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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Are you over Gaga?


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If she read this thread she'd see tons of people sticking by her through thick and thin. 

Yeah, but why to read this one when there are much more interesting ones?

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stop playing the political correct card.

....how did what I said have anything to do with being politically correct? :duck:

What I'm saying is if you actually read the posts in this thread, a vast majority of them are people saying they are NOT over Gaga, and the people who haven't been thrilled are saying they still love her and will stick by her. 

If people would get over the title they'd realize this thread is full of love for Gaga, but instead you're bashing it and actually making what is otherwise a thread of positivity one that is really negative. 
Seriously, this thread had a lot of positive things and no arguments until certain people came along and started complaining. 


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....how did what I said have anything to do with being politically correct? :duck:

What I'm saying is if you actually read the posts in this thread, a vast majority of them are people saying they are NOT over Gaga, and the people who haven't been thrilled are saying they still love her and will stick by her. 

If people would get over the title they'd realize this thread is full of love for Gaga, but instead you're bashing it and actually making what is otherwise a thread of positivity one that is really negative. 
Seriously, this thread had a lot of positive things and no arguments until certain people came along and started complaining. 


So, a troll can open a Topic in GGD? well. thats new

I will go to MadonnaRama and I will open a Topic Called Are you over Madonna? :sharon:


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So, a troll can open a Topic in GGD? well. thats new

I will go to MadonnaRama and I will open a Topic Called Are you over Madonna? :sharon:

And OP isn't a troll. They literally said they will always love Gaga in the first post. 

I actually am getting statistics on the thread right now. I've done the first three pages. 
21 posts are very PRO-Gaga, indicating full on love and/or NOT being over her.
9 posts indicate that they're not super thrilled by Gaga, but they still love her.
1 post indicates the user is feeling "meh" about Gaga, for lack of a better term.
And 3 posts indicate users that are "over" her.
(Then there are about 11 posts that aren't speaking about their feelings towards Gaga)

Statistically, from the first three pages alone at least 88% of the posts referring to feelings about Gaga are positive. 

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What I'm saying is if you actually read the posts in this thread, a vast majority of them are people saying they are NOT over Gaga, and the people who haven't been thrilled are saying they still love her and will stick by her. 

If people would get over the title they'd realize this thread is full of love for Gaga, but instead you're bashing it and actually making what is otherwise a thread of positivity one that is really negative. 
Seriously, this thread had a lot of positive things and no arguments until certain people came along and started complaining.


Not really. On the first page alone, we had:

-No not really but I don't really care much about her right now.

 -YES, I am over gaga

 -As if an award is going to make me come running back as Little Monster when I STAN Lana Del Rey

You know that the majority of people here don't read through a whole thread, they barely read the OP if it is over a paragraph! lol These above selections are the comments people are seeing. They scan the OP and first page, click on the last page and read the comments there before they post their comment.(that's the most that they do) You also know that you have to close threads to turn discussions back on topic, once they go off...and even then people plow straight ahead into off topic territory.

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It hasn't been a decade yet, and she's reached an iconic level that goes above her sales counts and discography. World leaders and stars don't get excited to meet her because they love Poker Face so much (though they might)-- its because she's larger than the sum of her parts. In the beginning, it was incredible to watch someone with a single sleeper hit create explosive fame. Rare. Then it was exciting to watch more and more sleeper success explode as people wrestled with all her unexpected opposites: "she plays piano and writes them!?" "Every performance is individual and different!?". She was A-typical while occupying this typical place of the pop star on the rise. But what has made her individual, and still does, is that she is iconic (in the genuine, historical sense) so soon, so young, and diversely so. Is it her singles alone? No. Is it her voice alone? No. Is it her musicianship alone? No. Is it the pop culture volcano she triggered alone? No.  

Maybe its just easier to see because, though I like so many more artists, I've never found myself drawn to any others beyond listening to their music. She's bigger than people even realize here (which is odd to say the least). She will be remembered as a part of the music history pantheon and that isn't common. Go back to the 80's and see how many pop stars had massive single successes and are relegated to 80's board game trivia today.

So no, I'm not "over her". The world isn't over her. She's larger than the pop-girl rat race. Her focus is on contributing to the arts in a meaningful way. I want more pop hits just as much as anyone, but just as she's mountains more than her hits to date, so will she continue to be-- its thrilling and fascinating to see how her journey will manifest itself from this point on. She has wrangled fame in ways I would not have expected in the past- and I'm grateful that I'm here at this age, at this time and place, to go along on her ride.

Amazing post. :flutter: I really like how you pointed out that Gaga is greater than the sum of her parts- she totally is!

Gaga will always have a special place in my heart. No, I did not like ARTPOP so much but things like that happen with every artist right? I mean you can't like EVERY album an artist puts out, not when that artist is constantly changing and exploring genres. Anyway I'm not even close of being over her. I love cheek to cheek, the Oscar performance is my favorite performance and the covers that she did for Stevie Wonder and Sting reminded me why I love her so much. A lot of you will probably disagree but I really believe she's the best artist we have right now. And, like @Edgelover129 said earlier, She's an inspiration and an idol in my eyes. You don't just "get over" something like that.

Absolutely true! Whenever people are upset about something Gaga's done I just roll my eyes because she has given us so much already and you can be guaranteed that the next thing she gives you will be totally different. 

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I agree with @Kayla, y'all need to hop off her d*ck.

The plain truth is, even if someone is "completely over" Gaga, they still must at least hold her in a high regard to want to be a part of this community. As @Admin stated, the second her new single drops, we'll all be here losing our sh*t trying to get a hold of it.

This thread actually has some sweet posts, and gives a lot of members some insight into why some are still here despite being a little critical or cynical occasionally. It's refreshing.

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Pure Adrenaline

yes I'm over her .... over her big fat s-xy itallian jazz singing ass slapping those cakes like it's my birthday and she's my gift I need to rip apart 

(mod edit: image in spoiler NSFW)





It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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Better Day

I am still here aren't I? I am just waiting for that announcement. 

I may of got bored of Gaga's music (listening to it far too much). I may stan for Madonna right now. I will eventually come back when something more exciting is happening. I am just exploring other artists. 

Together You And I!
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None of us are. 

Even you, I mean if you were over her you wouldn't be checking over this website. The day you'll be over her will be the day you'll not even talk about her. 

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omg yeah totally. if gaga doesn't make an album that satisfies me or my super high standard of her I'm gonna stop stanning!!!1111!111 haha JUST KIDDING. 

I love ha to death I want ha to kill me and wear me. But honestly, I find her so interesting and beautiful plus her fashion is immaculate. Just because she has had her "flops" (which I don't agree with) It will never make me be "over her" 

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