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What's the worst Gaga music video?


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16 minutes ago, Yanko said:

g.u.y, born this way 

BTW was a bit extra but the intro was a masterpiece all hail king nick knight

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Really shocked at people saying G.U.Y. i think it's one of, if not her best. The imagery wasn't just thrown in at all imo, there was meaning behind all of it and  it isn't hard to work out tbh (apart from, yes, the teddy bear outfit- can someone please explain that to me haha? )... but yes, i love g.u.y.... My least favourite is probably from the Fame era, which i dont correlate as Gaga anymore because she seemed a lot more 'basic' in that era... Bad Romance was when Gaga as we know and love her appeared, even though I do think the video for that is very overrated.

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Bad Romance .................................. i just cant  its too perfect lol   mess replies in 1 ...........    tumblr_mgp4lkNHhV1re4dneo1_500.gifLady-Gaga-Bad-Romance-Music-Video-ScreenBad-Romance-lady-gaga-13153852-720-432.j   all of her music video are boss tho

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Battle 4 Ur Life

TEOG is the correct answer.

G.U.Y is fabulous. if it doesn't make sense to you I honestly feel sorry for you.

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3 hours ago, Green Detox said:

TEOG is the correct answer.

What's wrong with her paying tribute with her hometown and not making an artsy 13-minutes video?

lol most of the artists nowadays create teog-like videos 



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Unlike popular opinion, I thoroughly enjoy The Edge of Glory's music video. At first I didn't, but recently I've been really delving into the song so much- like I felt everything through my bones and veins, (okay, not really, but the song was hitting me really hard). The only imagery going through my head, was something similar to the music video. The song made me think of being isolated and depressed, but just dancing through it because you know its gonna be okay (pun intended). And I think that's a sub-meaning of what the song is about. Don't think sad thoughts; keep your head high and keep moving.

I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I believe Gaga was thinking the same way listening to the song. After my change of perception, the video has become flawless, and is exactly what I would have expected the video to be like, had I thought the same way before. It's so simple, but so powerful. It's a nice change from Gaga's other explosive videos.

But to actually answer the post, I think Beautiful, Dirty Rich was the worst.

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