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Ariana Drags Sexist Man to the Pits!

Dangerous Man

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Brian Ryan

The same conversation over and over. It's kinda cliche'. I would not have even responded if I was Ariana Grande. People who think like are boring and just not going to change their thoughts. I'm glad she spoke up on it, but so has every female who has also has a nice body and very attractive who have taken their clothes off. Guys, women, girls, and boys are just jerks and sexiest. Great Ariana. :rockstar:

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Brian Ryan
1 hour ago, vivre sa vie said:

Good for her to say that I got her point but sometimes there is a thin line between "loving and showing your body as a woman" and the oversexualization of female popstars in order to stay relevant. 

It's nothing wrong with showing your body naked. That's the way God brought us in this world. I swear some of these comments make me think we are not on a Lady Gaga website where before she was a singer... she was a stripper and still not far from that dress wise but a mic. :rockstar:

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The real double standards lie on the fact that if a male popstar were to act and pose in exactly the same manner as Ariana in the video, he would be called 'gay' and 'weak', because apparently they are feminine and femininity is considered weak. But a female popstar can be topless and muscular and act all gangster and douchey with tattoos but she will still be labeled as 'sexy' and 'empowering'.


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