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Do you think Gaga's popularity will rise with LG5?


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According to this graph ^ on google trends, gaga isn't receiving nearly a fraction of the internet hype and attention she was in 2009-2011. This seems obvious considering how explosive her career was at that time... but based on the incredible year she had last year, i guess i expected to see her 'popularity' steadily increase. (Obviously there is a lot more to a good album/career than general public adoration... it's just interesting)

Do you think she will reach that peak level of 'interest' with the next album? 

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Arizona Sky

No, no & no. She won't beat out March 2010. Probably never. I think she could be on par with 2011 though.

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I don't think that she'll necessarily peak the same way as she did in 2009-2011, but she'll definitely gain popularity. This past year has been incredible for Gaga. Now, there is absolutely no question that people know she can sing. There's no more of that "Gaga's just another talentless wannabe pop star." She's a 'talented and gifted artist'. She'll definitely gain some popularity though, whether that's good or bad is still yet to be determined. 

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I have a lot of confidence in this album so yes I do think she will have an even higher popularity than she had in 2009-2010 but I might be a bit too optimistic.:hor:

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Gagas had a stellar year... but that good year in no way compares to her domination circa 09-11. 

I'm still so shocked people can't recall accurately how in-fu*king-sane her popularity was. 

Honestly I see LG5 being an AP sized hit. If it has really good catchy easy singles, it could slowly rise in popularity and saturation. 

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Rise from ARTPOP levels, but either way i think the era is a rebuilding of sorts. Even when she releases the album it's still rebuilding because every article will likely mention ARTPOP and it's decline.


The only thing i hope for Gaga is that she can stay consistent with sales rather then anything being front loaded, or have a substantial drop from week to week or era to era.


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The problem here is that Gaga set the bar REALLY high for herself.She would have to do something INSANE for her to be as popular as 2010-2011. She is capable of doing it though. We'll just have to wait and see. 

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Wasn't the last feb the biggest month ? In praise I mean, which is the important thing


Super Bowl, Grammy, Oscars.....it was her most popular month for sure


Anyway, if you did it once, you can do twice

another shot before we kiss the other side
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President Trump

if she releases a great bop then sure itll go up a lot. katy perry cant sing and no1curr

Ma ma pa pa pa
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At the end of the day its about the good management/strategy/sales of her team. If interscope and bobby treats lg5 right then well have the highest peak of her career.

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people are searching google when new music is out. 2011 was BTW, 2012 people probably were looking for the fame perfume, 2013 was ARTPOP and it was the year her popularity decreased and it was cool to call her 'over'. Now she is more respected and her popularity is bigger than pre ARTPOP (9 points in July 2013 compared to 13 points in March 2016)

she is basically on par with other successful artists without new pop music since years.

live each day like Gaga might drop an album
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She will never be able to replicate 2009-2010 because she'll never be a "brand new pop star" again.

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well less people are gonna google her now because everyone already knows who she is :hor:


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Riot Poof

Yes. I don't think she'll match her peak popularity, but I have faith that LG5 will be her comeback era. :happy:

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