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Millennials find Madonna 'desperate', study finds


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9 hours ago, androiduser said:

funny how M's fans don't want to admit that the "teenage" opinions DID matter when she became a star..... who the hell supported her back i the early 80's? rocket scientists? Madonna is a PRODUCT of our society, not the VICTIM

Noone has even suggested that though. It was a question of The present day. Obviously she was first loved by teens, and hated by older/wasnt taken seriously, then loved by older and hated by parents at least etc. Its a progress. She has been opposed, ridicules, hated for her entire career though. Nothing New in this. Shes been "over" for over thirty years... Its only natural for a massive artist who doesnt like conformity and rebels constantly. But on a Flip side, thats why she is forever talked about and so on.

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21 hours ago, Snow said:

Yes lets get real. You try to talk and sound ALL expert yet you are NOT. You use Wikipedia for your source? Really? 

Yes she has said as I said, not just mere fun dance song. Thats The surface. However not The purpose, which it is made for. So go get educated, I don't bother finding you links. But stop acting like you know something about it. Maybe you first lesson could be that M very rarely even finds The need to spell out her work. She doesnt care if they are understood. It is still The audience who needs The decide how they see things and understand them. According to M her job is to raise conversation, even uproar of topics. Thats exactly what she did and accomplished now. Ppl have been talking about how a woman of age should and should not behave etc. Mission accomplished Madonna!

You are just too wrapped up in your own "truth" you are too blind to see that she already did what she set out to do. You do realize here we are, topic after topic talking about her.

And again, how on earth is she desperate?! She doesnt care how things chart or sell anymore, not even tours. She has said this too numerous times. She does ALL that she does to provoke ppl in to discussion and hopefully some progress shall be made in The future. This has always been The case with M. Whether it was sex, gays, AIDS whatever.

And 4 mins is a fluke?! Oh please... Its a great bob and its that simple. Nothing more to say about that.

And The rest of your post have nothing to do with M. 

I may not be an expert, but I always research, especially when it comes to musical patterns. My views are echoed by music professionals. We know the game, we know how it works. Yes, I use Wiki for my source, as it contains quotes from her on its official page. Those quotes have links. What better evidence do you need?

Well, frankly, Madonna's been making songs about being old not being an obstacle to having fun for a while now. It's hardly a new message from her. She's been acting young for years in her videos (urban dacing, cavorting with young men, suggestions of lesbianism, crazy road trips, provocative outfits...) so, isn't the message the same every time? It's been the same message for every Madonna video since 2006. Why is this one so different to them?

People talking negatively about you is a different kind of conversation, though. It may be better than nothing, but the songs don't actually do anything if we don't like them, right?

If she didn't care about sales, why would she release such generic songs featuring young artists? At her age, shouldn't she not feel the need to go her own way without resorting to marketing gimmicks? All the other artists her age are doing that. And if she didn't care about touring sales, she wouldn't be touring at all or if she did, wouldn't make the prices as high as she does. It was highly suggested, even among her fans, that she made MDNA purely so she could make top dollar from touring considering how little she promoted the album and how un-invested she was. Madonna loves making money, everyone knows that.

I like 4 Minutes and it wouldn't have matter to me who was on it, but to a lot of the public, it does matter. That's why songs by more alternative or older artists suddenly do well when there's a remix by a current generic DJ. See how Florence's song, Spectrum, the 4th song from her album, went to #1 in the UK after Calvin Harris did a remix, even though the album was released 9 months before. She also later went to #1 when she was featured on one of Calvin's songs. This is a woman who had only ever had one top ten song (the same song later had a remix with Dizzee Rascal and went to #2 because of it). This is because young people eat up hot new names on songs, regardless of the quality. But even that isn't working out as well for Madonna recently (Give Me All Your Luvin').

I bring up people who aren't Madonna because I'm noting music trends and how the industry works. It's all relevant and Madonna plays the same game as most other artists.

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I'm never sure how to feel about Madonna. But the bottom line is I don't like her music for the most part and I'm not sure how much talent she has. She should just focus on being talented maybe idk. 

