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Gaga and Jamie Lee Curtis promote Hilary Clinton in a new photo


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2 hours ago, hahahahahahahah said:

well the similarities lie in the fact that people vote for bernie because they feel him, "feel the bern" as it were, as his policies are very good but also very unrealistic whereas trump supporters feel him in the sense that they support his very bad policies that are also very unrealistic in terms of the US political system today. basically the voters within these two categories are identifying emotionally with the rhetoric and giving in to them, letting their ideals and feelings win over rationale regarding what can realistically be accomplished under the framework of US government today.


that isn't to say that to support bernie is a bad thing. i still don't know who to vote for LOL sketch but realistic or the good guy who's not gonna get any of that done 


once again i say obama 2016!!!

It's more than just about "feeling emotion." Yes, Sanders and Trump are both leading populist movements. To me, that's where the similarities end. 

Hillary's bought by Wall Street. She has a history of questionable judgment. Her positions, while they have been really all over the spectrum throughout her past, have noticeably shifted to the left because of Sanders and the popularity he has, especially with young people. What makes you think she'll actually do what SHE says? That she's actually trustworthy? This is about looking at Sanders's track record, and then looking at hers. Who's more consistent? Who has actually practiced what they have preached? Who doesn't take hundreds of thousands of dollars just for giving a single goddamn speech, or millions upon millions of dollars from Wall Street? Praising Nancy Reagan for her "AIDS efforts", and then totally backtracking once she realized what she said wasn't at all true? The 1994 crime bill, calling young blacks "super predators." She was completely openly against gay marriage not long ago. She has supported practically every trade bill that has been bad for the working people of this country. This is NOT just about "emotion" - to say that is a gross oversimplification of what this is all really about. These are all facts. And they greatly play into the reason why Sanders is seen as a more qualified, viable candidate than she is, at least among younger generations. 

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1 hour ago, lairofhk said:

It's more than just about "feeling emotion." Yes, Sanders and Trump are both leading populist movements. To me, that's where the similarities end. 

Hillary's bought by Wall Street. She has a history of questionable judgment. Her positions, while they have been really all over the spectrum throughout her past, have noticeably shifted to the left because of Sanders and the popularity he has, especially with young people. What makes you think she'll actually do what SHE says? That she's actually trustworthy? This is about looking at Sanders's track record, and then looking at hers. Who's more consistent? Who has actually practiced what they have preached? Who doesn't take hundreds of thousands of dollars just for giving a single goddamn speech, or millions upon millions of dollars from Wall Street? Praising Nancy Reagan for her "AIDS efforts", and then totally backtracking once she realized what she said wasn't at all true? The 1994 crime bill, calling young blacks "super predators." She was completely openly against gay marriage not long ago. She has supported practically every trade bill that has been bad for the working people of this country. This is NOT just about "emotion" - to say that is a gross oversimplification of what this is all really about. These are all facts. And they greatly play into the reason why Sanders is seen as a more qualified, viable candidate than she is, at least among younger generations. 

i understand what you're saying (well the parts that i know of, i don't know anything about previous trade deals aside from the little about the panama papers). i won't pretend to know things that i do not. i agree with you on several points: hillary has questionable judgment and flip-flops depending on what seems to be the audience she is addressing once in a while, takes big industry money, etc. i agree with you also on most of your points on bernie: he is consistent, he has had good judgment, and so on. 

keep in mind that i remain neutral in all this (i haven't yet chosen one over the other, i am pulled toward both). 

but regardless of all this, i stand by what i said earlier about the hype behind bernie being about emotion. to me it clearly is. yes hillary is an inconsistent and flip-floppy candidate, and one could say that her outward political stance could be less to the left than bernie's, and she's said and supported some questionable things some 20 years ago and even 2 years ago but ultimately it is this relative "middle ground" she occupies, somewhere between trump and bernie, that is both liberal and perhaps more importantly conceivable, that it is not so far to the left that it would alienate most if not all of republicans and perhaps a portion democrats as well. with hillary and her more pragmatic approach to politics, i can see something getting done, and while i don't really care for her as a candidate, i can put my emotions for bernie aside and see this. 

