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Melanie Martinez's awkward encounter with fan

Morphine Prince

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9 minutes ago, Bae said:

Can you not turn this into a feminist argument, please? It has nothing to do with women not being able to speak up  :duck:  I don't see how her fans were being creepy and inappropriate? They were doing what normal fans these days do. Even if she felt uncomfortable, it would have been nice as the artist to not say anything at all than to make her fans feel like they did something wrong. Notice how the girl and the guy were both like.. "wtf Melanie?" 

But the way they acted WAS WRONG :duck:
Fan culture developed into this appalling paparazzi-substitute, she is 100% in the right :duck:

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Just now, amenvodka said:

But the way they acted WAS WRONG :duck:
Fan culture developed into this appalling paparazzi-substitute, she is 100% in the right :duck:

I don't agree. but it's okay <3



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She seems like an awful person to be a fan of.

Now I'm happy Christina was rude to her on The Voice. 

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1 hour ago, LG said:

she freaks out when people shout 'i love you' at her concerts & freaks out when people try to take pics with her i'd like her try to keep up with fame .. :crossed:

she got annoyed at ONE person saying i love you because the room was silent and she was in the middle of saying a speech about a song, explaining why she wrote it and what it means to her. I'd be annoyed too if i was interrupted. I've seen her live too and she's amazing. But she has anxiety and rarely feels comfortable speaking to large crowds in between singing songs. SO for her to be interrupted on a rare occasion that she explains a song like that, its understandable that she snapped that once. If you bothered to watch other tour videos, she has even stopped talking or performing just to tell fans to stop pushing and to calm down, explaining that we're all just humans. She has insane talent as a singer and song writer, and writes up all of her music videos (which, by the way, she is doing one for every song in her album. Which artist has ever been allowed to do that on their DEBUT album?). She doesn't like when large groups of fans try to stick phones in her face, and trust me she is really sweet. I've met her THREE times and every time she was so nice. If shes feeling anxious or sick, then she will be a little 'rude' to fans, i guess. But don't go saying that shes some stuck up/rude person that cant keep up with fame. Not just you, but all of you trying to drag her on here. 

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Fiona Apple
48 minutes ago, CrazyMonster said:

Yes of course I'd love it if people took pics of me like that.

Take My Picture, Hollywood! I Wanna Be a Star! :derpga:


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1 hour ago, Themysciran said:

Waiting for her defenders to try and take her side on this. She's rude, plain and simple.

Idk. I didn't find it rude. She didn't say it in a disrespectful way.

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Katharine Hepburn
1 hour ago, Poot said:

@ all the haters


if you dont have anything nice to say


shut up and dont say anything at all

We can say what we want. It's a forum where discussion takes place. 

xoxo Joanne
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I don't think she said it at all in a rude way. Literally both the fans could have easily just asked for a photo with her and I guarantee you she wouldn't have a problem..... but they immediately just whipped out their phones and got in her face while she was autographing another fans album (which honestly is weird and no way to interact with another human even if they are a "celebrity". With that being said I can obviously understand why she felt weird and asked them to stop. 


ALSO REMEMBER ARTISTS DON'T OWE FANS **** LIKE AUTOGRAPHS AND SELFIES. While it's cool to receive something like that as a fan there is no reason they should feel obligated or forced to and we shouldn't just expect that from them. While I'm not a Halsey fan she had an incident somewhat similar to this where fan's felt like she owed them a selfie just because they waited outside her hotel even though she's busy and has places to be for work. I honestly feel bad for both these girls getting so much flack EVEN THOUGH THEYRE PREACHING THE TRUTH. Fan culture can be so disrespectful and annoying.


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I don't think this incident or the "I'm talking" incident was particularly rude. She had perfectly valid justification for saying what she did. The key issue is that fan culture has normalized behavior that would be technically classified as rude in any other social setting (screaming at people while they're talking, taking pictures without asking, etc.). It's not necessarily anything new either; I mean, think about fan reactions to Elvis and the Beatles in the 60s. Some celebrities handle it well, and others don't. That being said, I do think she would probably be wise to take a different approach that isn't quite so polarizing. I mean, in regards to this incident, she could have said something along the lines of "Hey, what are you doing that for? Come on, let's take a real picture!" and no one would even be discussing the matter. Hopefully, in time, she'll be able to handle these situations more smoothly.

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I love her so much and she's starting to do this...

She's just not made for fame.

I guess my girl has a big ride coming and some lessons to learn because her fanbase is growing very, very quickly, and she could be a big star soon.

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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19 minutes ago, Batwings said:

I don't think this incident or the "I'm talking" incident was particularly rude. She had perfectly valid justification for saying what she did. The key issue is that fan culture has normalized behavior that would be technically classified as rude in any other social setting (screaming at people while they're talking, taking pictures without asking, etc.). It's not necessarily anything new either; I mean, think about fan reactions to Elvis and the Beatles in the 60s. Some celebrities handle it well, and others don't. That being said, I do think she would probably be wise to take a different approach that isn't quite so polarizing. I mean, in regards to this incident, she could have said something along the lines of "Hey, what are you doing that for? Come on, let's take a real picture!" and no one would even be discussing the matter. Hopefully, in time, she'll be able to handle these situations more smoothly.

You make some really good points. Almost anyone I know would get frustrating with people yelling random things at them while they're trying to explain something important to them, or with strangers taking their pictures without asking. But what she has to learn is that even though fan culture is very strange and abnormal, this will be her life from now one. She's gotta accept it a bit, and learn to educate her fans in a better way about how to approach her. That being said, she's still only 20. Give her a few years to make some immature mistakes before she's a proper adult.

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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Oprah Winfrey

Do you have the video ?? I've never heard of this :excited2:

2 hours ago, Bae said:


You never see Gaga getting upset when people are taking pictures of her... unless she's trying to be "undercover". but even then... remember when that paparazzi was taking pictures of her getting ready in the window? She went out and gave him his own photoshoot.


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