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AHS LEMONADE: Starring Beyonce

Thomas P

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Thomas P

Its the truth tho.


I shat myself when I saw this! Like its just ****ing amazing!!!!


Iā€™m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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hahahahaha in the sense that it seems cryptic af yes. Almost always the AHS trailers encode a secret message of the first few episodes and then its filled with creepy bs thats never coming to the screen.Ā 

Rock On and A Last One For the Road šŸš¬
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3 minutes ago, Medoner Cortez said:

plz no

we all kno acting isnt bayonse's strong point

*remembers obsessed*

I loved that movieĀ :laughga:

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Just now, Medoner Cortez said:

I liked the showdown at the end


Yessss that was probably the best part lol

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