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Oscars whitewashed for a second year in a row

Jesse Pinkman

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I find this as stupid as when governments have to include a percentage of women in the government just because if you don't it is sexism.

So, Oscars HAVE TO nominate black people just because they are black? I think that's the racist... if this or last year there are better actors who are white... this is about acting, no skin colour.

If there is a men more capable to make a job, he should be doing it, not a woman just because if you don't include a woman you are sexist. (same thing the other way arround, of course).

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7 minutes ago, LePetitMonstr said:

Gaga has a BET though:emma:

BUT HOW MANY WHITE ARTISTS HAVE ONE? I want the percentage. Racist. 

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35 minutes ago, faux said:

Gonna check these out.

Oscar Issac totally should have been nominated. :noparty:

One Banned Boi
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22 hours ago, Emigrante said:

Jesus. Seriously? Maybe none of black actors deserve the nomination. What world I live in to be honest. :saladga:


22 hours ago, Dominic Marc said:

They obviously sat there and said 'We don't like black people so we're not going to nominate any,  we may even get a hash tag out of it....' :saladga:

Lmao I love how you guys act like "what??? our race??? who us??? Not way???" like y'all are incapable of showing favouristsm to your own race when y'all raped, killed, pillaged and served STDs and small pox to the now almost extinct Native Americans here. It couldn't have been co-existence, it was either y'all or "the redskins." Yall will always be rooting for your own race, dropping your jacket over a muddy puddle to be walked over, dirty shoes cancelled. Lmao don't try it. 


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Yall better educate, because this thread is a mess within the first 5 posts and I am not gonna partake in it. 

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10 hours ago, DeathofSamantha said:

This is like the Hunger Games tbh. Just mention the word black and watch people flock...The true people who know anything about racism and unfair treatment are those who live it everyday, who hear the hate mongering spat at them for existing. 

Award Shows do nothing but inflate the egos of the celebrity, this is not about colour of skin its about who has the most money and whose story do they want to sell the best. 

I am not saying she is buying her awards but it is funny how Gaga went from HUGE to a "flop" and now she is winning awards again. And she is Italian, ( she is European not american by blood),... to me its more interesting  to see the reason why those who win are winning it. 

I'm not sure if I get that. Almost every white poeple in NA is European ? 

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Jonna Lee
9 hours ago, LebaneseDude said:

I edited it already. I don't blame you for taking it out of context, even though the meaning was blatantly clear. The term "affirmative action" is used whenever candidates are selected for anything, whether it be education, employment, or otherwise. 


"Affirmative action decisions are generally not supposed to be based on quotas, nor are they supposed to give any preference to unqualified candidates."

Just because there should be more diversity, doesn't imply that unqualified candidates should receive anything in the name of diversity nor should there be a "quota" of how many awards minority-affiliated actors receive before the organization is deemed racist.

Get a grip. If all minority-affiliated actors neither shined, nor got into good movies (or many movies at all), then it's not the fault of the Oscars but that of the movie industry and even then that's debatable.

eee don't tell me to get a grip :saladga: you should know that in america affirmative action has a different and more controversial meaning, don't try it. PLENTY of minority actors made incredible performances on the screen this year, and using the oscars as a meter of quality in the movie industry is like only listening to grammy nominated music. theres plenty of good films and music that doesn't get nominated, and this year at the oscars, the ones that were snubbed happened to contain actors of colour. calm down.

i like it when u treat me mean it turns my mood from black to blue
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23 hours ago, Dominic Marc said:

They obviously sat there and said 'We don't like black people so we're not going to nominate any,  we may even get a hash tag out of it....' :saladga:

People who are pointing out lack of diversity in these shows don't think this is what's happening. Issues with race nowadays aren't as black and white; excuse the pun. 

Years ago things weren't so subtle- a black man hanging from a tree and black kids being put into separate classrooms is obvious, but a woman pulling her purse closer to her when a black man gets on the bus or black college graduates statistically less likely to get called back for a job than white high school dropouts isn't. 

So nowadays when people bring up issues with race, they're bringing up things that itch under the surface, not wounds openly displayed, so it's harder for people who aren't in their shoes to even notice.

I think because judges are often white themselves they prefer things that they can relate to so they end up seeing more value in white-centered movies. Or they value the types of movies they grew up with and therefore are more used to, so it's easier for them to pick out the valuable aspects in movies that are created by white men and contain white actors. In addition, most of the population in the US is white, and since people in general are more likely to see movies they can relate to it will be movies featuring white people that get higher box office sales and therefore are more noticeable. 

And these facts aren't evil or racist or anything like that, but they do show that if we want to fairly judge and critique media we need a judging panel that is diverse itself so that the ability to notice value in a variety of films is present. 

