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Official Bowie Statement on Lorde Tribute


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1 hour ago, jojuun said:

She does not look "13 with make up"... The real deciding factor here is that SHE gave consent. If this was a trial and she was suing him, I'd agree with her and say "he should've known better". But the fact is that SHE is coming out with this story and said "I wanted to". Consent is the deciding factor in rape, 100%. I was 15 when I slept with my 22 year old boyfriend. Was he guilty of statutory rape? Even when I knew damn well what I was doing and wanted him just as much as he wanted me?

The intro to that article talking about "modern day cases" is misleading. Kylie gave consent and was a mature 17 year old, hence why Tyga isn't being sued for rape. Yeah, she was 17 at the time, it's not the wisest move ever but she gave CONSENT. R. Kelly's victims did not, they were RAPED. They did not give consent at ALL. Kesha didn't give CONSENT AT ALL.

This girl DID and says so herself in the article, I'm not Bowie's defence lawyer yelling out "she wanted it!" in court, like a macho redneck pig would. Consent is the key factor, always.

In Europe (where I'm at) the age of consent is 16 but there's been many cases where parents sue their 15 year old daughter's boyfriends, who are technically adults, for rape and those cases usually get classified with no action. Some countries even lowered the age of consent to 15, a few even to 14. 15/16 is a "normal age" to start being sexually active. In many European countries it's just open to discuss about, while in the States there's this huge emphasis on being 18. I agree a 40 year old man shouldn't have sex with a 15/16 year old, but when the age gap is smaller and there is consent, I find that morally acceptable. This is why we have judges, so they can make that decision. The fact Bowie has never been accused (via law) also let's you know there was never any question about rape or no rape.

13 year olds can't give consent to adults. David Bowie and his pals were guilty of statutory rape, with many girls, for many years. 

No, R. Kelly's victims were just like David Bowie's victims...victims of statutory rape. 

There was nothing morally acceptable about these situations. 

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3 hours ago, jojuun said:

She says in the article she was 15 when it happened. And that's what I'm trying to tell you, certain 15 year olds CAN give consent. I was one of them. I gave consent to my 22 year old boyfriend when I was 15. I wanted him. It wasn't rape and I knew exactly what I was doing and was mature enough to make that decision. Period.

She stated very clearly in the article she was never pressured into anything and wanted it herself. I know what statutory rape means... The age of consent in America is ridiculous, that's what I'M saying. Because a 19 year old with a 17 year old boy/girlfriend is technically guilty of statutory rape, despite the small age gap. He was 10 years older than her if the timetable she gives is correct, so it's debatable but I still wouldn't call it too creepy. If he was older, I wouldn't be defending this at all. She wanted it, was basically an adult or at least behaved like one, made the conscious decision she wanted to have sex with him and they never discussed her age...

She had sex with Iggy Pop when she was 13, but her FIRST sexual encounter was with Bowie. Bowie took her virginity. Then she moved on to Jimmy Page at age 14. 

She's probably adding a year or two to her stories, since 13 falls under a different category and doesn't have a statute of limitations. Plus, the kind of encounters she described couldn't be published in magazines and on media sites if she told the truth, that she was 13. That would fall under child obscenity laws. 

Bowie was a perv, along with all his rock buds. It's not like these guys couldn't have had their choice of college girls....they just wanted the 13 and 14 year olds. That's statutory rape. 

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Lord Temptation

Lorde's tribute was not very Bowie. Won't call it sterile, subtle is a better way of describing it. 

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If they didn't like Gaga's then I guess it's better that they're silent about it than voicing it out to the world, I mean I'd rather they not publicly speak out about disliking Gaga's performance because Gaga's performance came from a super loving place and it'd be heartbreaking to all those that put so much into the performance to hear that :giveup: 

If they liked Lorde's enough to praise it publicly then great, I don't see why they shouldn't and they also shouldn't have to praise Gaga's if they honestly didn't feel like it deserved their public praise :duck: I don't really see the issue here, not everyone's gonna like a performance :laughga: 

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4 hours ago, jojuun said:

Gaga's year has been amazing but it also let's us know that, while she may have said otherwise in the past, she cares a whole lot about public approval. She's worked tirelessly for the past months to be well-loved by the general public. She's been quite apologetic about it all and the Bowie's, Lorde's and Madonna's of this world were/are famously unapologetic and continued what they did, even if the masses found it "too weird".

But what? Gaga is exactly doing this. Does something unapologetic, even if people find her weirdo and freak. She's the one that doesn't care that much. And the next part of your comment is the exactly what I mentioned. She took a risk and dressed herself as a female Bowie during her performance. 

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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37 minutes ago, Yanko said:

bowie and his family clearly did not like gaga

that's all there is to it 

madonna shaded her in 2011

grace jones did that last year

and david didn't like her

gagas gonna burn all of her stan cards 


Instagram : saurabhatia_
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Clearly Bowie didn't like her, he never acknowledge her

but at least he never said anything negative about her, unlike Grace Jones and Madge


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I know they've been specifically asked about her performance. Their silence is pretty deafening. Sure, they could have speak negatively about her tribute, but they know that would have been a lie. She clearly put a lot of work and heart into their performance and they know it. They are trying to act "above" her, in my opinion. I'm not sure what it is about Gaga's idols hating her, yet so many other legends embracing her like crazy. 

Eh, they can stay pressed as they continue to live off the man's royalties and name. Bowie was a great artist, Gaga knew it and his artistry helped shape her into the performer she is today, which is a brilliant one. Her performance was great, so they can remain sour as she continues to progress into the legendary hemisphere. Enjoy watching from the side-lines, boo.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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5 hours ago, nobody3089 said:

U still on denial!!! He did not like her at all. Not even his wife Iman, who have met gaga, commented anything about gaga's tribute, but she did posted on Instagram about Lorde

Gaga said she and Bowie were pen-pals... I mean he obviously wasn't stanning for her, but I don't think he hated her or anything

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I'm glad Gaga doesn't comment on the negativity.

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As usual when it comes to business no one cares about the artist, deceased or not.

The way people can still make money with Bowie related things is still make him relevant. Dragging Gaga and praising Lorde to make those stupid stans have someone to direct they're anger  at is just the easiest way.

In the end, Gaga is always the central focus, as usual. Even when they dont mention her, we all know that is very well thought.

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Andy McQueen

His son is probably behind the site - they ignored Gaga completly, yet acknowledged Lorde and Tilda Swinton's tributes ...

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Andy McQueen
1 hour ago, RudzXinc said:

Clearly Bowie didn't like her, he never acknowledge her

but at least he never said anything negative about her, unlike Grace Jones and Madge


It's so sad though, when you think Bowie, Madge and Grace Jones have always been her biggest heroes and idols. :( 


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3 minutes ago, Andy McQueen said:

It's so sad though, when you think Bowie, Madge and Grace Jones have always been her biggest heroes and idols. :( 


It shouldn't be sad that some of her idols don't like her - that's their problem tbqh.

But then again, Tony Bennett, Sting, Stevie Wonder, Cher, Elton etc. have all been massive influences to her too and she's friends with all of them. Queen of being friends with her influences. :applause:

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