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Gaga tweets about Sony dropping Luke


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9 minutes ago, iAdrian97 said:

Queen of bandwagoning

Sweetie she's one of the original girls that started tweeting about the issue just couple hours after the judge ruled + she met Kesha. If anything she's driving this wagon. 

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11 minutes ago, gagaboy94 said:

i really dont like her behaviour, what if luke's innocent? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty...

I agree she had every right to support kesha and believe her, but she shouldnt say anything against luke at this point

Honey you know nothing about what happened behind the scenes 

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Gaga is in the bussiness and none of us is, so maybe she knows thing we don't know. She is not that dumb to be posting this publicly. She's not the one ho stood with Kesha while like nobody in the bussines is with Luke, so there must be something there ;)

¿Qué currículum tiene ésta tarántula?
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Jesse Pinkman
12 minutes ago, Andreyw said:

wouldn't friends help eachother whenever they need it?

And she has done that, which is great. However, this is a touchy subject for everyone and a highly sensitive case, I just hope that Gaga is very cautious with her wording...

Things like this can spin very out of control, very quickly.

It's science, bitch
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1 minute ago, amenvodka said:

Then maybe you should start stanning for people who support rape instead.

Just because common sense dictates that you shouldn't make assumptions you aren't sure about and that could turn out wrong, doesn't mean you shoukd support rapists instead.

I really don't feel comfortable about this whole situation. If Kesha says he sexually abused her and she can't work with him, then she absolutely has the right to stop so that she can live happilu. BUT I feel it'd be awful if the man lost his job and career over accusations that could be wrong. BUT BUT what if he keeps his job and rapes other girls? THIS SITUATION IS SO COMPLICATED ARGH

chaeri pls
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Just now, Metamorphosis said:

And she has done that. This is a touchy subject for everyone, I just hope that Gaga is very cautious with her words involving this case is all.

Things like this can spin very out of control, very quickly.

if your friend would be in a case like this, would you just simply mind your own business instead of helping him/her as much as you can?

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14 minutes ago, gagaboy94 said:

i really dont like her behaviour, what if luke's innocent? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty...

I agree she had every right to support kesha and believe her, but she shouldnt say anything against luke at this point

If you're a strong female, you don't need permission.


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13 minutes ago, iAdrian97 said:

Queen of bandwagoning

Hihihi so funny xDxDxD lololololol , retard

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Jesse Pinkman
1 minute ago, Andreyw said:

if your friend would be in a case like this, would you just simply mind your own business instead of helping him/her as much as you can?

I'm not a public figure, and no I wouldn't be taking to Twitter to say anything regarding a case if my friends or loved ones were involved. But that's just me.

It's science, bitch
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1 minute ago, RBNLM said:

Hihihi so funny xDxDxD lololololol , retard

"a cackle, a ki, lolololol "

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20 minutes ago, gagaboy94 said:

i really dont like her behaviour, what if luke's innocent? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty...

I agree she had every right to support kesha and believe her, but she shouldnt say anything against luke at this point

This!!!! We dont know with 100% certainty hes guilty


Kesha is her friend now and she wants to support her thats fine...


But publicly shaming Luke when she wasnt there and has only Keshas word isnt right either


if someone claims to be a victim you support them yes, but dont make a public scene out of it unless you have some way of being 100% sure!!!

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20 minutes ago, gagaboy94 said:

i really dont like her behaviour, what if luke's innocent? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty...

I agree she had every right to support kesha and believe her, but she shouldnt say anything against luke at this point

Gaga is in the know of how these people in this business work and she believes Kesha. I believe them both as well. I hope Sony drops him.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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You guys don't understand, Gaga isn't going to stop talking about this until the right thing has happened, until Kesha is free. Idk why you are saying "Hasn't she publicly supported Kesha long enough?" She isn't doing this just for the sake of publicly supporting Kesha. She is doing it because she is a survivor herself, that barely came to terms with her assault a couple years ago. She knows first hand how it feels. And she knows that victim blaming is a real thing, as well as people denying what happened to the victim. You can say innocent until proven guilty all you want, but at the end of the day when someone says they were raped we must believe them. 

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