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Why America loves Rihanna so much ?

Ciccone Madonna

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you guys are ****ing embarrassing. stay mad that rihanna is 10x more popular than gaga EVERYWHERE

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7 hours ago, Ciccone Madonna said:

maybe she payed also spotify record breaking streams and  her views on you tube :poot: and work has sold already 1,5 copies in US.

You clearly don't understand how it works. What is more depressing is that it's not as if you're gloating as though in pride of her 'accomplishments', but instead acting smug as though you're happy that 'music' like this is causing some sort of a revolution or something. 

You need to start opening your eyes. 

Record label hires a professional to write a horribly catchy, almost too easy to digest 'song', makes it initially incredibly annoying. (Believe me, nobody started immediately dancing when they first heard 'wur wur wur wur wur', not even you.)

Oh but there's more. Radios play it first time round and nobody bats an eyelash. That's fine. Of course they play it, it's her new single. 

Then they play it again. And again. And again. And again. And even though most people despised it when they first heard it, they start to sing along. Because it's EASY. Humans like easy, humans like patterns. Record labels aren't stupid and they KNOW this. So they adhere to a formula which works time and time again. 

And then the radio plays it again. Now, please don't tell me you actually think the radio dj is happy to be listening to this song for the 364th time in a week? 

He hates it. Because he knows that there are vaults of golden beautiful poetic soullfull music which is currently being unheard by the new generation of millennials and instead they, like him, hear 'wur wur wur wur wur'.

Nine weeks, ten weeks in a row? The song is played that many times since it has come out? Of course the record label is paying the stations. And it's not always in money, it could be advertising.

And people hear it about 210 times. So what do they do when they get home to their familiar playlists? OF COURSE THEY DOWNLOAD AND BUY IT BECAUSE THE WORLD, THEIR EARS SEEMS STRANGE WITHOUT IT. And then you dare insult us by trying to pass this off as artistic accomplishment or success? 

Now, were it not enough that you can't seem to engage your imagination to the tiniest degree to actually SEE the formula in every god damn song which is currently on the radio, you proceed to rave about Rihanna, doing nobody any favours, which, would of course be okay. You're allowed to like the song obviously. 

But by god, I refuse to accept any sort of implying or suggesting that this basic, simple, artless, soulless, generic, repetitive garbage be called 'The Album of the Decade' or even 'The Song of the Decade.' 

I don't even care at this point if you quote me or what your reply is. When you don't have an argument, you patronise me by telling me to 'chill out' or 'calm down', because you think I'm angry, as if it is a mortal sin to express a natural emotion?

Of course I'm angry, and it isn't because of her success, I wish her all the best. I even like her as a person. It's because of how demeaning and physically mind-numbing it is to be around such cold and calculating business tarnishing and polluting every store, every car, every house I walk into with a constant radio loop trying to make me miss something I never wanted in the first place.

Funny isn't it, in the 21st century; NOT wanting something? I'm not even angry anymore I'm just depressed. When will humans ever learn from history. 


If you don't have shadows you're not standing in the light.
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Because she is fun, she let her hair down. She feels what she feel and she shows it. And she is not seen as obnoxious and taking herself seriously hence not deterrent.

Her music are always delivered. Always there for people who want to dance. Her lyrics are relatable by majority of people but not banal nor childish.

Then, of course she is hot and pretty. Brands wanted her to be the face of their company. And so her face is everywhere and super recogniseable, never boring to look at for days.

If she was in a clique, she is the party girl of the clique. 


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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The Child
8 hours ago, Pablo said:

She's like a Britney 2.0 in a career point of view, she makes really trendy, pop music that makes people feel good.

