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Rape triggers in AHS


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Something I wasn't very aware of until last night was that victims of s-xual abuse and rape are often triggered by rape scenes on TV and in film. It's to bad that Ryan Murphy uses it so freely in his shows as entertainment. Last night a few of my friends had to turn off the show and were really upset from it. 

They didn't put a little warning, but if any of you are triggered by this please be aware to skip from 18 to about 22 minutes of the show! 

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It's a shame because she just released TIHTY... :smh:

“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.” ― Jean Dubuffet
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Anybody can be triggered by anything in television. Suicide, bulimia, blood, violence, kidnap, house break-in. They can't be cautious when making a show centred around ideas of horror, and I'm personally happy they're willing to take risks. 

Kevin Parker, Mac Demarco, Mark Ronson, and a stoned Lady Gaga. Need I say more?
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I mean it's all the nature of Horror

The word Horror comes from Horrific for a good reason , any one should expect anything with this genre. 


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Fiona Apple

This is AHS :yes: It always has rape,disgusting scenes etc. If a person can't handle those things,he shouldn't watch even 10 seconds

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It's a shame because she just released TIHTY... :smh:

Gave me a good chuckle :lmao:

Though, this is a very s-xual and violent show, so I don't think anyone should be super surprised that they've combined the two.. Thanks for letting others know, though! :hug:

Purr more, hiss less.
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Morphine Prince

American HORROR Story. Rape is a horrific thing. You do the math...

There has been a rape in every season. People who are triggered by these things should not be watching this show. The ratings before say "MA, for mature" - Sexual, Violent, Language. 

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There actually is a warning for disturbing content before the show starts, so if someone can't handle it they should listen to that warning and not watch in the first place. AHS has also been known for having rape scenes in the past. If they are sensitive to such things they should be responsible for themselves and research a potentially horrific show before they watch it. 

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Mr Ricky

It's not like, seeing kids get murdered in the series would make anything better to horrify/disturb someone. It's all about the genre, the rape scene gave us the effect already. As you see everyone is disturbed and horrified by seeing it. So it worked. 

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I sympathize so much with victims but it deserves and needs a place in our media. It's something we need to see, it's powerful and reminds us that rape is still very much a real thing and hopefully it'll stir people's feelings who have never been a victim or know of one.

It was a tad OTT on AHS I think... I don't think it would have been AS BAD if it was carried out by another human, but I think the scene is really meant to represent fear and hell on earth so it is understandable.

Also, I know America doesn't really have one on the same level as a lot of countries, but it was shown post-watershed.

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Tove Lo

But wasn't there a meaning behind it? Of course it can still be triggering but I think there was a meaning behind it. Someone talked about it in the live thread.

hop on that **** like a maniac
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Well this is American Horror Story. I trust you're watching just because you're a Gaga fan?



And this. People please. :toofunny: 

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