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Katy's father attacked for having a "satanic daughter"


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12 minutes ago, ****Eliza said:

"I have parted ways with my son because he listens to kp."

next lvl lm :air:

Inb4 the woman behind the camera was Gaga

Happiness will never last, darkness comes to kick your ass... ‎ ᵃˢˢ 🕺
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People that do this are annoying no matter the message, right or wrong.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Honestly, I hope I'm ever surrounded by a lot of extremist religious people, wether they're Christians, Muslims or whoever and I swear, I'm pulling a Samantha.


If I was Katy's father, I'd sue for trespassing, invasion of privacy and threats.

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This is such a mess, seriously there are people who have "problems" like this? Oh god..

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4 hours ago, hmlswine said:

If it's not Starbucks cups, it's Pop Stars... these fanatics really know were it's at

God forbid they go out and actually do something in the world, like clothe, feed, or shelter the destitute, or care for the sick, or do anything productive. It's all about them and their massive ego and how everyone should cater to them while they scream about their "victim hood" at the top of the mountain.

Starbucks is a secular organization, a ****ing coffee shop that caters to EVERYONE! Read this: Christmas Cups. And by the way, Starbucks doesn't have to recognize the holiday AT ALL, but they choose to celebrate the season as an embrace of all patrons, a harmonious brother/sisterhood of united people of different faiths, creeds, races, politics,etc. 

Also, check out this article on Christmas symbols: Snopes.

And don't get me started on the effing "Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays" BS. CHRISTMAS IS ONE DAY OUT OF THE YEAR! Christmas isn't ALL OF DECEMBER or TWO MONTHS LONG! No one is obligated to even acknowledge the day until December 25th! And even then, they aren't required by law to do or say anything special on that day! The absolute arrogance of these jerks to think everyone should cater to THEM and their beliefs. The absolute nerve of them to scream that this a "Christian nation" as if we are to ignore ALL OTHER WAYS OF THINKING, and then turn around and scream that there is a "WAR on Christianity/Christmas (in the States)" is absolute hypocrisy. 

And as for Katy Perry, wtf? First off, even if she was Satanic, what does that have to do with her dad? Give the guy a break! Isn't he a freaking pastor? And as for Katy, she identifies as Christian, so end of that "discussion." People need to stop and take a good look at themselves. 

Edit: I should make it clear I'm talking about the fanatics only, there are many Christians that are good people and these fanatics don't represent them.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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3 hours ago, hmlswine said:

I said fanatics...

I know, I amended it. :)

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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What an idiot especially because of  the fact that if you think by her son watching Katy's videos will take him to hell, it's not Katy's fault but his and hers (it's hers if the son lives with her or is not old enough  to make his own decisions).

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6 minutes ago, LoveandMagic said:

I know, I amended it. :)

Imagine their faces if Starbucks wished them a "Happy Hannukkah or celebrated a muslim holiday, they'd go nuts... 

But I'm only a man and I do what I can.
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Swan Heart

If someone started ranting at me like that, honestly, I will lose it. 

That was extremely rude...

They say it's the last song. They don't know us, you see. It's only the last song if we let it be.
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3 hours ago, hmlswine said:

Imagine their faces if Starbucks wished them a "Happy Hannukkah or celebrating a muslim holiday, they'd go nuts... 

I would like that honestly. I'm atheist but I have no problem wishing people a Merry Christmas...on Christmas. Even then, if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas on Decemeber 2, I take it on intent and appreciate the gesture (and will likely say it back). I doubt Starbucks or their employees have an issue saying Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Good Kwanza or whatever to people. Of all the things for some people to freak out about, colored cups shouldn't be one of them (in fact it's downright stupid). 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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