But even Britney has been & is more involved in her career than Rihanna. :air:

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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:rip: Keep it up guys. I need that push to give up on this forum. The content sucks this year. The threads have been 2 - another artist hate thread vs. where is LG5/this sound for LG5. :madge:

Can't you just skip a thread if the topic discussed doesn't interest you? You won't see me taking a jab at Ariana, Meghan, Iggy and company in their respective threads. The fact you come here to share your opinion proves you're passionate about Rihanna and you care enough to dislike her and bash her. :hor: 

1) Not only the US but the whole world loves her. It's the amount of people interested in her music that get her constantly top 10 hits, not necessarily the quality. 

2) Umbrella is far from her breakout. Pon De Replay was huge everywhere. By the time SOS and Unfaithful came, my class in middle school :toofunny: was singing those songs on the annual concert... Umbrella was when she exploded completely into every possible corner on the globe.

3) Not here to compare her artistry to Gaga's. Clearly Gaga is superior, but she is a rarity in the industry. Coming from you who stan Ariana, Katy, Meghan, Iggy, Nicki, hell even Madonna and Beyoncé - it is quite hypocritical. All of them have lots of writers and producers. That doesn't take away from the pleasure of listening to their music, does it? I wish we'd have more artists like Marina and albums like FROOT when it comes to credits on the tracklist, but this is simply not how the industry is, and pointing fingers at Rihanna is quite stupid.

4) Work was not an obvious no.1 It never was a safe song. I enjoy it the least from all songs on ANTI but don't make it seem like it was a We Found Love or Diamonds. Work is a dancehall song and it's quite an accomplishment she succeeded with it, just like she did with Rude Boy from Rated R which also stood out from the rest of the album. No one else has succeeded in bringing a regional sound to a worldwide public quite like her. That island vibe is not so common, yet she made it a must play at every club.

5) For that matter, Kiss it Better and Needed me are yet to reach their peaks. Maybe not in the US, but elsewhere. KIB is already at no.7 on the airplay chart from the biggest radio in my country. IT debuted at 22, climbed to 10 and now it's at 7. You can hear it at least once every hour. I wish the US audience had picked it cause it's superior in every aspect. 

6) Rihanna is not the world's greatest artist. BUT she's a good singer, good dancer, and has that rare quality to turn to gold whatever she touches. :hor: Who has dominated pop charts, urban/RnB charts and electronic/dance charts at the same time?

7) What sets Rihanna apart from the rest of the pop girls is that she is the master of exploiting the industry to her benefit. Katy, Ariana, Meghan and the rest are pushed to conform to the charts, to a certain image and so on. Now Rihanna uses these tactics as well, but she makes the rest seem like a copycats and wanna-bes. She is the definition of sexy, and who can blame her for using it when she just does it right? Of course she was a puppet in her early days, but she was smart enough to take control of her career. She has her own label, owns her music, and she is quite fine and free to do whatever she wants at 28. Sure she is more of a singles artist, but she has proven she can make an entity like Rated R and ANTI. 

In conclusion, nobody gets the industry quite like Rihanna. She started off as a very well managed girl. The industry feeded her and exploited her beauty, her sexiness. It is the typical example of turning a woman into a business - "milking" her until the next pretty girls comes. Too bad she is not stupid and learnt these tactics to get back at the industry itself. Now she reigns supreme. A true boss. And well just deal with it. Don't put the blame on her because it's the industry that offered this opportunity and she was smart enough to take advantage of it, rather than the other way around. Now listen to this masterpiece by @badgalriri and seethe. :hor: :gaycat: :hug:




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48 minutes ago, CrazyMonster said:

But even Britney has been & is more involved in her career than Rihanna. :air:

Does Britney sing live? Does Britney direct some of her videos? Does Britney have her own record label? Is Britney in control of her social media accounts? Is Britney in control of her own money? Has Britney ever been involved completely in the creative process of her criticality acclaimed album?

Wasn't Britney also accused of not even singing on BJ? We all know she tried to pull a fast one on her fans by pretending to sing Perfume live when it was obviously Sia.