one must think what would happen if bernie becomes president and the possible ramifications of that: he would try to pass legislation he promised, probably fail regarding much of the policy he preaches, the GP becomes upset that government is the same old government, nothing is getting done, and then 4 years into his administration the liberal vote will be disheartened, voter turnout returning to what it was before the "feel the bern" phenomenon, a republican challenger appears (maybe donald trump saying see look what happened) and maybe even winning, and so on and so on.

with hillary, this scenario is also possible (because republicans do not like democrats to begin with and they particularly hate her) but time wouldn't be wasted on huge leaps like bernie promotes. it would be smaller, more incremental steps toward what i believe is the same goal. because i think that most liberals would agree (general population, candidates, and current legislators alike) that what bernie says is obviously good ideas, but change in democratic government can never be so abrupt, to shift so suddenly in so many different ways even if it is for the better because the framework that is currently in place will squash this sort of opposition. it must be more furtive and quiet, and chip away at the corrosiveness rather than destroying it all at once. democracy is a conglomeration of many positions and imo the "middle ground" (whatever that is) will always prevail. 



to not sound so pro-hillary, a part of me wants to make a stand against this government and vote bernie regardless of everything, to pick up my ideals and hold them high and voice my angst with government in its current form. but idk. LOL


sorry i keep editing LOL k i'm done


ultimately #anyonebuttrump when it comes down to it. bernie supporters should know that too that guy is crazy. 

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20 minutes ago, hahahahahahahah said:


to not sound so pro-hillary, a part of me wants to make a stand against this government and vote bernie regardless of everything, to pick up my ideals and hold them high and voice my angst with government in its current form. but idk. LOL


sorry i keep editing LOL k i'm done


ultimately #anyonebuttrump when it comes down to it. bernie supporters should know that too that guy is crazy. 

I love how you pointed out your edits. I just shamelessly edit my posts. It's especially funny when someone quotes me before I re-submit.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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3 hours ago, DiscoHeaven23 said:

wait what? I'm a little lost in your post. Who doesn't owe me anything? My post was about the comments be thrown around by sanders supporters. It's pro Hillary/Gaga

Maybe you quoted the wrong post?

I'm so sorry! That was meant for @brendablethyn! I was on my phone so I obviously was doing a terrible job at quoting properly. Apologies again!

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Just now, mcoop said:

I'm so sorry! That was meant for @brendablethyn! I was on my phone so I obviously was doing a terrible job at quoting properly. Apologies again!

haha, i was like ...but I'm on ur side :(   

lololol, no worries

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I never wanted to admit this to myself, but I believe the only reason Gaga is voting for Hillary is because she's a woman. The biggest irony I find is that she wants to vote for somebody who helped push Don't Ask Don't Tell and DOMA; The very two things that screwed the LGBT community in the United States and that Gaga fought against. However, this is who Gaga wants to vote for and one can only respect her opinion.


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18 hours ago, Rising said:

Why do Hillary supporters condemn any criticism of Hillary as if it weren't justified, though? 

Just because she's not a republican doesn't mean she should be exempt from all criticism. She deserves to be called out for every single thing. Add the Panama Papers to get long list of bad judgement calls. 

Anyway, I'm almost 100% sure Gaga hasn't actually looked into the primaries. She supports her because she's friends with the Clintons. You almost have to be literally retarded to know Clinton politics and still support them. 

You calling people retarded is pretty immature. It's especially hilarious when you presume that most people hold the same priorities as you. Compared to most politicians of the world, Hillary is like Ghandi. I personally don't give a rats ass about the times she ****ed up. I look at what she did right. Those hold more value for me. Considering Sanders has done nothing of value to me, then no I won't support him even if I theoretically share many of his principles. As I get older, I'm leaning more towards pragmatism than idealism. Part of growing up I suppose.

