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Can I ask why everyone is attacking g Dr. Luke?

Squidward T

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Squidward T

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Kesha (under oath) has said Dr. LLUKE did nothing to her, so my question is why is everyone quick to blame Dr. Luke. 10% of rape victims make up allegations. Until we knows the facts this could be someone that is trying to ruin a man's life with false allegations or this man could truly have raped her, we just don't know the facts  yet. 

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K, Kesha is not the only one who had problems with Dr Luke before, so if the Kesha issue finally turns out to be fake, we will still have reasons to hate him. Do you think a successful girl would destroy her own career for nothing? I don't even care if she lies or not, she is seeking for freedom, she doesn't want Luke to go to jail.

¿Qué currículum tiene ésta tarántula?
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He doesn't have to be proven guilty for people to believe Kesha.

You don't have to believe Kesha to realize at this point, they should've let her out of her contract ages ago.

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I understand that, but now it's a problem of her label holding her hostage. Just let the girl go... She's clearly desperate to get out and keeping her is doing everyone harm.

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Monsters are pressed because they see Dr Luke as a generic artist who makes "basic music" (which gave Katy a lot of her #1 hits) so they automatically dislike him. While the majority loves kesha because she served great songs so of course people side with her.

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Because he's a confirmed piece of sh*t whether he raped Ke$ha or not.

Her original denial was after her Mother (I think?) reported it and Dr Luke threatened to ruin her entire families lives if she didn't deny it.

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7 minutes ago, Creyk said:

Monsters are pressed because they see Dr Luke as a generic artist who makes "basic music" (which gave Katy a lot of her #1 hits) so they automatically dislike him. While the majority loves kesha because she served great songs so of course people side with her.

We're pressed because he may very well have sexually assaulted Kesha and abused her both physically and psychologically, it's got nothing to do with the music. 

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17 minutes ago, Squidward T said:

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Kesha (under oath) has said Dr. LLUKE did nothing to her, so my question is why is everyone quick to blame Dr. Luke. 10% of rape victims make up allegations. Until we knows the facts this could be someone that is trying to ruin a man's life with false allegations or this man could truly have raped her, we just don't know the facts  yet. 

Actually, not even a 1% of rape allegations were fake in 2014. This whole "beware of accusing a man of rape, you could ruin his life" speech is here to protect rapists.

We know the facts, and no matter whad a judge says or what Dr. Luke claims, he's a disgusting rapists and should be treated as such.

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But if we think racional, if someone invested alot of money in you and promoted you really really heavily, and made you a global pop star, and you signed a contract f , is it fair or legal to get out in order to have a better contract with diffrent label, whilist not paying what you signed yourself...... that is if turns out  the other way around, and she wasnt really harrast, dont understand how she will still remain victim, and her producer will become the most hated person on earth?  how is the point of this story and your argument even moral?

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This was my issue with the publicity revolving around this case. Everyone is so quick to side with Kesha without even really doing any research. I'm not saying Kesha is a liar but In My mind, Dr. Luke deserves my impartial judgment as much as Kesha does. 

There are some sick people in this world who are capable of accusing innocent people of rape, assault, etc (not saying Kesha is one of them). From a legal standpoint, Kesha doesn't have much going for her. I understand people empathize with her but you can't be upset at the judges decision given all of the evidence or lack thereof. 

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Specially when proof was shown of Kesha saying he did not rape her or sexually assault her.. and her lawyer also lied about dr luke raping Gaga.. this does not mean that he is good, he still wont release her but hes not a rapist according to kesha yet she still wants to make him look like one in the media.

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I was accused that I'm lying because I'm gay and "I wanted it" when my uncle raped me when I was 11..

I just can't with people that always finding excuses to protect the rapist, the MAN..

It's always a lie, maybe they wanted it, maybe they seduced him, maybe maybe maybe, enough!




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11 minutes ago, JackTheTripper said:

But if we think racional, if someone invested alot of money in you and promoted you really really heavily, and made you a global pop star, and you signed a contract f , is it fair or legal to get out in order to have a better contract with diffrent label, whilist not paying what you signed yourself...... that is if turns out  the other way around, and she wasnt really harrast, dont understand how she will still remain victim, and her producer will become the most hated person on earth?  how is the point of this story and your argument even moral?


》In Kesha’s testimony, she says the producer told her that “if I ever tried to get away from him for any reason, he would tie me up in litigation until my career was over.”

There’s more to it than that. There are many, many more details than that, and many more examples – both explicit and insidious - of the alleged abuse. But that’s probably enough for anyone to understand why Kesha begged Sony – who own Dr. Luke’s label, Kemosabe Records – to allow her to record under any one of their other labels. Any label not associated with the man who she says raped her. “I know I cannot work with Dr. Luke,” she said. “I physically cannot. I don't feel safe in any way.” Sony refused. 


One of the big questions in all this, of course, is how other artists have managed to wriggle free from their contracts with relative ease. How did, say, Zayn Malik manage to release himself from his One Direction contract because he wanted “to be able to relax,” while Kesha remains tangled up with her alleged abuser? Some have been quick to point out that, technically, Malik is still under Sony – he’s just transferred to another of their labels. But isn’t that exactly what Kesha’s trying to do? Let’s revisit the opening sentence of her injuction: “Kesha Rose Sebert wants nothing more than to be able to record an album. Her only condition is that she be allowed to record with a record label that is not affiliated with someone who has emotionally and sexually abused her.”  《



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1 minute ago, River said:

I was accused that I'm laying because I'm gay and "I wanted it" when my uncle raped me when I was 11..

I just can't with people that always finding excuses to protect the rapist, the MAN..

It's always a lie, maybe they wanted it, maybe they seduced him, maybe maybe maybe, enough!

We should always say maybe maybe maybe.. or else, I could accuse you now of raping me and you will go to jail. and then you the The rapist The Man!!! men are not rapists and nobody is protecting men, people question victims in all cases weather its rape or not.

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