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Why would Gaga support Hillary?


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13 hours ago, LebaneseDude said:

Oooh I've been caught using broad generalizations. Fascinating :gaycat: I just woke up. Pardon my failure :emma:

I'd be careful. You're making the unfortunate implication that all women are fast food workers and all men are doctors. In that case you enter another discussion about women and hiring policies, which is another facet of the pay gap issue. It's not just about yearly-earnings. It's a whole set of issues which translate to pay gaps between men and women in general.

There was a recent discussion at MIT where they elaborated on the need to employ more women in jobs that are dominated by men for no reason. Software development is one such field, and they're making efforts to encourage women to pursue those degrees.

You're right. The pay gap when comparing hourly wages is not that huge. It's more around ~92% of what men earn, which mind you is still unacceptable, but not as alarming. It actually also decreases in professions that require college degrees.

The issue is that it doesn't translate to yearly earnings. Women tend to work for less hours per week in the same positions. Also around their 30's, women tend to stop getting pay increases due to the inability to maintain constant work times. One such reason is pregnancy or child rearing. USA is one of the only countries without guaranteed paid maternity leave.They have to stop working without pay. Men don't face such issues. 

So yes...even the argument about "same positions" is accurate, because of many issues that cause discrepancy in earnings over time.

I'll concede that I should probably have used a better chart :unicorn:

There are more woman fast food workers than male fast food workers and more male doctors than female doctors. http://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11.htm  That makes statistics like the one you posted very misleading to people.

I'm for maternity and paternity leave. If you provide only maternity leave you are still putting women at a disadvantage in the workplace because women, unlike men, may leave with pay and the employer can't do anything about it.... except hire men instead of women. Provide it to mother and father and you have a winning combination.

I'm also for encouraging women to go into male dominated fields (and vice-versa). Not because of the pay though. More because we are told there are certain jobs we can't/shouldn't do and that is such a terrible reason for certain jobs to be dominated by one gender. I think it's important because both genders bring different perspectives to the table.

Women work less because of their children. The best thing to do about that is to provide day care services, but I don't see that happening. The issue affects both single moms and singles dads equally, and when it comes to working couples women tend to stay home with the children more often. I wouldn't necessarily consider that a problem though.

The actual pay gap that exist between comparable men and women in the same field occurs for social reasons. Like men asking for more money in salaried positions than women do and asking for raises more often. Those issues would require significant overhauls of the way many companies operate though. Some companies do pay everyone the same, but I don't think there is enough of an argument to require companies to pay people the same. Women still rise in the ranks in those companies, and that incentive breeds a lot of creativity/innovation in American companies.

Anyways, I think we agree on more things than we disagree on for this issue. The most important point I was trying to make originally is that people actually believe that, say, a female pharmacist will make 70% of a male pharmacist's salary, working at the same company, for the same number of years, with the same experience, in the same area, neither with children. That's a flat-out lie and it makes the entire argument look foolish when someone says it.

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I think when it comes to politics it shouldnt be our Business. I don't ask my friends who they vote for either. 

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Honestly, I don't think the decision is purely political. She's busy af so I doubt she has the time to keep up with the finer nuances of politics. She's friends with the Clintons (that concert for Bill a few years back and other things since) so it makes sense she'd support HRC. It isn't like she's ignorant or unenlightened or something, but ya know, it's hard to keep up with this stuff under normal circumstances, ya know?

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Those Evil Eyes

Gaga loves the gays, that doesn't mean it's the only issue she considers when backing a political candidate. Give her a break.

~stanning queens~
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7 minutes ago, PopBitch said:

Because she's backing a great candidate who will make a tremendous president.

they make a great canidate together but not separately in regards to hill & bill..*Blows kiss*

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On April 23, 2016 at 7:55 PM, brendablethyn said:

Because she's ignorant, like a lot of voters. Those types of people don't really understand politics or economics and basically vote for whoever they 'like', as if they were choosing someone to be friends with.

the height of ignorance are people in this thread making assumptions that Gaga is voting for Hillary purely because they are both female.  

Hillary is actually probably the best candidate from a "politics" reason, if you really understand politics.  Bernie has rarely worked for consensus, he prefer's to take hard lines and not compromise, even when he knows they are unworkable.  Cruz represents everything wrong with the current GOP. "The Donald" is a foreign policy disaster waiting to happen.

I would actually prefer we just give Obama another 4 years while the parties get their **** together unfortunately that's not a choice.


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