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Gaga supports Hillary Clinton


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I love Bernie. But Hillary has it in her to be a better president. Bernie puts his finger on exactly what's wrong about the country right now but whenever he's asked directly about how to fix these problems, he just repeats the same lines about how "we need a political revolution in this country in which millions of people stand up to the billionaire class..." yada yada, and gives exactly ZERO specifics beyond "we need to prioritize this issue".Ā 

That doesn't. get. ****. done.

Also, Hillary is THE nutcracker I want sitting across the table from Putin or other world leaders.

Maybe Gaga feels the same.

bring on that pecan pie
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to be honest i think its annoying when artists try to force their political opinions on their fans.

Not really force, and not really gaga.Ā 


But i remember Katy doing something and it was just annoying?

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Actually this video is from September of 2015. Her response about Trump was on GGD News on Sept 16, but was removed per request. I dont know why


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I'm with HER as well, and that doesn't mean I'm a dumb or uneducatedĀ person. Politics are subjective and everyone has a point of view. If Sander gets nominated I'll support him.Ā 

B.B.A. / Music Lover / Human.
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Alien Tulip

Gaga is a funny woman so I don't really take her seriously sometimes. At least she's not supporting a republican. I'm not fond of Hillary for MANY reasons but Gaga supporting Hillary doesn't bother me at all. I would be more worried if Ann Coulter ran for president and Gaga supported her.Ā 

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Andy McQueen
11 hours ago, PoshLife said:

I'm enjoying this thread so much. The blatant sexism of Bernie Sanders fans accusing Gaga of only liking former First Lady, United States Senator, and Secretary of StateĀ Hillary ClintonĀ because she's a woman (@Brainiac);Ā the Little Sandsters being so rude to anyone who doesn't support their candidate and in fact questioning theĀ intelligence of their fellow GGDers (@Andy McQueen), and the delusion of those who haven't seen a poll lately and actually think Bernie Sanders will win the nominationĀ (@mattwiththehat).

So go ahead and condescend; you can save your words to eat on the evening of March 1.

Winning or not, that doesn't change anything of what has been said ... Nobody of you Hillary fans had even one plausible argument why anyone should vote for her over Bernie Sanders, but of course it's a lot easier to defend the choices of your pop idol over getting involved too much into politics and think for oneself, right?Ā 
So be happy if she wins, anyone loves liars as presidents I guess ...Ā 




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I can't understand how Gaga sides with a woman that treats teenagers like mindless robots, says things like "chilling" to appeal to the young voters and has done things like voting against marriage equality several times.

Look, I'm not saying everyone has a perfect past, but if Hillary deserved to be president, she wouldn't bandwagon on social issues when she can benefit from them.

Bernie, on the other side, has supported social issues from the beginning.


However, even on a bad day, I'd rather one of these two get chosen than Donald Trump or whatever.

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The blatant anti-Hillary condescending sexist bull in this threadĀ needs to stop. The primaries are for choosing a democratic CANDIDATE, not president. Bernie has great ideals and speaks well, but he will be destroyed a la Dukakis if he's the candidate. Hillary has a clear path to the nomination and his actual and moral victories in nearly all white New Hampshire and Iowa will have little bearing when Hillary kills him on Super Tuesday. The irony of privileged white young Bernie supporters with little grasp of reality calling Hillary supporters uneducatedĀ :wtf:

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2 hours ago, Andy McQueen said:

Winning or not, that doesn't change anything of what has been said ... Nobody of you Hillary fans had even one plausible argument why anyone should vote for her over Bernie Sanders, but of course it's a lot easier to defend the choices of your pop idol over getting involved too much into politics and think for oneself, right?Ā 
So be happy if she wins, anyone loves liars as presidents I guess ...

I'll tell you the easiest reason. He is questionably unelectable in the General Election and yet Hillary is absolutely Electable in the General Election. The country is made up of more than just whites and college students and Bernie, who's running as the Democratic nominee, has HORRIBLE poll numbers with minorities (the HEART of the Democratic party). Maybe it has to do with the fact that his home state is like 99% white or maybe it's the fact that Bernie spent the 30 or so years he's been in congress, not doing much for the minority community. His message on money is ON POINT but show me more. Hillary's "one trick pony" attack is sticking cuz it sure seems like that's all he knows how toĀ solve.

I also thought you should know, "politics" is synonymous with "lies" aka even Bernie lies. 30 years associating with liars and I'm expected to believe the guys an angel? On that note, if Hillary loses, then I'm supporting Bernie or ANY Democratic candidate over ANY given Republican challenger.

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Andy McQueen
2 hours ago, VenusOddity said:

I can't understand how Gaga sides with a woman that treats teenagers like mindless robots, says things like "chilling" to appeal to the young voters and has done things like voting against marriage equality several times.

Look, I'm not saying everyone has a perfect past, but if Hillary deserved to be president, she wouldn't bandwagon on social issues when she can benefit from them.

Bernie, on the other side, has supported social issues from the beginning.


However, even on a bad day, I'd rather one of these two get chosen than Donald Trump or whatever.


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The next Congress will be republican. Putin, ISIS, and China will still be here and they don't plan on playing it easier with the US. Bernie might know what's wrong with the US, but voting for someone who will do nothing but to fight the republicans in congress without ever getting a consensus because of radicalism in his ideas and who think that isolationism is the solution when it completely denies the globalised world we live in is just not facing the reality of the world.Ā 

Hillary is clearly not perfect, she's a flawed politician, and there can be legitimate doubts about the positions she's now defending. However, this ability of her to adapt to every situation is what makes her able to get things done. She knows how to deal with every major power in this world while knowing how to create a consensus in Congress. She has the full support of the democratic party when Bernie is not even sure that the democratic representatives in senate and in the house of representativesĀ will support him.Ā 

Better to have little progress than no progress at all. 4 years of not doing anything because of ideology can only end up inĀ making the US worse off. In the political realm, there is no such thing as being stable for 4 years. Either way the US are better off or worse off : when you're not doing anything, someone else is doing something which automatically ends up in you having a disadvantage.Ā 

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