Oh and your second sentence is also pretty stupid. (Note how I call your sentence stupid, not you yourself). Making Hillary look horrible is a double-edged sword. If she gets the nomination, you're essentially doing the GOPs work for them. It's why people are telling you to chill the fk down.

Comparing the activity of "Hillbots" and "Berniebots" on most social media sites, one can easily see which side is doing the most damage to the potential nominee. 

To put it bluntly, if Sanders wins, you're going to see me dramatically shift to supporting him despite his many, many faults. 


Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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5 minutes ago, Fahs said:

I never wanted to admit this to myself, but I believe the only reason Gaga is voting for Hillary is because she's a woman. The biggest irony I find is that she wants to vote for somebody who helped push Don't Ask Don't Tell and DOMA; The very two things that screwed the LGBT community in the United States and that Gaga fought against. However, this is who Gaga wants to vote for and one can only respect her opinion.


It's pretty shameful to see people turn on Gaga's intelligence when it comes to politics, after having praised her intelligence in almost every other field she partakes in.

It goes to show how humans function. You want to see what you want to see. 

Oh and the two policies you are discussing are actually controversial even among the LGBT population. I won't claim to know which is right, but given that neither of us lived in that stage, it's nor our place to claim objective facts. Many claim they were a necessary defensive action. Others say it was political opportunity. A few say it was both. In any case, it's unfair to use it against her, especially when her LGBT track record elsewhere (especially on a global stage) has been pretty impressive.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Morphine Prince

I find it funny how many on here are genuinely surprised. 

I think it was obvious Gaga was gonna support Hillary. She's liked the Clintons forever. And last year she was asked and she said Hillary so.....

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16 minutes ago, Fahs said:

I never wanted to admit this to myself, but I believe the only reason Gaga is voting for Hillary is because she's a woman. The biggest irony I find is that she wants to vote for somebody who helped push Don't Ask Don't Tell and DOMA; The very two things that screwed the LGBT community in the United States and that Gaga fought against. However, this is who Gaga wants to vote for and one can only respect her opinion.


hi there. well you could look at it this way. at the time, i think it was implemented to protect rather than harm LGB people. the fact of the matter is people weren't so widely liberal about these things as they are today and i can imagine like a gay man for instance not wanting to be asked and subjecting himself to such harsh ridicule and possible dismissal. a lot has changed in a matter of a few years and now people are recognizing that this is a right people have, that they can be open about themselves, etc. in terms of DOMA tho, idk. can't say anything about that. LOL. but i do believe people genuinely see the light and change their positions (going with the flow of popular opinion) and as long as they see the light it's ok with me idc. 


idk about T? can transgendered people serve in the military now? idk sounds like a stupid question i would think yes but not sure considering people are fighting over bathrooms and **** in the news. 

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13 minutes ago, Morphine Prince said:

I find it funny how many on here are genuinely surprised. 

I think it was obvious Gaga was gonna support Hillary. She's liked the Clintons forever. And last year she was asked and she said Hillary so.....

To be fair, many don't realize that Hillary and Sanders are more alike when it comes to human rights than they think. 

Isn't that what Gaga really focuses on?

I don't think Gaga has ever dedicated a song to welfare and unemployment. :emma:

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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I wonder what would happen if the Democratic convention will be contested as the GOP's may be at this rate.  This might be the most volatile election we've had for a long time, for both sides. 

All that matters is avoiding the mess from what was called the GOP or Republican Party at one point and has turned into the circus.

Democrats and liberals should unite and whoever becomes the nominee that wins should make the other the VP to aide in rallying momentum toward the presidential election, supporting Democrats in Congress and local elections as well.  For a while, the liberal side has shown great reserve and class until recently when compared to the Republican circus and that should continue if we are serious about dealing with millions of issues going forward with solid leadership that can work with Congress, perhaps appoint more justices to SCOTUS, to get progress done, nationally and internationally. 

It is Gaga's right to support who she wishes.

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