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Maggie Lindemann tweets about Kesha's case


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She had people supporting her when she was 'sexually assaulted' (both, Maggie and Carter Reynolds says that it was a misunderstanding) in a private video which was leaked a year ago. 





After this, 'Maggie' became a worldwide trend (still trending). People saying things like 'I don't believe I supported you' 

A few minutes ago Maggie apologized about the tweets 




another shot before we kiss the other side
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Just now, Andreyw said:

didn't she deleted them, tho?

She did 

another shot before we kiss the other side
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Who is she and why she's famous? every dumb bitch with a pretty face and nice ass is giving lectures about "justice".

Justice is to support ONE woman against a big company and a producer that raped her that comes with strong lawyers and money and can do anything they want to get what they want and to win.


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7 minutes ago, Assarrai said:

Who's she? I don't know her, even when I googled her she isn't recognizable. 

she's a 'sub-celeb' of the internet, she's kinda famous on instagram and put some music out a few months ago, the thing is that people supported her

another shot before we kiss the other side
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Kulture Kiari

It doesnt matter if she deleted them or not. The point is she changed because she got called out. If everyone wouldnt had said shiz, she would still be talking right now. 

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3 minutes ago, malazam said:

she's a 'sub-celeb' of the internet, she's a little kinda famous on instagram and put some music out a few months ago, the things is that people supported her with her case....

Wow. That still doesn't give her the right to go after Kesha though.

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She was right to say that we don't know the full story and we jump to conclusions and assume more than even Kesha herself has revealed to us so far. But I guess thoughts like this should remain private, because although we don't know the full story we can't really blame Kesha for speaking up.

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5 minutes ago, BlTCH said:

She was right to say that we don't know the full story and we jump to conclusions and assume more than even Kesha herself has revealed to us so far. But I guess thoughts like this should remain private, because although we don't know the full story we can't really blame Kesha for speaking up.

That's how I look at it. My gut tends to lean to the side that Kesha is telling the truth, but I haven't heard enough to say 100%. Kesha seems like both intelligent and a sweetheart, and doesn't seem like the kind of person to make something this serious up, but maybe, just possibly, she was desperate enough to go this route (again, I really don't believe she would be, but there hasn't been enough evidence shown to make that case - or maybe there is and I just haven't seen it - I'll admit I haven't followed the case too closely). Either way would be bad. If she made it up an innocent man has been labeled a sex perv, if it's true she was horribly hurt and dealt with the extra humiliation of having her perpetrator continually victimize her with the full support of her label. I hope whatever the truth is that it comes out and any wrongs are righted. I'm very much giving Kesha the benefit of a doubt, but I think it would be wrong for anyone not knowing the full facts to come out and speak either way. This is just too serious of an issue. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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To be fair, no one would tell the 'true' story, no matter from what side comes from, since everyone will defend eachother and even the witnesses can't be 100% trustable because they can side with someone to take their part 

but it's common sense that people who are on a superior position that someone else, as being the boss and having power and control would most likely start at one point to abuse it since he thinks that he's invulnerable and can do whatever he want without caring or giving any explanation 

also about dr Luke, there are other female artists who worked with him and some of them complained about working with him and they only worked on one album, him being only the producer... Like Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, Pink and maybe others...they said they didn't has pleasant experience with him (Kelly even said this indirectly few hours ago, implying he is not a nice person) 

Also, female popstars / artists that stand for Kesha most probably know something (not necessarily about the case but the industry in general) and they will side with her 

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