into a messy blob of negativity. twitter looks decent compared to the things i see here, esp coming from fans who already turned their back from her yet they still post nasty shhh all over the threads.

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I would have expected this forum to avoid messiness because after all these years this isn't our first rodeo. It's annoying. 

59 minutes ago, Whispering said:

Thank you!   :applause:

Sadly, we have a group of newbie/concern trolls (that would already be banned on any other fan forum)...and the same group of "fans" that have been constantly and consistently negative for years now. It's beyond annoying and exhausting and at some point, enough is enough! 

They aren't subtle. They're already getting banned on other forums though, so I wouldn't be surprised if they came here to troll, especially if they can't get an ATRL account.

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In all honesty, I think the main issue is that many members of this forum love drama and they love to feed drama. The song has been out for THREE DAYS, and people are already attempting to make definitive and grandiose assessments about an album that is still technically unfinished (Gaga's own words: "almost completely finished") and the ultimate future of Gaga's career. It needs to stop. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and has the freedom to share that opinion, but the drama fiends have made themselves quite obvious at this point, and I think the best approach is to ignore them. Let their threads fizzle out without replies. Don't respond to their comments. They're seeking attention, and giving it to them only makes their presence unnecessarily profound.

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