Harry 26,836 Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 2 minutes ago, JackTheTripper said: Well I will be the first one to admit that i dont know the practice on how the industrie works speaking of contract, and if its the way you say i agree completly.... but it woudnt be imposible to think that because of a better offer from diffrent label,she decided to ditch the former before the end of the contract, and with all this new publicity in favour of a potenitial new record sales ... like i said . show busines, it has happend before When has this happened before, out of interest? And I'm not going to pretend I'm a legal expert or anything either - believe me, I'm not at all - but it's not rocket science either. She's been absent from the charts for such a long time that there is no way she thought she could score a better deal somewhere else. Before this whole situation, when was the last time you heard her name spoken so often? Even her second album wasn't that big and she only really had one hit from it. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iwontell 7,312 Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 9 minutes ago, Squidward T said: Acting douchey does not equal rape Rape allegation aside, he has (allegedly) verbally abused other artists (just google it), he has sold very similar songs to some others (which is pretty unethical - remember when ppl pointed out how Roar and that Sarah Bareilles song sounded alike?), even the way he speaks to ppl he works with is, if not offensive, very inappropriate (there's a topic here about some controversial Katy tweets where she paraphrases him and it's really gross)...in short, he has seeded a lot of hatred towards himself...Kesha's allegations just gave everyone the opportunity to speak up... He's a rich, white, american dude, so probably nothing is going to happen...I just hope he changes his act after this... ATTENTION: (bad) jokes and sarcasm are still a thing, so don't take everything I say literally. Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm 879 Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 54 minutes ago, River said: I love men, I'm married to a man. My comment represented the reality - men are stronger, you can't deny it, and also what you hear from people, what you hear from the lawyers, from judges when it comes to rape. But what you are doing right, to attack me, finding excuses "you are sexist, you hate men" after I opened my heart here and told me story - a good example of what is going on right toward rape victims.. Male rape did not even exist in the united states up until 2013 when a study made by the CDC did its first large study to estimate male victims of rape and it did so unintentionally. The study found that in the 12 months prior to administering the survey 1,270000 females were raped and 1267000 males were made to penetrate so females are not raped more than men. Approximately 1 in 21 men were made to penetrate another person during their lifetime, and about 80 percent of them reported a female perpetrator. A 2010 analysis of bureau of justice statistic date found that 46% of male rape and sexual assault victims reported a female perpetrator. An analysis of 2001-2005 data from the FBI national incident base reporting system revealed that about 90 percent of reported sexual assaults cases with a male victim were experienced by men under the age of 19. of course , it is far easier for a women to assault men while they are developing physically. The percentage of lesbian female on female rape is very close to male on female estimates suggesting that women are perfectly capable of committing rape. The elephant in the room that everybody tries to ignore is prison rape. Why do so few people care about prison rape? because the vast majority of the inmates are men. In 2008, an estimate 209, 400 inmates were victims of sexual abuse. For the same year, the estimated number of raped and sexual assaults in the united states as a whole including threats of rape and sexual assault was 203-830. So more inmates in America prison are victims of rape than rapes and sexual assaults in the United States as a whole! what happens to these people when they are released into society? how many are going to reenact the abuse they have either suffered or inflicted? ignoring the rape of males in jail causes real problems. Now lets talk about how powerful and privileged men are and how women are more oppressed than men! Men get more jail time for the same crimes.. men are not allowed to opt out of being a parent.. women get 80% of child custody.. girls have education systems tailored to their needs making them win over boys in school.. male rape legally did not exist in the states until 2013.. genital mutilation is a crime and illegal for women only.. men are forced to pay alimony for decades.. men do not have shelters catered to them while women have them everywhere.. women are 90% less likely to be homeless.. women get government funds for breast cancer yet prostate cancer is a way much higher risk but never gets funded.. men make 80% of suicide victims 92% labor death 97% of combat death 77% of homicide victims.. women ask for equality in stem fields but not in hard jobs like construction where its all men.. women get preferential treatment in a crisis.. if a woman has sex while shes drunk its rape but if the male is the drunk one its not rape.. men are objectified by how big their penis size is and how much money they make.. women get sympathy if they murder their own children and get the privilege of calling it a natural feeling or mental illness.. men are not allowed to be seated next to a strange child on a plane but women are regardless of the fact the most child molesters are women.. men are not allowed to be in a park if they dont have a child playing in the park but women are.. men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register for war draft in case of emergency.. when a news report talk about number of deaths, they always say including women and children as if their lives are more important.. Canada refused to take in male refugees.. men are taught to be disposables for the state and country.. men are taught to never hit a girl even if she hits him.. men sexual assaults and rape are not taken seriously and is made fun of if they dont enjoy it.. men are taught to hide their emotions or they are not man enough.. should I go on? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm 879 Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 51 minutes ago, VampireHeart said: You said "I just cant judge and ruin a person life..." well you're unable to ruin his life either way. You're again saying "falsely accuse", but you believe Kesha, THAT doesn't make sense. You don't have to drag him, but you don't have to defend him either. He's in the position of power in this case, he has bad reputation and you don't think about Kesha and her ruined life/career by accusing her of being a liar. I did not say kesha falsely accused.. I said we the people falsely accused. I never questioned Kesha or thought it was ok to accusing her of being a liar! I think its clear what my opinion is, we should support Kesha and treat her as a victim but I dont believe we should accuse Dr Luke as a rapist for a fact. Ive been thinking in the past few days about Kesha and how she can be free so no need to question my intentions and base your arguments on feelings. This threat is asking why are people accusing dr luke of rape and thats why my comment was about that. I do apologize however about the Donald Trump issue as he really did say to ban all muslims and I did change my stand on muslim immigration for reasons I dont think your interested in. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
JackTheTripper 866 Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 16 minutes ago, Harry said: When has this happened before, out of interest? And I'm not going to pretend I'm a legal expert or anything either - believe me, I'm not at all - but it's not rocket science either. She's been absent from the charts for such a long time that there is no way she thought she could score a better deal somewhere else. Before this whole situation, when was the last time you heard her name spoken so often? Even her second album wasn't that big and she only really had one hit from it. David Sonenberg, her former menager tryed to get her to Warner bros recors, and she fired him aand went to Luke prior to al of this , (2010-2011 )and back than there were claim thet that guy made her lose weight, including doing drugs, vomiting and starving herself, hence why she ended up in rehab.... thats what i remember at least the more i think the more i relaized i really shuldnt say anything and be quite on the subject Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm 879 Posted February 26, 2016 Share Posted February 26, 2016 On 2/25/2016 at 3:08 AM, River said: So you have nothing to say? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
pachinko 10,181 Posted February 26, 2016 Share Posted February 26, 2016 Because it's fun. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
River 108,964 Posted February 26, 2016 Share Posted February 26, 2016 On 24.2.2016 at 0:56 AM, faysalaaa1 said: 4 minutes ago, faysalaaa1 said: So you have nothing to say? First tell me from where did you get this anti-feminism anti-woman article? it's clear that you didn't write it all by yourself. Second, I didn't reply because I felt hurt by you, so I just decided to ignore you.. Anyway, many cases in this article are a result of the "man need to be strong and to act like a man", this is why many guys are not saying that they have been raped, because it makes them look weak and other guys will just laugh at them... And again when I'm writing "man are strong" I'm representing the major idea and opinion by the majority of people in this world.. it's not my opinion.. I think you didn't understand me at all and you made a big salad... Just one question, will you let your daughter sit next to a stranger guy in the bus without you checking if everything is ok? if you do, please don't have kids. are you that naive? His fart felt like a kiss Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm 879 Posted February 26, 2016 Share Posted February 26, 2016 1 hour ago, River said: First tell me from where did you get this anti-feminism anti-woman article? it's clear that you didn't write it all by yourself. Second, I didn't reply because I felt hurt by you, so I just decided to ignore you.. Anyway, many cases in this article are a result of the "man need to be strong and to act like a man", this is why many guys are not saying that they have been raped, because it makes them look weak and other guys will just laugh at them... And again when I'm writing "man are strong" I'm representing the major idea and opinion by the majority of people in this world.. it's not my opinion.. I think you didn't understand me at all and you made a big salad... Just one question, will you let your daughter sit next to a stranger guy in the bus without you checking if everything is ok? if you do, please don't have kids. are you that naive? You want to know where I got that article so you could call that site or whatever sexist? why dont you make the argument on what I wrote instead of knowing the source of the article? these are not opinions of someone, these are facts and statistic by official governmental sources. And then how can you call that article anti woman when it does not even mention women! I did not overreact to what you said, you said THE RAPIST, THE MAN like men are rapists and other feminist **** you said. I just showed you how men are raped as much as women and this is all you have to say? The "men need to act like men" is not the cause of men being raped, its the cause of unreported male rape. Also, the "men need to act like men" thing comes from women aswell as most women wouldnt date a man that doesnt act like a typical man so the pressure comes from both sexes specially women because its what men want to please. Most of the other issues I mentioned have nothing to do with "men need to act like men" and even if it did, this still shows that men are also oppressed even more than women and are not privileged patriarchy. People like you wont acknowledge mens issue and if confronted with them, you just blame it on men (victim blaming) themselves or an entity called the patriarchy so its funny when you say you love men and think that marrying one is proof of loving men. Thank god I have never been on a bus and my daughter will never ride one and she will know how to handle herself because I wont raise her to be a victim. Honestly you dont even need to reply to this its clear what kind of person you are and I dont think I tried to hurt you but if I did im sorry. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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