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Should Gaga put her face back to normal? (Prior to 2012)

Kanye West

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Kevin Parker, Mac Demarco, Mark Ronson, and a stoned Lady Gaga. Need I say more?
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Pure Adrenaline

Again here to see desilusional ppl about Gaga's nosejob. She did it's clear. Same shape, but it's now thinner, more regular, and less long. Omg look at Just Dance then Look at GUY or Applause. She had a little nosejob before ARTPOP, with the lips injections which made her lips horrible.

- InB4 ''Countouring, Make Up, LightLight''other stupid excuses, just look at Gaga at Marina Abraimovic's exposition before ARTPOP, my god. And compare with old pic and tell me it's make up... 

- InB4 ''You know your face change with age'' ... Not your nose sorry. The nose tend to become bigger with age, and the lips to reduce.. Exactly the contrary with Gaga lol

Don't like either the facetape and botox. Yes Gaga should go ''normal'' again. But I love her anyway, and if she is happy like that (not that BTW lol) I'm happy. But I don't want her to ruin her beautiful face like other stars did.

are u dumb or sth ... her nose is basically the same, get some glasses or checked or sth ....






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I don't think she looks all too different now, other than some aspects I'd attribute to aging.

At least she's over her 2012 Princess High injection looks.

3 points in and ready for more
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This is like me asking you what kind of underwear should you wear today.

I.e. none of my business.

Get it?

Not just you, not just about Gaga, but every person out there.

If I want fuller lips I'll go get them done and none of you can tell me nothing.

As long as she's not hurting anybody and she's happy with herself then its OK.

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A. This thread is (kinda) rude. Also there's no such thing as "neutral discussion about somebody's appearence" especially when the OP is criticizing somebody's outer appearance (which tbh is non of your damn business)

B. Why does every change in appearence have to be plastic surgery? Gaga has not f*cked with her face THAT much compared to what an average starlet in the music biz has done by the regular (aka: nose job, cheek implants, chin implants, jaw shave, face lifts etc.) Has it occured to some of you that when Gaga appears to be bloated it might be because she's on her period? I hope that your school has taught you that puffiness and bloating are natural occurances during menstruation :lmao:

C. If you complain about her using face-tape, face masks and lip plumpers because it's not "natural" and "changes her appearence" why don't you stop using shampoo, soap, face scrub, combs, tweezers, razors, make-up, brushes, conditioner, hair-dye and scissors to cut your hair. I mean, none of it is natural and it alters your appearence.

D. A lot of y'all plan out Gaga's entire life and when she doesn't do what you want her to do you create thousands of threads saying "Gaga should do this", "Gaga should do that" and get angry at her living her life the way she wants to. And when somebody gets called out on their borderline abusive behaviour the "WE JUST CARE ABOUT HER!!!!!!" cries are louder than ever. You don't care about her, you wan't to control her. That's not ok in anyway.

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She just gained some weight and of course got old. even just 3 years is enough time to so as for your face to change so slight. Although I prefer that she won't touch her face, it is entirely her decision and her life if she wants to get something done. 

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Here it is! She's the same, a bit older 'cause baby the years go on and the weight change your body......I only have seen Gaga using mask  not more of that, just effects of the make up, she didn't touch her face

another shot before we kiss the other side
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Only thing that stands out as different at the moment are her lips. The rest is the same. 

You don't deserve a point of view if the only thing you see is you.
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Here it is

Thanks for this.

She hasn't done anything permanent to her face. You all can stop accusing her of getting a nose job. 

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I can't really tell the difference oops :neyde:

maybe she shouldn't do it then since it's not that big of a difference? lol

Cause once you let it go you better know it's gone
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I really don't care. She's beautiful to me no matter what


My name is yours! What's Probglum?
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