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My First Piece...

Saint Laurent

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Saint Laurent

I saw someone request thing and I though it would look nice. So I tried to make a sig (my first time).

It's ****ing terrible but it is my first try.



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It's not much to judge since it's just two images and text. There's nothing really special about it, it could easily be made on paint.

I know it's your first 'design' but still, that shouldn't stop you from going crazy and making something with more to it than just text.

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It looks nice for your first try.

To give some more special effect, try to add some textures and/or brushes, And tehn play with the colours/levels/gradient maps. Just mess around :)

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Gaga is Life

I flop at seeing the terribleness. All I can see is amazingness :legend:

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Sex Dreams

It's not much to judge since it's just two images and text. There's nothing really special about it, it could easily be made on paint.

I know it's your first 'design' but still, that shouldn't stop you from going crazy and making something with more to it than just text.


But atleast go buy photoshop , or a demo? It could help a lot. I mean your first piece didn't show a lot. It showed words , Gaga , and Nicki. Go crazy add some special effects. I only got photoshop because my work on paint.net was horrible. Go try it and go crazy and see what you can make. I know its your first try but have fun. :)

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