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Jonna Lee
23 minutes ago, Kayla said:

People who are pointing out lack of diversity in these shows don't think this is what's happening. Issues with race nowadays aren't as black and white; excuse the pun. 

Years ago things weren't so subtle- a black man hanging from a tree and black kids being put into separate classrooms is obvious, but a woman pulling her purse closer to her when a black man gets on the bus or black college graduates statistically less likely to get called back for a job than white high school dropouts isn't. 

So nowadays when people bring up issues with race, they're bringing up things that itch under the surface, not wounds openly displayed, so it's harder for people who aren't in their shoes to even notice.

I think because judges are often white themselves they prefer things that they can relate to so they end up seeing more value in white-centered movies. Or they value the types of movies they grew up with and therefore are more used to, so it's easier for them to pick out the valuable aspects in movies that are created by white men and contain white actors. In addition, most of the population in the US is white, and since people in general are more likely to see movies they can relate to it will be movies featuring white people that get higher box office sales and therefore are more noticeable. 

And these facts aren't evil or racist or anything like that, but they do show that if we want to fairly judge and critique media we need a judging panel that is diverse itself so that the ability to notice value in a variety of films is present. 

:applause: :applause: :applause:

i like it when u treat me mean it turns my mood from black to blue
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19 hours ago, LoveandMagic said:

I don't think that the Oscars are racist, but I do think Hollywood may have a certain perception of what the average viewer wants that can come off as prejudiced, if that makes any sense. I remember there was some film that came out a few years back, it looked like a very good action thriller, and the lead actor was black. I don't think it did well (despite the actor and film getting good reviews) and I think the director (or maybe producer) came out and said that the reason why was because audiences weren't "ready" for a black action hero.

I do know that Hollywood and television almost always considers marketability as a major factor in casting and choosing screenplays. A great many of the biggest or most buzzworthy names happen to be white. This seems disproportionate to the diversity of the populace, so we have to ask if there really aren't that many minorities interested in the biz, and even less that can take on the types of roles or projects that are popular. This doesn't likely seem to be the case. 

I've heard one reviewer that has said that audiences want to see themselves in the primary cast, but this is based on the assumption that minorities aren't frequent movie goers or fans of television series, which simply isn't true, but maybe Hollywood thinks the same?

I've noticed that when it comes to roles for minorities, particularly African Americans, it seems there's some limitations to the type of casting done. That doesn't mean there aren't great minority actors, directors, screenwriters, or films/tv with predominently non-white casts (particularly versatile ones), but they seem pretty few and far in between (in terms of promotion). Often too, they seem to deal with the similar topics.

It seems that the entertainment industry is sort of limited in the type of projects that are being offered to non-white individuals. Maybe it's an unconcious prejudice, or maybe the people interested in these projects are honestly not thought of as being a "right" fit. I don't know but it does seem a bit strange.

I do wonder what goes on in the offices of producers or casting agencies. Sometimes I watch a film and try to picture a different actor or director of equal caliber (who just happens to be non-white) and wonder if there would be anything fundamentally different to the role or project if they were cast as opposed to the white lead? Would audiences react differently? I wonder if this is a thought that occurs often in Hollywood.

Excellent post. 

It's frustrating how when we point out things like this people are like "OMG I HATE THE RACE CARD THERE'S NO ISSUE!" and make it like we're all a bunch of SJW's getting offended over everything. Sure, there are people in this thread who are being overly critical and brash with their statements, but at the end of the day THIS content in your post is what we're ultimately referring to, and this is what's valid. 


19 hours ago, Whispering said:

I agree, this is the reality of what's behind this accusation. There are simply more writers and roles for white males and young white women. The best writers are writing roles that are being filled with white actors. The best movies, with the best directors and producers, have mostly white leads. If the best roles in the best movies aren't going to POC, why should the Academy award POC in lesser roles, and ones that weren't as impressive? 

It all starts with getting writers to write movies for roles that can go to POC. Then, you have to find producers to get behind these movies and get the best directors, casting directors, etc. It can be done! Television shows are changing and Broadway has long been a step ahead, so the movie industry could do the same. 


People in here are acting like we're saying we want people to give black people trophies just for the sake of being PC, but that's not the case AT. ALL. We all still want the trophies to go to who is the most talented- we're not asking for participation trophies for people of color. What we're asking for is for Hollywood to see the potential and talent in black actors, directors, and movie themes. 

But of course, if you say "More people of color should be recognized," people interpret that as "Just give them a trophy because they're black," which is quite bothersome. 

If there isn't a space for you to succeed, it's hard to show your worth. And if your worth doesn't line up with what someone else finds valuable, it's going to be hard for them to notice your abilities. 

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@Kayla Coming in here and SLAYING with just two posts omg.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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"You can't win awards for roles that are simply not there." - Viola Davis

Hollywood needs to have more actors that aren't white and make them protagonists of huge movies. 

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