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Gaga home address including her personal information leaked on the deep web

Luna Lovegood

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Luna Lovegood

Apparently this youtuber is exploring the deep web and he stumbled across this website ( starts @ 1:00 ) where celebrities personal information exposed including Gaga. You can see her name with the rest of the celebrities.









luna’s advocate
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we already know her name, age, address, what she did yesterday....etc it's like 'what's new?'

another shot before we kiss the other side
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That is ****ed up...I don't even think they can trace it since it's in the deep web

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How do they know if the information is real or not? The "social security numbers" are probably just made up numbers. Actually the person who made the video probably made up the information since they don't show us anything.

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'I've been in the deep web since I was 13' GaGa :saladga:

MESS :lmao: :rip: 

❝Is not blue, not turquoise, not lapis. It's actually cerulean❞.
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President Biden

I went to then eel web at the beginning of the summer and it's not that easy. It's really hard. I spent like a whole afternoon and evening and on,y found a few demos that aren't on the normal web. It was a BN demo,MJH acapella demo,Born this way slightly diffrent middle 8 demo and a 3 second tea snippet. Wasn't worth it and took forever. He's lying

I got drunk
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can someone deep search web n find some unreleased gaga songs

I actually think someone on here did a while ago and didn't find anything 

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