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Beyoncé - Formation


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So much of her music annoys my ears, this new song now included... she tries to be edgy but it just comes off as messy. I don't mean to disrespect anyone who likes her, but I just - don't - get  her appeal!

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41 minutes ago, iloveit123 said:

So much of her music annoys my ears, this new song now included... she tries to be edgy but it just comes off as messy. I don't mean to disrespect anyone who likes her, but I just - don't - get  her appeal!

Because being a black woman celebrating black culture is "edgy". 

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13 hours ago, DemeLarell said:

From a black person's perspective she is not reducing "black culture" (whatever that is). She is embodying urban culture. And if you actually listen to some "ghetto music" it has just as much meaning as a gaga song. Not all of them have a deep message but a lot of them do. Beyonce is making a statement. This is like her "Shake it Off" if you actually listen to some of the stuff she is saying. 

Why are you assuming I'm some white guy who listens to Taylor and Gaga exclusively? I'm actually Mexican, love old rock, jazz, and some modern pop. I despise Taylor but love Gaga. And I love old rap--rap back when it had real lyrics with real meaning, real poetry. Not this inane "I slay you h*** b***h n****s" modern day ****. There IS a message in the video and in select lyrics, but she's buried it with some of the dumbest lyrics of her career. And if urban culture today is lyrics like these, (which, according to you, it is) then I just don't like urban culture and don't feel like it's nearly the best of what black culture has to offer. But I guess in today's permanently-offended society, it's racist of me to say this, right?

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15 minutes ago, brownie said:

Why are you assuming I'm some white guy who listens to Taylor and Gaga exclusively? I'm actually Mexican, love old rock, jazz, and some modern pop. I despise Taylor but love Gaga. And I love old rap--rap back when it had real lyrics with real meaning, real poetry. Not this inane "I slay you h*** b***h n****s" modern day ****. There IS a message in the video and in select lyrics, but she's buried it with some of the dumbest lyrics of her career. And if urban culture today is lyrics like these, (which, according to you, it is) then I just don't like urban culture and don't feel like it's nearly the best of what black culture has to offer. But I guess in today's permanently-offended society, it's racist of me to say this, right?

1. Where did i assume you were white?? 

2. I dont care if you like taylor swift. I was using her song to show they have similar messages. And i used gaga because we are on a gaga site....

3. Never called you racist. If i thought you were i would have never said anything because i never seen the point of arguing with one.

4. It's not that im offended (like most people on here would be). I just want to offer a different perspective to this forum.

5. If you actually think about what she is saying even with the "dumbest lyrics" she's taking shots at different people... Including people that criticized her more urban appearance. But i think MOSTLY the urban audience would be able to see that.

6. Dont assume im prejudging you. As i said i was offering a different perspective. 

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this is obviously a song for black people and it would be extremely weird for a non black person to be listening to it, especially if your white. some black people would think it was crazy if they saw a non black person listening to this, some would make fun of you or even get mad. 

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35 minutes ago, UDO said:

this is obviously a song for black people and it would be extremely weird for a non black person to be listening to it, especially if your white. some black people would think it was crazy if they saw a non black person listening to this, some would make fun of you or even get mad. 

Are you serious :wtf:

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5 hours ago, Mast said:

Because being a black woman celebrating black culture is "edgy". 

Don't pull race into the fact that someone didn't like beyonce's disappointing lead single. Bye.

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Very commendable song and video. I like it, and I like its point.

And it makes a damn good point. The drowning scene with the police car, and the police formation "stop shooting us" scene, are particularly very poignant.

5 hours ago, Mast said:

Because being a black woman celebrating black culture is "edgy". 

What's wrong with that? Not attacking you, just don't know the context of the discourse on this site right now.

3 points in and ready for more
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Wolf Boy
4 hours ago, UDO said:

this is obviously a song for black people and it would be extremely weird for a non black person to be listening to it, especially if your white. some black people would think it was crazy if they saw a non black person listening to this, some would make fun of you or even get mad. 

what a ridiculous comment.

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1 hour ago, Miel said:

Very commendable song and video. I like it, and I like its point.

And it makes a damn good point. The drowning scene with the police car, and the police formation "stop shooting us" scene, are particularly very poignant.

What's wrong with that? Not attacking you, just don't know the context of the discourse on this site right now.

Because being black is not being edgy. It's just being black. Beyonce is not trying anything.

Users here see nothing racist in calling something "ratchet" or "edgy" because it aligns with black culture, but the prejudiced intent is very obvious.

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7 hours ago, Mast said:

Because being a black woman celebrating black culture is "edgy". 

I am talking about the annoying production of her music and the melody of her songs (if you can call that a melody)

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