Finally feeling free for the night, I got no worries. Finally got a claim on my life, baby, c'est la vie. ☄️
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9 hours ago, LePetitMonstr said:

Because she's generic and has big boobs. Basically the black Katy Perry.

Couldn't disagree more, Rihanna may be "generic" by your standards but she is definitely far more authentic than Katy. Rihanna likes do to whatever she wants, that badass atitude can be why America loves her.

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3 hours ago, Drunk Poet said:

You clearly don't understand how it works. What is more depressing is that it's not as if you're gloating as though in pride of her 'accomplishments', but instead acting smug as though you're happy that 'music' like this is causing some sort of a revolution or something. 

You need to start opening your eyes. 

Record label hires a professional to write a horribly catchy, almost too easy to digest 'song', makes it initially incredibly annoying. (Believe me, nobody started immediately dancing when they first heard 'wur wur wur wur wur', not even you.)

Oh but there's more. Radios play it first time round and nobody bats an eyelash. That's fine. Of course they play it, it's her new single. 

Then they play it again. And again. And again. And again. And even though most people despised it when they first heard it, they start to sing along. Because it's EASY. Humans like easy, humans like patterns. Record labels aren't stupid and they KNOW this. So they adhere to a formula which works time and time again. 

And then the radio plays it again. Now, please don't tell me you actually think the radio dj is happy to be listening to this song for the 364th time in a week? 

He hates it. Because he knows that there are vaults of golden beautiful poetic soullfull music which is currently being unheard by the new generation of millennials and instead they, like him, hear 'wur wur wur wur wur'.

Nine weeks, ten weeks in a row? The song is played that many times since it has come out? Of course the record label is paying the stations. And it's not always in money, it could be advertising.

And people hear it about 210 times. So what do they do when they get home to their familiar playlists? OF COURSE THEY DOWNLOAD AND BUY IT BECAUSE THE WORLD, THEIR EARS SEEMS STRANGE WITHOUT IT. And then you dare insult us by trying to pass this off as artistic accomplishment or success? 

Now, were it not enough that you can't seem to engage your imagination to the tiniest degree to actually SEE the formula in every god damn song which is currently on the radio, you proceed to rave about Rihanna, doing nobody any favours, which, would of course be okay. You're allowed to like the song obviously. 

But by god, I refuse to accept any sort of implying or suggesting that this basic, simple, artless, soulless, generic, repetitive garbage be called 'The Album of the Decade' or even 'The Song of the Decade.' 

I don't even care at this point if you quote me or what your reply is. When you don't have an argument, you patronise me by telling me to 'chill out' or 'calm down', because you think I'm angry, as if it is a mortal sin to express a natural emotion?

Of course I'm angry, and it isn't because of her success, I wish her all the best. I even like her as a person. It's because of how demeaning and physically mind-numbing it is to be around such cold and calculating business tarnishing and polluting every store, every car, every house I walk into with a constant radio loop trying to make me miss something I never wanted in the first place.

Funny isn't it, in the 21st century; NOT wanting something? I'm not even angry anymore I'm just depressed. When will humans ever learn from history. 


Damn :rip:

Gaga, is that you?


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Pretty Savage
4 hours ago, Gilly said:

you guys are ****ing embarrassing. stay mad that rihanna is 10x more popular than gaga EVERYWHERE

Same. It's so hard to be famous. You don't know what's happening behind all of this things. Show some respect.. 

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All the PRESSEDT haters.

You guys are seriously the worst. :poot:

Rihanna is fun, unabashed, and makes some catchy ass tunes. People saying she has zero talent and is basic... Who are you? :awkney:

Mostly, people are just jealous that their fave isn't as successful.

Currently listening to Joanne
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3 hours ago, Drunk Poet said:

You clearly don't understand how it works. What is more depressing is that it's not as if you're gloating as though in pride of her 'accomplishments', but instead acting smug as though you're happy that 'music' like this is causing some sort of a revolution or something. 

You need to start opening your eyes. 