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The Madonna I loved and I admired declined  in 2008 and "died" to me  in Jan 13, 2012

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Never liked her attitude anyway.


she got famous for being nuts and crazy. Her vocals are mediocre at best and shes very condesending. Will never like her as a person even if i like her work

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On 25/03/2016 at 9:59 PM, Goldfish said:

i instantly was filled with rage when millennial would rank ****!ng Zayn Malik and Pew Die Pie as more influential, i mean, what the actual hell..... 

what a load of rubbish

Ikr, imo people with taste don't even check out **** like Zayn Malik, who tf cares

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5 hours ago, AgusPop said:

The Madonna I loved and I admired declined  in 2008 and "died" for me in Jan 13, 2012


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On 3/26/2016 at 2:35 AM, VenusOddity said:

adele, who is about the same age as her, is liked by 'millenials' too because she's authentic and true to herself


Bruh, Do you even Adele?

I'll lift you 3 inches off the ground and drag you to a meter and a half
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I still like her music, and she is extremly smart.. She is one of the best 'business'-music woman in town..


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Well, this the way Madonna has always worked her ways. She makes a big buzz out of non-sense and embarrasment and then delievers her message and some quality music to the very little people who UNDERSTAND HER!

Probably you need be reminded that back in 1984 when she popped out of that huge wedding cake, she wasn't receiving grammy's or critical acclaim unlike Cyndi Lauper. Madonna was being trashed like she is being right now. But her impact prevailed. Then Like A Prayer came, then Erotica came, and so on and on.

She might not have radio smashes like she did back in the day, but she is still acomplishing much with the same formula. Her album sold around 1 million copies (very good numbers for today's state of music sales) Her tour was one of the most grossing tours and she was very talked about in the media for good or bad reason but she was.

At the end of the day even if you're a very high critcical-aclaimed artist, you're still going to have detractors. So, you think she cares? Ultimately she also has a lot of supporters and people who were able to understand the whole concept behind the "Rebel Heart" era. You can be a rebel and be disliked by many while you're doing you're crazy anticts but underneath this, there is a heart full of soul and creativity (If some people here took the time to watch her acoustic performance in her show).

After this explanation, let me quote her words during the intro of her show:

I’m a woman. I’m a blonde. I have tits and an ass, and an insatiable desire to be noticed.

“Come on, baby. Show us your ass. Shake it for us, baby. Do that dance you do so well for us, baby.”

Ok. But I still want to start a revolution. Somebody’s got to.

There’s too much beauty in the world going to waste.
Too much talent going unnoticed.
Too much creativity crushed beneath the wheel of corporate branding and what’s trending.
But it’s time to wake up...

And I looked into the eyes of people and I saw helplessness.
I saw hopelessness.
I saw humans searching for a way out.

Because when those Fascist dictators posing as righteous men come for you with their big leather boots to shut you up,
To put a gag in your mouth,
To send you away to a penal colony,
You better be prepared to fight for what you believe in.
You better be prepared to die for what you believe in.

I want to start a revolution.
Are you with me?"

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13 hours ago, VOLANTIS said:


Bruh, Do you even Adele?

it was a joke and 10 pages later NO ONE got it i'm so disappointed in these gays

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On 3/26/2016 at 3:51 PM, Rino said:

whatevs, she will still keep on selling out stadiums for as long as she is physically able to tour. 

she has enough following to keep her rich even without the support from the younger generations. 

If you read the entire article (to those of you going on the defense of Madge), the end of the article specifically says she can't necessarily be written off due to her global reach and sales/gross of her new tour. It's simply stating a perception in the population about a given brand, or in this case, cultural icon.

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On 30.3.2016 at 10:41 AM, Ferrer Zorola said:

...dead at age 57, presumably the diva drank too much 

Thats quite rich on this site... Let's get this straight now once and for all. M does not get drunk NOR has ever been drunk on stage or anywhere public NOR will she ever be. Unlike someone else famous for various "habbits" 

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