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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Is Taylor Swift the new target for this fan base?


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it may seem like a trouble thread but i'm seeing a lot of hate pointed towards Taylor on this forum in the past few days.Back then,Katy was the number one target for this fanbase,We've all had our reasons,mine is pretty silly,so i'm not going to mention it :sweat:.

but now it seems like, all of that hate is shifted to Taylor.Is it because she is (or was since Adele is back in the game) the most Powerful Popstar right now?and pop forums love to bring down the "It Girls".i see a lot of people joining the Adele bandwagon just to discredit Taylor and her previous accomplishments,most of them are Katy fans,so i'm not surprised :sis: 

I'm just curious,where all of this hate is coming from?Is it purely based on her successful career and everyone is bitter about it or is there any other reason?

I would also like to ask which Popstar do you like more-Katy or Taylor but i don't want to see "pitting women against each other" posts,so i'm gonna skip that part.

( if you want to answer this question without creating any mess ,feel free to do it :lolly: )

Discuss!! Hoping for some honest answers :popcorn: 

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Paper Gangsta

No, people just don't like suing and spotify things. Just cause they don't like some of her actions doesn't mean they hate her

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No, its everyone

But this thing always happens


When somebody is at the top for long, the moment they get overtaken is the moment the drag starts

See talent here-->http://bit.ly/2eqeUxK
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Yep, and it seems like wishing mental break downs and depression is what some people have come to. 

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I'm waiting for Adele to suddenly become hated here too

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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they (people who were screaming "yaaas queen" in every tyalor thread) are using adele to discredit swifts  success.  


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I hope not. Being hateful is an ugly trait to have. Our fanbase has been the classiest fanbase since C2C and it should remain that way. :neyde:

But Taylor is literally being hated by everyone right now… go check the comments under Adele's video. :madge:

As for Katy vs Taylor, I prefer neither. That's why I stan for the lovely and talented Lady Gaga! :whitney:

i caught your fever, i'll be feeling it forever
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Whenever we have an Artist overshadowing Gaga, this whole place erupts with their reverse breeding of Compassion. 

I'll lift you 3 inches off the ground and drag you to a meter and a half
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people were hating on taylor here even before adele happened, esspecially cause of the suing ****. People hate on someone who is competition for Gaga when she is releasing, when she isn't releasing they cheer for the girl that has success... etc. 


If Gaga was releasing something rn, people would drag adele to the pits. 

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Yeah, she's simply being used to discredit Taylor purely off success. This fan base won't be so happy with her if the 25 era messes with LG5 like 21 messed with BTW :sweat: 

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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For some people yes. Particularly one super pressed troll, but then they started their career here attacking Gaga, so I'm not surprised this is their MO. :reductive2:


Personally, if Taylor outshines Gaga it doesn't bother me. If Adele outshines Gaga, it doesn't bother me. Gaga is a great artist, but there is heavy "competition" for the GP's attention sometime. I don't care that Adele won the Grammy over Gaga. BTW was still a Grammy worthy album, it's just that the committee thought Adele's was more worthy of the title. So be it. I wasn't pressed about Roar, even when I thought it was a subpar song. It didn't change my love for Applause or ARTPOP. I'm not pressed at 1989 or Bad Blood doing extremely well. I actually think that it's fantastic considering some people questioned Taylor's move to pop. 

As long as Gaga continues to get recognition for her talent and her music, I'm cool with others having their moments in the sun too. Why not? They worked hard too. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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Some people may be being serious with their posts.

But some of us here are also only being humorous. And it is to be understood if it can received wrong by fans of the artists.

Written words are much easier to be misunderstood for the lack of tones and expression.

I think that is what many of us here doing mostly anyway, being funny.

You will know which post is serious just by reading it.

I think everyone just need to lighten up since it is not that serious anyway. Return the banter with another jokes if you may and not being so uptight about everything.

By the way, 1989 is her very first album that I purchased cos it is good and pretty much float my boat.

Plus, she is cool with Gaga, so why not?!!

No shxt tho.



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Riot Poof

There are seriously some salty Tayters here.

I think it's because Taylor's had some massive success and exposure, and hate comes with that. The Katy feud, the Spotify feud, and the suing doesn't help matters.

If only Tayters would realize that the same thing happened to Gaga (massive hate due to massive exposure and success) and extend some compassion.

It's also peculiar that people are trying to start an Adele vs. Taylor thing on GGD when Adele coccblocked Gaga at the Grammys. Now, everyone's cool with Adele because she's not threatening Gaga, but Taylor. Never mind that 1989 still had incredible success and five top ten singles on the Hot 100, but Tayters are scrambling for something to rub in our faces.

In short, I do believe that Taylor is GGD's new target. :madge:

I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.
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