Record label hires a professional to write a horribly catchy, almost too easy to digest 'song', makes it initially incredibly annoying. (Believe me, nobody started immediately dancing when they first heard 'wur wur wur wur wur', not even you.)

Oh but there's more. Radios play it first time round and nobody bats an eyelash. That's fine. Of course they play it, it's her new single. 

Then they play it again. And again. And again. And again. And even though most people despised it when they first heard it, they start to sing along. Because it's EASY. Humans like easy, humans like patterns. Record labels aren't stupid and they KNOW this. So they adhere to a formula which works time and time again. 

And then the radio plays it again. Now, please don't tell me you actually think the radio dj is happy to be listening to this song for the 364th time in a week? 

He hates it. Because he knows that there are vaults of golden beautiful poetic soullfull music which is currently being unheard by the new generation of millennials and instead they, like him, hear 'wur wur wur wur wur'.

Nine weeks, ten weeks in a row? The song is played that many times since it has come out? Of course the record label is paying the stations. And it's not always in money, it could be advertising.

And people hear it about 210 times. So what do they do when they get home to their familiar playlists? OF COURSE THEY DOWNLOAD AND BUY IT BECAUSE THE WORLD, THEIR EARS SEEMS STRANGE WITHOUT IT. And then you dare insult us by trying to pass this off as artistic accomplishment or success? 

Now, were it not enough that you can't seem to engage your imagination to the tiniest degree to actually SEE the formula in every god damn song which is currently on the radio, you proceed to rave about Rihanna, doing nobody any favours, which, would of course be okay. You're allowed to like the song obviously. 

But by god, I refuse to accept any sort of implying or suggesting that this basic, simple, artless, soulless, generic, repetitive garbage be called 'The Album of the Decade' or even 'The Song of the Decade.' 

I don't even care at this point if you quote me or what your reply is. When you don't have an argument, you patronise me by telling me to 'chill out' or 'calm down', because you think I'm angry, as if it is a mortal sin to express a natural emotion?

Of course I'm angry, and it isn't because of her success, I wish her all the best. I even like her as a person. It's because of how demeaning and physically mind-numbing it is to be around such cold and calculating business tarnishing and polluting every store, every car, every house I walk into with a constant radio loop trying to make me miss something I never wanted in the first place.

Funny isn't it, in the 21st century; NOT wanting something? I'm not even angry anymore I'm just depressed. When will humans ever learn from history. 


Your life is so hard :toofunny:

You wrote a whole page of complaining as I see it.

If you hate the radio, don't listen to it. I haven't listened to the radio for about 2 years and I just pick and choose what I listen to in the car.

'The Song Of The Decade' is just a title and again you can ignore it.

I swear, people just want to complain for the sake of complaining and "going against the grain."


I like Work and Anti and its actually one of my top favorite pop albums. You can write an essay about how dumb I am or I don't "get" real music (I was a music major for about 3 years, so I know some things about music) but I really enjoyed the era. Go listen to your "soulful, poetic" music and I'll continue to bop.

Currently listening to Joanne
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11 hours ago, Ciccone Madonna said:

 this song was really famous in 2006 and was a hit.

I can bet it was even more famous than Umbrella, in Europe at least. That was any high school, pre teen, etc girl song and some geys. Everyone knew that song

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Lmao some people will literally defend Gaga to the death on here but her messages of practising love and tolerance online have certainly gone over the heads of those people... I'll never understand why people get so frustrated about the music tastes of others that they will attack them and call their intelligence into question.

Let people like what they like... ****ing hell. It's not that hard. It's pretty easy to see why America loves Rihanna and why she's so successful. If you think she's shallow, generic or whatever then good for you. Go bump your Mozart CDs. I will never understand the incessant need of some people on this site to constantly complain about artists they don't like.

As Gaga said: "If you have a problem with it, just change the channel"

You don't look more intelligent for being a hateful snob.

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