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What's the worst Gaga music video?


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Brooke Hoegan

The Edge Of Glory, because it has no plot (theories about coming out / in through the window meaning beginning / end of life are sooo extra...)


G.U.Y. because it's just Gaga as her lavish but empty, bloated-ego, artistic-martyr self. Did she really think anybody outside her fanbase will take that video seriously ? It's just cringy AF.

I dislike G.U.Y. video's undertone more. I hate that martyrological side of Gaga.

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Thomas P

eh eh, its also her worst song.


gaga is not allowed to EVER do bubble gum pop again!!!!!

Iā€™m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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Edge of Glory. Great song, horrible video.Ā 

OT: is anyone else getting Church of Scientology ads on here. I feel like I am being recruited by the Church of Scientology/ Illuminati. Weird Sh*t and I don't frequent any church sites so I don't know how it could be happening.Ā :neyde:

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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The Edge of Glory just because it seems to be compromised of just the basic filler shots. I suppose in a way, they are just the filler shots as the entire plot for the video fell through and this is what we ended up with so meh. It's annoying because TEOG is in my top three Gaga songs, it deserved better.

The Do What U Want looked like it was going to be awful.

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6 minutes ago, stfugaga said:

get out

Sorry not sorry. I love the intro, but the rest of the video is a capital mess.Ā It's the weakest visual work Gaga has ever done - it's even more surprising when you see how superior her first self-directed video, MTN,Ā is compared to this.

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20 minutes ago, Lucifer said:

You and I

Yeah, I'd say YoĆ¼Ā and I is average. I like the multiple alter-ego thingy and the overall setting, but it's definitely average in execution. You feel it lacks a real video director behind it (sorry Laurieann, but being artistic director doesn't mean you're good at directing videos).

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