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NSFW: Miley Cyrus poses completely naked for Terry Richardson


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My dislike of these pictures is the air of them. Terry or whomever styled her looks like they trashed her out of her mind to "appear" dirty, unclean/ disheveled or they wanted to have her looking like some underage runaway that they scraped off the street and gave a job to with seed money. She looks terrible, just sad really. I suppose she thinks this is edgy, but it looks really unpleasant and disrespectful to herself and not in celebration of herself at all. It is just unattractive and not cute. It looks like she needs help. I even feel a bit sorry for her.

It looks like someone has taken advantage of her.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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5 minutes ago, Sister said:

My dislike of these pictures is the air of them. Terry or whomever styled her looks like they trashed her out of her mind to "appear" dirty, unclean/ disheveled or they wanted to have her looking like some underage runaway that they scraped off the street and gave a job to with seed money. She looks terrible, just sad really. I suppose she thinks this is edgy, but it looks really unpleasant and disrespectful to herself and not in celebration of herself at all. It is just unattractive and not cute. It looks like she needs help. I even feel a bit sorry for her.

It looks like someone has taken advantage of her.

And Gaga's "bondage" Polaroid nudes? And others... I hope you view them with same opinion.

I cant at ppl attacking Miley. On a site dedicated to a popstar with a vast number of nudeshoots, some quite nasty. 

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These don't really bother me. I have no problem with nudity and Miley is clearly comfortable being naked and posing this way, so whatever, she's an adult and it's her prerogative. 

3 hours ago, Sister said:

My dislike of these pictures is the air of them. Terry or whomever styled her looks like they trashed her out of her mind to "appear" dirty, unclean/ disheveled or they wanted to have her looking like some underage runaway that they scraped off the street and gave a job to with seed money. She looks terrible, just sad really. I suppose she thinks this is edgy, but it looks really unpleasant and disrespectful to herself and not in celebration of herself at all. It is just unattractive and not cute. It looks like she needs help. I even feel a bit sorry for her.

It looks like someone has taken advantage of her.

I sort of see what you mean. While her body is very womanly, she has a very youthful face. I fully believe that she went into this willingly though, Miley doesn't really seem like the sort that would do something she was uncomfortable with. However I'm always a little creeped out by Terry, so I have to resist my subconcious urge to read more into his work than what is there. Truthfully though the guy just skeeves me out.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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12 minutes ago, Snow said:

And Gaga's "bondage" Polaroid nudes? And others... I hope you view them with same opinion.

I cant at ppl attacking Miley. On a site dedicated to a popstar with a vast number of nudeshoots, some quite nasty. 

Well, that is your different opinion and I wasn't nasty about my opinion on Miley and her pictures. She can do it and I see what I see of it. It is clearly Terry's skeevy style.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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17 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I'm totally with you. It was old back then and it's even older now. I think the overall lack of reporting of her new ventures and the lack of word of mouth of her in general is a sign that the public is just as bored of it as we are. Miley doesn't seem to have grasped the concept of "once something shocking has been done too many times, it becomes boring." Why else did Madonna pull back on her s-xualised image after Erotica and tone it down with Bedtime Stories and Ray Of Light? Because overt s-xuality always gets boring because s-x is one of the most basic concepts in existance. This is why some people end up being desensitised to the sight of the naked form after watching too much p**n. Plus, we've all got naked bodies ourselves, we see a naked body everyday. Therefore, artists must realise that they need to give us something more. Humans are adaptable creatures and stuff that we thought would be the downfall of society ends up being something we just get bored of and move on from.


Your point regarding the lack of headlines this shoot has birthed is really telling of how music is evolving/where it's at. I'd say that currently, the masses are embracing that high quality, relatable softer stuff - and also, a bit of R&B. I honestly believe that artists who pair nude imagery with their work in today's scene are denounced as cheap and unimaginative. It's literally 'yawn' with Miley Cyrus. She's not doing everything wrong - releasing a free album was solid genius for example. She's overdone the whole 'naked' thing though.. this exemplifies what 'gimmick' really means. If it had any substance, she'd actually do it where it's called for/relevant. I go on her Instagram, I see nothing but explicit, trashy sh*t. I'm not a prude in the slightest, for the record. 

I've been reading a lot of posts pulling out the whole 'you're on a Gaga forum and you're judging someone blah blah'. Are we not allowed to have an opinion on Miley because we stan for Gaga? I like Miley.. I thought she was robbed of a Grammy nomination for 'Wrecking Ball'. I respect her because she's enjoyed such great success and it's come to her of her own accord. I'm just seeing right through a lot of what she does. Not sorry for the way I feel one bit. 

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STOP with the paragraphs LAWD

Please correct me if I make any grammar mistakes, I want to master English as much as possible.
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She's shooting herself in the foot with this mess. She's obviously part of the "It's just a body, so what if I'm naked?" movement, but she's coming across as "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M NAKED ISN'T THIS COOL??!!?? I HAVE HAIR ON MY PUSS AND UNDER MY ARMS ISN'T THIS RAD??? HEY GUYS!!! I'M NAKEEEED!!!!"

Also, how is she not s-xualising the naked body? She's literally sucking **** naked.

You will never please everyone.
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To the people who are judging her body and freedom to make this shoot: If a man did this, y'all would be screaming "daddy." Double standard much?

Anyway, keep doing you Miley. You're awesome. :applause: 

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lol mess. Miley is tired. I'm not going to sit here and act like she's doing this for something deep and meaningful. She's doing it to get the kind of reaction she received in this thread. 

I'm out before before someone takes MY opinion as something more than that.

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"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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I love a naked body more than just about anyone, I've been obsessed with nudity since I was a kid, but something about these just kinda makes me queezy. Yea Miley has an alright body, show it off, her she just looks a mess in the face, and what's the point of the strap on? 

I don't get it so I can't really judge it, but I will, and she looks trashy. Be naked all you want, do whatever you wanna do, live how you wanna live, but that doesn't mean everyone will understand or accept it, and, in this day in age, people will offer opinions on stuff like this. Get over nudity, and get over other people's opinions. 

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I'd love to see her suck an actual cock on camera and claim it's art.

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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5 hours ago, Sister said:

My dislike of these pictures is the air of them. Terry or whomever styled her looks like they trashed her out of her mind to "appear" dirty, unclean/ disheveled or they wanted to have her looking like some underage runaway that they scraped off the street and gave a job to with seed money. She looks terrible, just sad really. I suppose she thinks this is edgy, but it looks really unpleasant and disrespectful to herself and not in celebration of herself at all. It is just unattractive and not cute. It looks like she needs help. I even feel a bit sorry for her.


I think its just Terry's style, + given the bias of knowing the numerous numerous allegations against him, its hard to not look into things like this :giveup: 

Truly a disgusting man :rip: 

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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I love it tbh. No one would be complaining if this was Bieber. 

feeling so hot tamale
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