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Is it just me or Beyonce's fans are racist af?

Fiona Apple

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19 hours ago, Rebel Heart said:

Some of you people need to educate yourselves by watching some Kat Blaque (https://www.youtube.com/user/TransDIYer) and Chescaleigh (https://www.youtube.com/user/chescaleigh) and call it a night

Kat Blaque is my 2016 aesthetic :giveup: 

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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21 minutes ago, PaperIz said:

Me too. Like I hate that everyone is so upset. We're all human beings, we should learn to care for each other and accept that we're all different, but we are also all the same and those differences don't have to divide us.

Yes, this would be great in a perfect world. But this is not how it works especially because of the systematic oppression that has been happening for many many years. Do I think people should call white people idiots? No. But it's a reaction to what has been happening to them for multiple generations and I think white people need stop complaining and LISTEN.

Currently listening to Joanne
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Riot Poof

I have the strangest feeling that many Beyoncé haters are anti-black... hmm...

I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.
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19 hours ago, jojo Freud said:

Im not offended by it at all. Its intergroup identity. "White people" commenting on this video calling it "****, and trash" are basically shitting on beyonces representation of black culture, thus being offensive to the inter group identities of black people, as represented in the video.

Or maybe they just didn't like the video and you are thinking way too much into it. Hence why you are actually wrong:


Stop calling everything ****ing racist. Stop saying white people can't be victims, and stop assuming black people always are. 

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24 minutes ago, AlexanderLevi2 said:

Yes, this would be great in a perfect world. But this is not how it works especially because of the systematic oppression that has been happening for many many years. Do I think people should call white people idiots? No. But it's a reaction to what has been happening to them for multiple generations and I think white people need stop complaining and LISTEN.

My comment is geared to white people and black people. As long as both sides are angry at each other and want race to be the most important parts of their lives, we won't achieve peace of any sort. We are all humans first, skin color shouldn't even be a problem. But it is. I'm all here for Formation and what Beyoncé is standing for. We have lots of work to do, on BOTH sides.

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you were calling her ghetto and ratchet for that formation video so you shouldnt speak 

and generalising a fanbase based on youtube comments, now THATS pathetic/dumb/idiotic 

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and no one is saying youre racist if you dont like the song :toofunny: lord 

calling her ghetto and ratchet for the video IS  racist

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20 hours ago, jojo Freud said:

Honey deal with it. Black people had to deal with thousands of years of torture, heartache and pain due to the rule of white man and you can't deal with some comments?

That is quite literally untrue and factually incorrect. 

Here is the tea and a HISTORY LESSON for those of you that claim black people have been "the most tormented":

If you understood history beyond just the past 400 years you would understand that homosexuals, Jew's, Christians, and Indian people have suffered the most throughout history. 

Christ followers and doubters of the Jewish faith were brutalized for a long period of time. They were also brutalized by polytheist cultures. 

Jewish people were victims for thousands of years under Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Persian empires. 

Indian people have suffered consistently as a bystander of the Wars in the middle east, and BILLIONS (yes Billions with a B) still live in poverty. 

And homosexuals have practically lived in the worst condition of them all, being considered a disease and forced into hiding and prevented from living normal lives for pretty much ALL of history except for a very small period of time in Roman culture where sexual fluidity was romanticized (and even then it wasn't homosexuals getting to be happy gay couples, but more specialized objects for horny men).

Black people being enslaved is actual a very small tiny part of history compared to others. 

I'd also like to mention two little known facts about whites and slavery:

-Over 1.25 Million white Irish people were enslaved by black African countries during the 16th-18th centuries.

-The first recorded slave owner in America was an Angolian black man named Anthony Johnson in the 1600s. He had over 200 slaves that consisted of whites, blacks, and Muslims. He was an indentured servant who saved money and who took a parcel of land in West Virginia and built a farm where he was famous for torturing his indentured servants, then would have the state return them to him despite their 7 years of indentured servitude being up. He finally had a court case in the 1640s that he lost after the then British authorities colony leaders caught on to him.


If you don't believe me, look it up. It's historical, documented, signed, sealed, delivered FACT. 


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44 minutes ago, AlexanderLevi2 said:

How can you agree with that. Black people are more racist than white people??!? What?!!?! I am sorry but have you taken a history class? Read black literature? Read anything related to American race relations? Just because MLK died and gave his speech does not mean the Civil Rights Movement is irrelevant and of the past?!


