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My Poem about Gaga


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Hey guys. This is my first crack at poetry (so please be nice!). I would love for you guys to read it first since it's about Gaga and see if you like it :blush:


My Songstress

You allow me to find and lose myself all at once.

As the melody and rhythm mix and writhe

Entrenching the crevasses of the mind:

You free it.

For my mind is yours to mould and establish.

But please, my friend, do not turn to ice.

Nor succumb to the bitter wind

To be left with stormy thoughts:

Eroding your purpose.

The star matter that makes you, flickers in your eyes.

Keep that fire lit, I implore you.

For your flame is mine.

A cliffside can only withstand so much battering before it buckles.

Though understand:

The World does not sit upon your shoulders for you sit on It's.

We will carry you through.

You are not alone in this.

The lonesome request I have, dear one: 

Keep your eyes aflame. 

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26 minutes ago, PartySick said:

Love it. Agree with it. Want to frame it!


2 minutes ago, teethmonster1 said:

This is so incredibly stunning!

Thank you so much to you both!!! :D

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40 minutes ago, PrinceGaga said:


Thank you so much to you both!!! :D

Thank you for sharing :D

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love it here is mine 

she is italian

she loves disco sticks

but vajayjays too

wanna get a music video

no dwuw for u

6 grammies

lots of fans

little managers too

who the **** is kety



rise from the ashes

rocket number 9 take off to the planet

gaga gaga gaga,

lg5 could neva

Please correct me if I make any grammar mistakes, I want to master English as much as possible.
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1 hour ago, Sister said:

I love it, so true and sensitive about our gal.

Thank you! It means a lot :wub:

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