And LGBT RIGHTS. The "discrimination card"?!?! Omfg I can't with this site. Especially because we are Gaga fans.

I wasn't talking about the course of history...I was talking about youtube comments.... Black people but down and make fun of white people way more than whites do to blacks. And I'm sick of it being "Cool" to make a white person feel like **** for liking a song about black people saying that we just don't understand..

Were not stupid.. and its annoying as **** to sit back and not be able to say my opinion because I will get bashed like I am rn.

And yeah idk if you know but the political people behind gay rights are out of control turning every little thing into a way bigger thing. Like oh no a lady didn't let them get a license... its not a big deal they do it to straights too but because it was to a gay couple, the money ***** politicians snatched it up and let everyone know about it.

Same with "Police Violence" the disrespect against police officers is too far. Yeah there have been stupid people but its their job to stop people from crimes. There Law Enforcement...but every time a back person gets killed everyone flips the **** out and trashed their City. But do you ever hear about a white guy getting killed...no? Its cuz that's not what brings in money. Media and politics **** everything up feeding people bull ****. So leave me and my view on discrimination alone if you are going to turn around and do exactly what I'm explaining.

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15 minutes ago, Yanko said:

and no one is saying youre racist if you dont like the song :toofunny: lord 

calling her ghetto and ratchet for the video IS  racist

I disagree. The video is a little ghetto and ratchet for Beyonce's normal sound/aesthetic. 

I call Brooke Candy and Kreayshawn ghetto and ratchet for the same reasons. 

Absolutely nothing to do with skin color.

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As a white person I want it to be known you cant face racism. Just prejudice. :/

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1 hour ago, AlexanderLevi2 said:

Yes, this would be great in a perfect world. But this is not how it works especially because of the systematic oppression that has been happening for many many years. Do I think people should call white people idiots? No. But it's a reaction to what has been happening to them for multiple generations and I think white people need stop complaining and LISTEN.

I think white people have LISTENED for over a century now and maybe it's time for black people to LISTEN to themselves. 

You think white people cause black people the MOST problems? 

Directly from my two best friends who mixed girls: "Black people cause more problems for black people than white people have in 30 years." 

My two mixed friends went to an all black middle school and said they experienced tons of racism from black people. It culminated to the point that they had to move because several black families were threatening their white mom for "being a ***** and taking a black man (their dad) from them". 

They told me going to a primarily white school that they only experienced discrimination from some douchebag country hick over a basketball game score one time, but that 99.999% of the people at our school loved them and included them in everything.

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I feel like thats the world we live intoday not even just her fans tbh... More divided then ever (or since I was born). Funny how people thought a black president world fix a problem that was on its way and its only gotten worse. Sad

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On 2/7/2016 at 5:03 AM, jojo Freud said:

Im not offended by it at all. Its intergroup identity. "White people" commenting on this video calling it "****, and trash" are basically shitting on beyonces representation of black culture, thus being offensive to the inter group identities of black people, as represented in the video.


Calling a video trash or **** doesn't make you a racist. Shiting on Beyonce does not make you a racist. Saying you dont like her video doesn't mean you hate black culture. White people make trashy videos and get called out on it all the time. Black people don't like Beyonce also so they must be Racist if they think htis video sucks right? STOP reaching and stop exaggerating  and stop twisting something into something its not.

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On 2/7/2016 at 5:14 AM, notsoratedr said:

Black people are ALWAYS making fun of white people, always calling them "white trash" or "cracker" or anything of that kind. You have to learn that respect is something you EARN. By saying racial slurs doesn't make you a fighter for Blacklivesmatter sweetie. You are in the wrong, learn to respect. "Black people can't be racist towards white people"??? That type of **** INFURIATES me. If I said something offensive anywhere I could guarantee my social media, my address, the place I worked at would be all over the internet and I would be getting death threats every single minute. It IS a double standard and it is not called "reverse racism" it is called RACISM. It is racist to discriminate against POC, it is racism to discriminate against white people. I don't understand how people don't get that through their heads. And DO NOT EVEN TRY to pull the slavery card on this one. It does NOT justify your RACIST remarks towards white people.

This right here^^^

MLK didn't make huge strides for black civil rights by gathering millions and shouting "F*CK WHITE PEOPLE!" He called for all people to come together, white, black, and everyone else, to fight the cancer that is racism in our society. It's not a color war, it's a war between lovers and ignorant haters. The sooner people realize that (modern day SJW's please?) the sooner we can continue the good fight!


die with a skip🧍‍♂️
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